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Covid-19 Prepared?

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57 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


I didn't say a rushed to market vaccine could cause problems. I posited "It was rushed and couldn't be thoroughly tested." Big BIG difference. Get it right.


What you said inferred that it could cause problems - could - and now we know definitely has.

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On 6/12/2024 at 9:08 PM, gh0stwerx76 said:



My take away from this is WHY would something that has so many potential health risks ever be pressured onto people. SEVERE adverse reaction from the hokey pokey is estimated at 1 in 800..did 1 in 800 people die from the kung flu? 



This above is what I was replying to.


15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

It was rushed and couldn't be thoroughly tested....



No where in there do I say or infer that it could cause problems. I was offering one possible reason for the problems.

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I haven't said co-vid was a conspiracy, but I have poked fun at those who go on crazy conspiracy rants about it. Agree the government is not very careful looking out for our best interests. The take away is that there is no conspiracy just good old greed and incompetence.

I was just being kind when I said "they weren't looking out for our best interest". I stand by what I've said in previous posts on this thread and on destruction. I believe they did this on purpose to thin out the herd and to test how far they could push the population into submission (population control). See how many freedoms/rights they could take from us before we resisted. Giving the government the out of "incompetence" is a slap in the face to those who lost loved ones to covid and to those who have been injured by the jab.


The US Gov knew exactly what they were doing. From the funding of the lab that tweaked and leaked the virus. To forcing an experimental vaccine on people. To refusing to acknowledge the decades of research data showing that natural immunity is the most effective vaccine. To silencing all experts who contradicted what they were doing and that have since been proven to be right. To allowing hundreds of "BLM" and "defund the police" loons to protest in the streets shoulder to shoulder. While at the same time prohibiting religious groups from having services outdoors while sitting 6 ft apart. To inflating the number of deaths and infections caused by the virus in order to scare more people into getting the jab. >>>To continuing to push the vaccine/boosters even after it was proven that they were not only ineffective, but that they were also injuring and killing people.👀<<< If this still looks like "incompetence" to you, I don't know what to tell you.



Edited by IZRL
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Less than 4 million in a population of what 7 billion? What a monumental waste of time.


Currently the population world wide is in decline and has been since the late '60s. The new births are about 10 per second so 4 million are replace every 45 days. Do you think this makes much difference to the herd population?


Incompetence is much more likely than conspiracy. Too many people involved to keep it a secret. People that have lost loved ones are much more likely to look at the government more critically and grasp at anything no matter how far fetched. Attaching blame is what they want. Someone is responsible.


Someone is responsible all right. Fauci. Experimenting on viruses is insanely dangerous. Topped only by doing it in China!!!!  He should be charged with crimes against humanity.


Believe what you like. I do or I question it. There's plenty of room for doubt.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Less than 4 million in a population of what 7 billion? What a monumental waste of time.


Currently the population world wide is in decline and has been since the late '60s. The new births are about 10 per second so 4 million are replace every 45 days. Do you think this makes much difference to the herd population?


Incompetence is much more likely than conspiracy. Too many people involved to keep it a secret. People that have lost loved ones are much more likely to look at the government more critically and grasp at anything no matter how far fetched. Attaching blame is what they want. Someone is responsible.


Someone is responsible all right. Fauci. Experimenting on viruses is insanely dangerous. Topped only by doing it in China!!!!  He should be charged with crimes against humanity.


Believe what you like. I do or I question it. There's plenty of room for doubt.

To start 4 million deaths is nothing to sneeze at. Secondly there was no way to predict how many deaths there would be. So how would you know if it would be a "waste of time" or not ahead of time. Thirdly, the jab is finishing what the virus started.


You seriously believe that Fauci was working alone😆? Have you not asked yourself why he was allowed to gleefully ride off into the sunset? I knew from day one that If he didn't get prosecuted, he had the backing of the gov to do what he did.

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4 million is nothing. We are talking numbers here, not people. Small pox or Ebola would be way better. Seems to me that if trying to reduce the population, 🙄 this is a lot of bother to gamble on an unpredictable outcome don't you think? For one this failure has taught the population to be extremely skeptical of the government, they can't possibly expect to get away with it a second time. I think it was probably an inevitable lab accident with a very flawed response. Course this is not as sexy as a government conspiracy to reduce the population of the world with a mutated corona virus and deliberately turn it loose and have a flawed vaccine ready to help it along. Occam's razor... the simplest reason is usually the correct one.


Fauci working alone? hell no. But he is the face of co-vid and like Trump I do not like or trust him. He and others deserve what ever negative happens to them

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You're missing a major option. One that they actually said out loud. The lab leak was most likely unintentional even though they were messing with things they shouldn't have.

(Don't get me started on the Winnipeg Virology Lab and Chinese operatives.)



Our American friends are probably unaware of this.

Moving on.

The "powers that be" stated that it was an "opportunity". So they might not have intentionally started the "pandemic" but it was used to further certain agendas. This was stated flat out by the WHO. 

No conspiracy necessary, opportunities were seized by those in power to make moves and they never miss an opportunity.  




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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

4 million is nothing. We are talking numbers here, not people. Small pox or Ebola would be way better. Seems to me that if trying to reduce the population, 🙄 this is a lot of bother to gamble on an unpredictable outcome don't you think?

"4 million is nothing"😆...if you would've lost your mom, a brother, and your brother's wife, to covid like a friend of mine did. Three deaths would've sounded like a lot to you. I lost one uncle and that was more than enough for me. And where did you get this number from anyway? Who was counting, how did they keep count, and how accurate is that number? You don't believe anything anybody says on here, but you believe somebody kept an accurate count of "world wide" covid deaths?


On top of that we still don't know how many people have died and will die from vaccine related injuries. They are finding abnormalities in newborns due to the parents getting the jab. I'm guestimating that we won't know the full impact of the jab until 10-15 years from now.

2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

For one this failure has taught the population to be extremely skeptical of the government, they can't possibly expect to get away with it a second time.

You're joking right? You know better than most of the people in the younger generations and you're still hook line and sinker with what the gov tells you is the truth. Again you keep overestimating people's ability to learn from past deceptions.


2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Course this is not as sexy as a government conspiracy to reduce the population of the world with a mutated corona virus and deliberately turn it loose and have a flawed vaccine ready to help it along. Occam's razor... the simplest reason is usually the correct one.

Covid is only one of a few ways that they're using to thin out the herd. 1. Covid.  2. Force a reduction in global food production. 3. Cut impoverished people off from their only heat source- fossil fuels. 4. Indoctrinate children into thinking they're in the wrong body and then castrating them. Those who don't fall into the castration conveyor belt are taught that being gay is better than being straight.

Edited by IZRL
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9 minutes ago, IZRL said:

"4 million is nothing"😆...if you would've lost your mom, a brother, and your brother's wife, to covid like a friend of mine did. Three deaths would've sounded like a lot to you. I lost one uncle and that was more than enough for me. And where did you get this number from anyway? Who was counting, how did they keep count, and how do you know it's an accurate number? You don't believe anything anybody says on here, but you believe somebody kept an accurate count of "world wide" covid deaths?


Don't get all emotional. It's only numbers for discussion. As I said people that have suffered a loss are more likely to to entertain extreme views as to the cause. They want to blame someone. You're compromised. Make it 5 or 6 million the amount is still trivial for reducing the population is the point. Go look it up for yourself and we'll use YOUR numbers then.


11 minutes ago, IZRL said:



On top of that we still don't know how many people have died and will die from vaccine related injuries. They are finding abnormalities in newborns due to the parents getting the jab. I'm guestimating that we won't know the full impact of the jab until 10-15 years from now.

You're joking right? You know better than most of the people in the younger generations and you're still hook line an sinker with what the gov tells you is the truth.


True we don't know the future.


I know a lot better than many and I'm entitled to my view. I'm no more 'hook line and sinker with what the government tells me' than you are thinking you are not a conspiracy nut with an axe to grind.



18 minutes ago, IZRL said:


Covid is only one of a few ways that they're using to thin out the herd. 1. Covid.  2. Force a reduction in global food production. 3. Cut impoverished people off from their only heat source- fossil fuels. 4. Indoctrinate children into thinking they're in the wrong body and then castrating them. Those who don't fall into the castration conveyor belt are taught that being gay is better than being straight.


We just discussed that co-vid is a PISS POOR way to reduce the population. 


"4. Indoctrinate children into thinking they're in the wrong body and then castrating them. Those who don't fall into the castration conveyor belt are taught that being gay is better than being straight."


You are absolutely fucked up thinking this let alone saying it. So has castrating children reached anywhere near the 3 or 4 million deaths from co vid??? Got the numbers??? No I don't think so, so even a more piss poor way to thin the herd isn't it.

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1 hour ago, datsuntech said:

You're missing a major option. One that they actually said out loud. The lab leak was most likely unintentional even though they were messing with things they shouldn't have.

(Don't get me started on the Winnipeg Virology Lab and Chinese operatives.)



Our American friends are probably unaware of this.

Moving on.

The "powers that be" stated that it was an "opportunity". So they might not have intentionally started the "pandemic" but it was used to further certain agendas. This was stated flat out by the WHO. 

No conspiracy necessary, opportunities were seized by those in power to make moves and they never miss an opportunity.  




That's kind of the way I look at it. Most likely unintentional but after it happened some were so very happy to see what they could do with it. More experiments, scientific research and funding.The one reason I might believe (I said might) it was intentional was because a certain individual had our country running good on all cylinders and they couldn't seem to stop him and screw him up no matter how hard they tried. One thing I'd really like to know is how any scientist like Fauci can get away with creating things (unique deadly virus) nature doesn't create itself ? If it isn't there to harm us don't create it because you're some sicko that just wants to know what it's like to make something nature couldn't. In the name of science my ass. I think Fauci's a sick man that should be executed for being involved with that shit.

Edited by john510
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27 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Don't get all emotional. It's only numbers for discussion. As I said people that have suffered a loss are more likely to to entertain extreme views as to the cause. They want to blame someone. You're compromised. Make it 5 or 6 million the amount is still trivial for reducing the population is the point. Go look it up for yourself and we'll use YOUR numbers then.

Not the reason I don't trust the gov.


27 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

We just discussed that co-vid is a PISS POOR way to reduce the population. 


"4. Indoctrinate children into thinking they're in the wrong body and then castrating them. Those who don't fall into the castration conveyor belt are taught that being gay is better than being straight."


You are absolutely fucked up thinking this let alone saying it. So has castrating children reached anywhere near the 3 or 4 million deaths from co vid??? Got the numbers??? No I don't think so, so even a more piss poor way to thin the herd isn't it.

 I'm fucked up for "voicing" what I think the reason behind what these perverts are doing? I would've thought you would get more upset over what doctors and teachers are "DOING" to these children.

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Just now, IZRL said:

Not the reason I don't trust the gov.


I'm fucked up for "voicing" what I think the reason behind what these perverts are doing? I would've thought you would get more upset over what doctors and teachers are "DOING" to these children.


Not the only reason any of us don't trust the government.


Am I understanding this wrong, then? You're not saying that this is a method of reducing the world population? cause it sure sounds like it. This sounds like more WOKE-ness to me. Rail all you want about the evils of WOKE-ness, I'm on board. Saying it's to reduce the population is weak. Well, unless it has some numbers at least comparable to co-vid deaths... which I have already said was a piss poor method of population reduction.


Messing with kids before and during puberty is just wrong. Let them work it out but have a safety net for them to fall into.  

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I didn't say a rushed to market vaccine could cause problems. I posited "It was rushed and couldn't be thoroughly tested." Big BIG difference. Get it right.


What planet are you on, they made the law one way could not suit for effects for this fake vaccine back in 2015, nothing was rushed, everything that has happened as my planned, while always for their 2016 defend.


We all seen the effects for that, they(the wack ups with the agenda) divided this country.

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25 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Not the only reason any of us don't trust the government.


Am I understanding this wrong, then? You're not saying that this is a method of reducing the world population? cause it sure sounds like it. This sounds like more WOKE-ness to me. Rail all you want about the evils of WOKE-ness, I'm on board. Saying it's to reduce the population is weak. Well, unless it has some numbers at least comparable to co-vid deaths... which I have already said was a piss poor method of population reduction.


Messing with kids before and during puberty is just wrong. Let them work it out but have a safety net for them to fall into.  

We've already talked about this, and all my covid "conspiracy" theories multiple times on here and on destruction and we have agreed to disagree on most of it already. So no point in you and I getting back into it hahaha.

Edited by IZRL
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well since no one asked me I will add my opinion anyway. I think it doesn't really matter what happened or is currently happening. There is obviously some shady things that big pharma did with vaccines to make a lot of money. I think the "conspiracies" have merit like population control etc... but also incompetence is definitely at play. Look at the president we have in the USA currently. If that man is president god only knows how many incompetent people there are pulling strings etc... I have not read all 220 pages of this thread but why is this such an important topic still? I gave up a long time ago, the system is obviously flawed and some corrupt people do some shady things, they always have and always will... also dumb people get into positions of power.  I just stack 2a items and ammo, and try to be as physically healthy and ready as possible for the potential collapse. My kids will be the next generation training in judo and western boxing as little kids, then BJJ and firearms. They will be intelligent, strong, and prepared for this hard world. Home schooled and not manipulated or "groomed". Stewards of our land and caring of other people. Non judgmental but willing to speak their mind. God willing they will raise their kids in the same way... If more people got off the internet and news and focused on building up their own realities we would live in a much better world. 


besides shouldn't we all be out saving datsuns? Let's focus on some important causes. 


Edited by sick620
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1 hour ago, sick620 said:

well since no one asked me I will add my opinion anyway. I think it doesn't really matter what happened or is currently happening. There is obviously some shady things that big pharma did with vaccines to make a lot of money. I think the "conspiracies" have merit like population control etc... but also incompetence is definitely at play. Look at the president we have in the USA currently. If that man is president god only knows how many incompetent people there are pulling strings etc... I have not read all 220 pages of this thread but why is this such an important topic still? I gave up a long time ago, the system is obviously flawed and some corrupt people do some shady things, they always have and always will... also dumb people get into positions of power.  I just stack 2a items and ammo, and try to be as physically healthy and ready as possible for the potential collapse. My kids will be the next generation training in judo and western boxing as little kids, then BJJ and firearms. They will be intelligent, strong, and prepared for this hard world. Home schooled and not manipulated or "groomed". God willing they will raise their kids in the same way... If more people got off the internet and news and focused on building up their own realities we would live in a much better world. 


besides shouldn't we all be out saving datsuns? Let's focus on some important causes. 



I'm raising my kids to reject gay race communism and to be the local Warlords. Afterall, someone has to do it. 

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6 hours ago, sick620 said:

well since no one asked me I will add my opinion anyway. I think it doesn't really matter what happened or is currently happening. There is obviously some shady things that big pharma did with vaccines to make a lot of money. I think the "conspiracies" have merit like population control etc... but also incompetence is definitely at play. Look at the president we have in the USA currently. If that man is president god only knows how many incompetent people there are pulling strings etc... I have not read all 220 pages of this thread but why is this such an important topic still? I gave up a long time ago, the system is obviously flawed and some corrupt people do some shady things, they always have and always will... also dumb people get into positions of power.  I just stack 2a items and ammo, and try to be as physically healthy and ready as possible for the potential collapse. My kids will be the next generation training in judo and western boxing as little kids, then BJJ and firearms. They will be intelligent, strong, and prepared for this hard world. Home schooled and not manipulated or "groomed". Stewards of our land and caring of other people. Non judgmental but willing to speak their mind. God willing they will raise their kids in the same way... If more people got off the internet and news and focused on building up their own realities we would live in a much better world. 


besides shouldn't we all be out saving datsuns? Let's focus on some important causes. 




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