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My wife is cheating on me!!!

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I am a working musician and, as you would expect, travel a lot. I have been noticing strange things happening when I get home. Her mobile phone rings and she steps outside to answer it or she says "I'll call you back later." When I ask her who called she gets evasive.


Sometimes she goes out with friends but comes home late, getting dropped off around the corner and walking the rest of the way. I once picked up the extension while she was on the phone and she got very angry.


A buddy of mine plays guitar in a band. He told me that my wife and some guy have been to his gigs. He wanted to borrow my guitar amp.


That's when I got the idea to find out for myself what was really happening.

I said "Sure, you can use my amp but I want to hide behind it at the gig and see if she comes into the venue and who she comes in with".

He agreed.


Saturday night came and I slipped behind my vintage Marshall JMP MKII 100W half stack to get a good view.

I could feel the heat coming off the back of the amp.


It was at that moment, crouching down behind the amp, that I noticed that one of the tubes was not glowing as bright as the other 3.


Do any of you guitar players think I can fix this myself or should I take it to a technician? Thanks for the help, Shredders. :D

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Hey Dave. If you change your tubes you have to have them biased. If it has 4 power tubes they work in pairs. Which is what I assume you have since it is a 100 watt. If you dont have them biased they will wear unevenly and eventually die out within a short period of time. If it is the pre amp tubes I believe you can just swap them out. I would not go cheap. Get groove tubes exclusively for a vintage amp. Definitely have a pro pick them for you and do all of the work.

I have a Laney pro tube lead 100 and I sent it to an expert and he did all the work and said that with the correct tubes and biased properly they should last a lifetime.

Not every tube is identical. Even if they are the same model. They all have slight variances that have to be compensated for by biasing them.

They basically work like a 4 banger,center 2,outer 2,center,outer etc. in pulses. If not set properly they will not last long or sound as good.

As for the woman...I hope you figure out whats up. Hopefully she is just setting up some sort of supruse party for you but if not.....TO THECURB... More time to shred.:D

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wow i never been so cornfused so uh yah well they say there is more fish in the sea but the only ones i have found i have to put in the bed of my 620 found a really hot chick but she has a crazy eye as datsunfish would say but she is smokin and the amp uh youll have to read above hahaha

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It's just a lame attempt at humor. I don't own a Marshall amp,my wife is not giving it to anybody...myself included.


I am building a "Partscaster" if any of you guitar players are interested.




It's swamp ash. Gonna get a compound radius neck with jumbo fret wire and Ebony board.


The pick ups are going to be from a cat in Oz that hand wires 'em...heres his myspace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=366115811




and check this out Clapton and Santana shredding :lol:

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