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4 hours ago, difrangia said:

Had an uncle born in 1925 whose brain was fried by sicknesses and ultra high fever when he was a toddler. He was even given up for dead several times and he'd slip back into the world of the living. As he got up into his thirties he had halucinatory episodes in which people were plotting against him and would sometimes get violent, sometimes pushing his mother around and bruising her up. He spent a number of several year stretches in Vinita State Hospital, the largest mental facility in Oklahoma's NE corner. They would get him levelled out and on meds and functioning semi normally and his mother would get his older brother to take her up and check him out. They wouldn't make him take his meds and he'd get out in the ozone again and the cycle would start all over. He died in the late 70's. The nut house was shut down in the 1970's, as was the vast majority of facilities, and now the poor souls just mingle untreated in general society. Sad part is that so many of the off-kilter critters running around are self-induced crazies. Compounding the felony, countries around the world are now emptying out their prisons and nut houses and sending them to our southern border. 


Be as prepared as you can for the brave new world that's coming, Brother.

Please forgive the diatribe, but I appreciate your words Bro and they inspired me. There are great meds and therapeutic interventions for treating and managing mental illness, but they're useless without complete dedication and close monitoring. Depressingly common, but all it takes is 1 mg of denial and it's back to the ozone for most. My grandfather and older brother suffered from bipoler disorder with cycles of profound mania and crippling depression. Both found stability with medication, and learned the consequences of denial through costly trial and error.


For my older brother, his illness didn't show up until his early 20s. It came out of nowhere while he was earning dual degrees in mathematics and computer engineering at UCSD. Dude was absolutely taring it up until finals for his senior year. "With a little help from his friends" so to speak, he started using bennies to help him study. The speed induced an intense manic episode, followed by a complete psychotic break when he ran off and disappeared. Two days later, a buddy and I found him late at night completely looped out of his mind and ranting like the "tweakers" in Mike's vid. The look in his eyes was terrifying because it was plain to see my bro was no longer behind them. There are success stories though, and after 2 months in a psych hospital, he and his super left brain self was again back on the ground with us. With help from his devoted wife, dedication, and close monitoring from his psychiatrist, he's gone on to accomplish amazing things. At 23 he was refining protocol software code to improve system efficiencies for a number of startups, by 29 he was team leader in computer firmware design at Samsung, then went out on his own to designed probability algorithm for epigenetic research, and for other forensic accounting applications. Without meds he likely wouldn't be able to hold down a job at TacoBell.  


As his younger brother gifted with dyslexia, he was my hero, and I gladly lived in the shadow of his intelligence. With maturity gained from both painful and triumphant experience, I learned to value my own uniquely nonlinear right brain intellect. And so, I became a psychologist. What a long strange trip its been, and I'm grateful for every damn minute of it.


Today, fear is back in the air, and if shit truly hits the fan this time, my survival would appear tenuous at best. That said, after losing my vision, I do what I can to prepare as I've always done. I've been tested my whole life, and I know how to accept what I have and make the best with what I'm capable of. I'm tired of being lied to by politicians, and their endless attempts to divide me against my fellow countrymen. I firmly believe that if I want to be strong and well informed for survival, I have to trust myself, and the power of my own critical thinking. I'm sure as F not going to live in fear, and let the prospect of danger rob me of all the beauty right in front of me, no matter what comes. As I see it, in the darkest hour, if we want to be prepared for what comes, our survival depends on unity, and knowing that if we stand together, we truly have nothing to fear but fear itself. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings. Be good my friend.

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21 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Back in the '60 growing up I lived in a town that had the provincial psychiatric hospital. (has 1916 on the buildings, so built before WW1) It was a couple of hundred acres with a working farm for the inmates on it (closed down in early 60s?) and miles of roads and huge buildings. There were lots of 'nuts' walking around town, that was common to see but not any problem. There were lots on site that sometimes wandered away and got lost and this caused a problem but I never heard of any incidents of violence and craziness in town. The really fucked up were locked up. A friend's dad was an orderly and they lived on the premises.


Jump ahead 20 years. It's all closed down now. So where are they? "here's a hand full of pills and a phone number, there's the door" "new patients... just stay where ever you're from and take meds"

          Well,if these people vote,that would explain how Biden got elected,& Newsom,&......

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4 hours ago, paradime said:


As his younger brother gifted with dyslexia, he was my hero, and I gladly lived in the shadow of his intelligence. With maturity gained from both painful and triumphant experience, I learned to value my own uniquely nonlinear right brain intellect. And so, I became a psychologist. What a long strange trip its been, and I'm grateful for every damn minute of it.





Well isn't it funny? I remember well, saying something about all psychiatrists being curious about their own mental disorders and this prompting them to go into psychiatry to learn about and understand themselves. Perhaps unfair to say physician heal thyself? 


BTW aren't all ex wives bi polar too?

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It's a great life !! Name another vehicle based forum where you can just pull off on a 'side road' and take on a little dose of, usually sane, discussion of current socio-political topics to get Ur mind off the busted knuckles and grease stained fingernails.


I often wander 'Is there's a doctor in the house' ? Anyone ever been for a doctor visit and the doctor's got gear-head hands ?? I guess if a doctor is half-successful, he's well-heeled enuf to hire someone else to bust their knuckles on his toys. Seems that would make the car toys possessions instead of 'love affairs'. 


I'm not gonna apologize for the 'off topic'. Maybe I could use a stint in the 'Nut-House' ??

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2 hours ago, difrangia said:

It's a great life !! Name another vehicle based forum where you can just pull off on a 'side road' and take on a little dose of, usually sane, discussion of current socio-political topics to get Ur mind off the busted knuckles and grease stained fingernails.


I often wander 'Is there's a doctor in the house' ? Anyone ever been for a doctor visit and the doctor's got gear-head hands ?? I guess if a doctor is half-successful, he's well-heeled enuf to hire someone else to bust their knuckles on his toys. Seems that would make the car toys possessions instead of 'love affairs'. 


I'm not gonna apologize for the 'off topic'. Maybe I could use a stint in the 'Nut-House' ??


Your nuts are in the right place. Not apologizing for going 'off topic' is SOP for the King Rat's General Discussion Nut House. 


While I respect what it takes to become a Dr. that doesn't mean I would trust them because of it. I've known and worked with many of them and know, more often than not, book smart doesn't always translate to emotional IQ, understanding patients as people, or possessing wise judgement. Just like not all knuckle busters are created equal, you have to find a Dr. you can trust to do the jobs you can't do yourself.


For me, busting knuckles is the best kind of work I've ever done by far, and undoubtedly the best kind of therapy I've ever known. For as long as I can remember, being in a garage wrenching on friend's cars, motorcycles, my 510s, or some ungodly contraption is the thread that runs through my life, and is still at the core of who I am. Although it's something I've always been interested in, becoming a psychologist was by circumstance and not by choice. If fate hadn't intervened, I'd still be a contractor with a hand full of bloody knuckles. I'm not sure I'd still have all my fingers though.


Now back to the puppet show. Dude seems like a good fit, and not one mention of the GOP's orange menus. 



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In the face of such ugly barbaric aggression, I stand behind Israel, but this hyper reactive response by the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce is a complete over reach in this context. I'm no fan of that caffeinated Seattle monkey piss, but this blanket condemnation isn't based on a public stance by Starbucks Corp, or a leaked internal survey on the subject. So with 34,000 locations, and 402,000 employees worldwide, since when does a tiny wing nut liberal union with a ridiculous 9,000 employees represent the entire corporation, or all of its employees across the planet? No doubt, the world would be a better place if Seattle monkey piss wasn't in it. While I support the position, this babushka shaming power play is no better IMO than the little piss ant ANTIFA union they've generously given national attention. In the upcoming battle of public relations, this kind of weak long yard guilt throw will be a zero sum gain for the team. 

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 I won't pretend to understand the motivation in the mid east. If only it could be fought out on a playing field away from any population but that is not the nature of war. Make no mistake, neither side looks good in this conflict. 

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Sittin here having my first morning Java, not WA state 'Caca Del Toro mind ya, and run across an article in my morning read covering the Maine shooting. The conversation that we've been having concerning mental issues plays real strongly in this one. At the risk of picking up the 'Conspiracy Theorist' label, I'm gonna say the thought crosses my mind from time to time that the geeks that perpetrate these incidents just might be cultivated by certain acronymed power centers for longer term goals. Article I was just reading contained this little announcement:



Assult Ban.gif



Edited by difrangia
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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Why are mental cases allowed to own guns? Is it a requirement for ownership? Asking for a friend.


Legally they're not. There are questions on the firearm applications regarding mental treatment, restraining orders, pending felonies, etc. There are so many firearms in possession of the general public that the vast majority of mental misfits have ready access to a piece. It's up to serious firearm owners to control their pieces especially if there's a mental case that might gain control of them. Also the gangsta market element to deal with. Bottom line, when I grew up in the 1950-60's grown-ups instilled a respect in the next generation for firearms and a realization of the benefits and also the destruction that they were able to produce in the hands of the right or the wrong human. Completely different social protocols now-a-days. 

Edited by difrangia
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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Why are mental cases allowed to own guns? Is it a requirement for ownership? Asking for a friend.

Good question.My guess is the same people wanting to ban guns are the same ones protecting the mentally ill and dropping the ball when a mentally ill person attempts to buy a gun.I would assume in many cases they know the person is mentally off and they know he owns a firearm yet do nothing about it.

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2 hours ago, difrangia said:


Legally they're not. There are questions on the firearm applications regarding mental treatment, restraining orders, pending felonies, etc. There are so many firearms in possession of the general public that the vast majority of mental misfits have ready access to a piece. It's up to serious firearm owners to control their pieces especially if there's a mental case that might gain control of them. Also the gangsta market element to deal with. Bottom line, when I grew up in the 1950-60's grown-ups instilled a respect for firearms and a realization of the benefits and also the destruction that they were able to produce in the hands of the right or the wrong human. Completely different social protocols now-a-days. 

Nail, meet hammer right there.


I agree, with so many guns already in the hands of irresponsible morons without lack common sense restraint, enforcement of today's "Gun Laws" are as useless as a donkey fart in a dust storm.


As I see it, these are three questions we need to address if we have any hope of slowing mass shootings from being our new norm.


With our healthcare industry profiting from their grossly under staffed, throw pills at the problem approach to mental health, unstable violent people are left to fend for themselves and the problem becomes our responsibility. With the mounting stress of modern life, health care workers are completely overwhelmed and WAY more ill people are being turned out on the street with a hand full of meds. When it comes to protecting the public from harm, I believe our health care system is just throwing gas on the fire with their greed. Should this kind of profit at the cost of public safety be protected under Free Market Capitalism?  And if not, would a Canadian style socialized medicine be any better? 


Fear mongering and violent rhetoric permeates social media, and the only "conspiracy" I see are the content providers algorithms that guid violent wing nuts to violent content. With that much power and influence on our society, should their freedom to pouring more gas on the fire be protected by the 1st amendment? And if not, what acronym can we trust to protect us from this financial greed monster?


When I was a boy learning to shoot, the NRA had no other agenda than to promote safe and responsible gun ownership. Back then, they stressed the importance of safe storage and not leaving ammunition and loaded weapons around your house. Today their primary agenda is to protect their interpretation of the 2nd amendment by blocking any and all attempts for common sense gun control. This includes any mandate for safe storage of firearms. So with that kind of legislative power, is the NRA's fight for broader 2nd Amendment gun rights making us safer, or do they also derive power and profit from throwing more gas on the fire? Even if the majority of Americans support stronger gun laws, would passing new federal laws only be seen as progress by some, and just another step in a long term goal of a complete federal ban on firearms by others? 


I love my country and understand that with my great freedoms comes great responsibility. In today's media terrified over stressed I-Me-My-and F everyone else society, social responsibility is in short supply. Even with this new found freedom of purely subjective moral reasoning, why is no one asking who's profiting from all this madness? In the Land of The Brave we've been brainwashed to be dependent on the system for our safety, and to believe that unrestrained plutocracy is the same as free market capitalism. And so I believe it's complacency that created this mess, and we have the feckless corporate dependent government we deserve. 



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On 10/26/2023 at 9:32 AM, difrangia said:

Sittin here having my first morning Java, not WA state 'Caca Del Toro mind ya, and run across an article in my morning read covering the Maine shooting. The conversation that we've been having concerning mental issues plays real strongly in this one. At the risk of picking up the 'Conspiracy Theorist' label, I'm gonna say the thought crosses my mind from time to time that the geeks that perpetrate these incidents just might be cultivated by certain acronymed power centers for longer term goals. Article I was just reading contained this little announcement:



Assult Ban.gif



I've reached the point where anytime something like this occurs, I just associate it with the CIA, FBI, or any number of the letter agencies. All of these shootings occur right around (or after) the point where the feds are either gearing up to push legislation against a firearm/part or after they get smacked in a court ruling. In this case, California's assault weapon ban (along with many other 2A lawsuits) just received unfavorable ruling that either ended them, or put them into questioning in the supreme courts.

The FBI and CIA have shown willingness to use questionable or straight up illegal methods to either try and control people, or manipulate people for political gain.

Example 1: MK Ultra. If anyone here is unfamiliar, this is an easy to research pet project by the feds to use narcotics as a means of inducing mind control, or at the very least manipulation. There are other projects that took place under the umbrella of MK Ultra light Operation Midnight Climax that left one of their own dead. I won't ramble on about it, but it's certainly something worth knowing about.

Example 2: Operation Northwoods. This was a proposed false flag operation suggested by the CIA to justify an invasion of Cuba during the cold war. The idea was to convince the general public that a ground operation in Cuba was necessary, and in order to do that it was decided that a terrorist attack (or something like it) needed to occur on US soil. Ultimately Kennedy declined to proceee. Again, not going to ramble.

These are just TWO very real "conspiracies" supported by congressional records, there are many more just like them. The crazy shit is that these are just the few that we know about, and they bring into question the federal governments willingness to commit heinous acts against innocent civilians to gain political power. Imagine what is happening behind closed doors that we DO NOT know about.

If you bring up either of these two topics with someone who has never learned about the feds dark side, they'll call you crazy and insist that you're making things up. If you provide them with congressional reports proving the accuracy of the claims, they'll either refuse to talk about it any further, or they'll somehow try to justify it. because their government would NEVER hurt them or manipulate them.

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In the case of firearms, they aren't any more accessible now than they were in the past 50 years. We had gun stores then, we have them now.

Our culture, however, has changed astronomically and we're unwilling as a society to discuss how our culture surrounding mental health is affecting us. Facing this would mean admitting that we have to make uncomfortable changes to how we approach vanity, popular culture, movies, games, etc.

Situations like the one that occurred recently are a prime example of why passing more gun laws doesn't work.

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Let's see how it cross applies..is a car dangerous in the wrong hands? People could die! (insert stupid emotional response emoji) How about an airplane? A salad fork? A gun?. Now of all these "threats", which Is the biggest obstacle to tyranny? I live as far from Maine as you can get but hearing about it..Why? Because it's news? Then why am I not hearing about the 360,000 excess deaths in the USA alone in the first 30 weeks of this year? Right..guns. Geriatric Joe goes on tv daily talking about The US citizen buying and sending everyone else guns to solve their problems. how does it not apply here?


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19 hours ago, paradime said:

 Should this kind of profit at the cost of public safety be protected under Free Market Capitalism?  And if not, would a Canadian style socialized medicine be any better? 

When it comes to big Pharma, free market Capitalism doesn't exist. Corporate fascism may better describe it. 


As for socialised medicine, in Australia it seem quite good. We are running out of other people's money to run it properly though. 


The further down our path to UBI we go and the less people there are who actually contribute to the nation tax wise it will kind of end up being the snake eating it's own tail. Australia's fastest growing industry is public /government sector. 

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We live in a world where anger is getting out of control.Politics,trying to earn a decent living,paying more for anything you want to do,dealing with rude obnoxious people,watching our own Government take care of non citizens while our own citizens struggle,sending our tax dollars to other countries for war etc. I could go on.No gun control laws would fix anything.I was anti gun most of my life.I always thought they were a toy for ego maniacs that liked to act bad ass.That's all changed now.The citizens of this country need guns and we need more of them.

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