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Lets just say this, i think its fortunate for AL and all the lost boys the i didn't get ripped off or any legal recourse. Because if that were the case, you boys wouldn't have AL's place to work on your stuff. Id spend every last penny i had dragging his sorry ass through the legal system .


Well, start making deals with him and put your money where your mouth is, if not, you should STFU too, fair is fair, right?

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Matt I believe that's because he doesn't post or read Ratsun anymore. In one of the threads that Jrock made a while back he posted his number and said that if anyone wants to talk to him directly they can. That was about the time he left Ratsun.


Edit. If anything I've said came across as defending Al I want to make it clear that's not my intension. Pretty much just talking shit to the hater club "Ah hate hate hate!"

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Of all the threads about Al or Al's tainted projects, I've never seen anyone address the issues brought up by the naysayers.  Just people seemingly defending Al for no apparent reason...similar to the Eagle Adam thread.

That's Al's job to do, I doubt any of us except the parties directly involved know everything, the nay sayers will hate, and the ones who haven't have had any issues with him will troll, welcome to Ratsun.

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Matt I believe that's because he doesn't post or read Ratsun anymore. In one of the threads that Jrock made a while back he posted his number and said that if anyone wants to talk to him directly they can. That was about the time he left Ratsun.


Yeah, I know.  What I'm saying is people will defend a guy, but never give any resolution to the issues.  It seems weird to me to blindly defend someone without giving any explanation or reasoning to address the grievances.


Guy1: Al ripped me off.

Guy2: Al's a good guy.

Guy1: How can that be, he ripped me off!

Guy2: Al's a good guy, though.

Me: wtf?

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That's Al's job to do, I doubt any of us except the parties directly involved know everything, the nay sayers will hate, and the ones who haven't have had any issues with him will troll, welcome to Ratsun.


The way I see it Al copped out long ago, and smells fishy.  I'm not surprised people are still pissed with Al's cohorts around...

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Yeah, I know.  What I'm saying is people will defend a guy, but never give any resolution to the issues.  It seems weird to me to blindly defend someone without giving any explanation or reasoning to address the grievances.



Good perspective. I haven't cause any disturbance or grievance so I'll now stay out of it. It is only my problem if I let it be. Others could take this route too.

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But it does sound like you and low gpa are defending and condoning his behaviour. And when doing so you come across as one of his minion's. I am not trolling here. I've been part of the community for the past 20 years and i do care about members getting hosed. Even if AL isn't here on the ratsun forums, he is still praying on people who feel it's their fualt for not knowing he pulls this stuff.


To the point, its seedy, not moral and eventually deteriorates the community.

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Thanks koheartsgpa. No hard feelings here either.



I didn't post what happened for any drama. Just throwing out there what happened. Hoping this will save someone else from having this happen to them.


I won't argue with anyone about this. Not going to run around and bad mouth him or say things that aren't true.


The 620 is up for grabs at this time.

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Big difference between this and the Adam situation is that more people have had good dealings with Adam than Al. Adam also has been a positive contributer to this community for a long time and has had some issues recently, where as Al kinda shit the bed within a year.

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No one hardly ever complains or gives credit when things go right. Sometimes they do, but generally things going right is the intent of a deal by two honest people. When things go wrong there is always or nearly always something said and finger pointing. Seems to me that Al has had his share of fingers pointed at him in the last couple of years. In the Canby truck build thread and in Jrock's Can't be build thread there were a staggering amount of inconsistencies about where the money went and what happened to all the donated parts. Eventually he couldn't fast talk his way around all the questions asked and he stopped posting here. I imagine he is getting roasted over at NWD right now and eventually will have no where to go. 

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Actually not Mike.


I don't want any drama off this. He doesn't post over there either. Not going to bad mouth him or keep spewing out what had happened with our deal. It's out its done. And any drama on Facebook will get shut down.



With that said. I'm not coming back to this thread. Moving onwards and upwards!

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Here's my story.   Be sure to read at the very bottom too....     Take it for what it's worth.  I am not going to go back and forth and argue about this.  People can make their own judgement on whether or not to deal with Albert.
I had a 521.  I got it from Brian Hatfield.  Spent the last 6 months working on it here and there. New clutch, cleaned the fuse box... Got electrics to work.  It did run, just not very well (distributor)  Got to the home stretch and found out the timing chain guides were dead and needed replaced. Which means the motor needed to come back out.  I didn't wanna pull a motor and do all that shit, as i already had it out once.  Have had some health issues lately (nothing to serious, just pinched nerves in the spine and sciatic... Some autoimmune disease shit...  Seeing a specialist and should be good to go sometime this year), and just wasn't up for it.  I have a 720 that needed some light work, carb, tie rods.. simple easy stuff.  I already had a carb for it, and adapter.  Just no funds for the steering parts that need replaced. So I wanted to take time with the 720, get parts when I could. In the mean time, drive around in a datsun.  Needed my own vehicle
Anyways.  I posted the 521 up for sale/trade. I wanted something that runs and drives.  He offered me up a 79 king cab. (he actually offered me a selection of 620s, none had a motor.  But he had an L16 that runs great he could put in any of them)  Said it had no motor, but he would put in a running L16.   So over the course of a week, he got the motor in it.  Told me it runs and drives.  I asked if the tires had tread, he said yeah some. So it gets here.  And he says, the alternator is dead it needs a new one, and gave me a replacement. Then he says, the radiator gets damp. so he gave me another one of those too.  Then I found out the windshield is busted, when he got here... But he gave me one of those, also.  Was looking around the truck, and the tires are shot.  Completely.  Only good for rollers in the garage.  One is a racing slick now, the rest are past the wear bars.
I swapped the alternator out, the replacement was dead.  Installed a 720 alternator, good to go...   I filled the original radiator up, and it literally pours out the bottom.  Now he told me the day prior he ran it for a few hours and it was great.  He also said the radiator just gets "A little damp". That's why I filled the original radiator up.  I just wanted to fire it up and check it out, then noticed the massive leak in the radiator.  There is no way it ran for a few hours with a dead alternator, a radiator that leaks as much as fast as this one does...  So continued on.  Pulled the radiator out,  set the new one in. It's the wrong one.  That sucked :|   But, Albert DID buy me another radiator off another member.  Oil leaks at a pretty good rate from the timing cover and front main seal.  This engine needs to come out, get torn down and new gaskets.  But is it even worth it?  He said it doesn't smoke. But it smokes... And IDK if it's even worth the time/effort/money pulling it and re-gasketing it....   It was backfiring out the carb. So I checked the timing.  It was at 15 degrees.  I backed it off to 12 & 10. But it has absolutely NO power there, none.... Could be the points in the dizzy are shit?  L16 still has the points dizzy on it. I have a matchbox to install.   The dash lights come on/off randomly when the headlights are on.  And when the lights in the gauges go out the turn signal indicators light up solid.  
The point is.  He told me it was a running driving truck. And it's not.  It's a project.  It needs more work than the 521.  I didn't want to let go of the 521... The only reason I did was to get a running/driving datsun to use while I work on my 720... And when I was done with that, throw the 620 in the garage and start working on it.   Now I have a 79 620 project sitting in front of my house I can't really do anything with.  I don't have the funds to dump into the thing right now. And really, i'd rather have the 521 back and work on it vs this thing.  
He lied to me about it running and driving.  If you count that it starts and backfires out the carb, has no power and will move very little on its own as running and driving, then I guess it is.  It barely makes it up the hill from my garage to the street.  I just pushed it outside after seeing all that and swapped the carb on my 720 and will drive it and fix it.
Pictures of conversation. Multiple times I asked/said need running driving, and assured me it was.
First one.  Says they run and drive
Him telling me what he has, and me telling him I need something that runs and drives.
I listed everything wrong with the 521, that I knew about. So he would know what he was getting into.
Here's him saying it runs great
Here's him saying he trusts the motor
A picture of the motor.  Me saying again, just needs to run and drive.  I also asked about the tires...  He said the tires have OK tread
(said tires that are OK)
The other 3 look like this, down past the wear bars :(
Him saying he will run/drive it and make sure it's all good
Him saying he would be a fe wdays later, which was OK
This was the day before he brought it out.  Wednesday.
Here it is!  Where he says he ran it for a FEW HOURS.  With a dead alternator not charging, and a busted radiator?  
I didn't know about the windshield, radiator, and alternator until it got here.  
Natural weight reduction.
Now, I could have turned down the trade.  But I was told I was getting a running and driving truck, and I trusted him. Not knowing all the other shit that's happened.  He had drove like 4 or 5 hours, and I wasn't ready when he got here. So i had to throw my 720 together, get his wheels on the 521 and get them loaded up.  I should of taken more time to look it over.  but again, i just trusted his word.  We were in a hurry.  I was excited to have a running/driving datsun truck again.  Some of that blame is on me.  This is for others to see, and make their own call on dealing with him or not.  It wouldn't be exactly easy either, to tell him nevermind after he drove all that way to drop it off.
The 521 is worth more than this thing.  Cost/value aside.  I wanted that 521, so bad... Just couldn't be pulling motors and stuff right now.  And now I have to.  I'd rather just have my 521 back and do the work to it VS the 620.  
He did buy the radiator replacement.  Said he would try and help make it right. But IDK what to do to make it right.  A good known running motor that doesn't leak or need a bunch of shit, and a set of tires that were actually good would be nice.   But don't expect it.  I'd be ok with the trade if that stuff came through.   He messaged me earlier but I haven't responded to him yet.
Oh and here's the kicker.  Wasn't even Alberts truck.  It was Hoagies!  Hoagie,  I do not put any of this on you man.  




I didn't post what happened for any drama. Just throwing out there what happened. Hoping this will save someone else from having this happen to them.


I won't argue with anyone about this. Not going to run around and bad mouth him or say things that aren't true.


The 620 is up for grabs at this time.



Actually not Mike.


I don't want any drama off this. He doesn't post over there either. Not going to bad mouth him or keep spewing out what had happened with our deal. It's out its done. And any drama on Facebook will get shut down.



With that said. I'm not coming back to this thread. Moving onwards and upwards!





This, this is how one handles this situation gracefully, and correctly.


Make a few posts of your actual interaction with the person in question as a warning to others, then make the conscious, resolute decision to either reach an agreeable form of settlement or learn from it and walk away.


Not under the guise of "protecting the community" by continually make third party posts bitching, moaning, and complaining about bad deals you aren't nor have ever been a part of, and when it starts to drop off, grab your spoon and stir it up to the top again.




Izzo, I'm truly sorry you experienced such a shitty pile of shit man.  I hope it is all onwards and upwards for you from here.

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Well, start making deals with him and put your money where your mouth is, if not, you should STFU too, fair is fair, right?



by your terms... i have free rain to say fuck Al ... Al is a piece of shit that cares about Al through falsely pretending to care about the community while only looking out for Al,  and Al's benefits... i dont not intend to speak for the people that have contacted me and out their issues but can say, its not to go with out saying, that this is a running theme...my inbox is full .. 



Of all the threads about Al or Al's tainted projects, I've never seen anyone address the issues brought up by the naysayers.  Just people seemingly defending Al for no apparent reason...similar to the Eagle Adam thread.



this is the shit no ones gets ....... or cares to respond to .... why do u defend al ?  cause u have a place to work on your truck?  and u dont wanna lose that ?   hey drive up i will make room if u need help on a project .. i sure as fuck ain't letting you leave with bailing wire and duct tape holding your ride together ... ive outlined the bs with the cantby truc over and over ... even when proof was shown he had no intention of donatingtill h was outed and i was contacted ..its still hey he towed my truck ... i love al ... HE FUckING LEFT RATSUN CAUSE HE SHIT THE BED AND HOSED PEOPLE ... not he owned it explained and moved on ... he ran ... washed his hands and ran.. i dont blame him,  lies are hard to defend .,..MY FAVORITE IS WHEN U MENTION TO PEOPLE IN HIS CIRCLE HIS DEATH BED AND THEY ARE LIKE ... WUT AL WAS SICK??? ...    I hope he wasnt lying about that too




Matt I believe that's because he doesn't post or read Ratsun anymore. In one of the threads that Jrock made a while back he posted his number and said that if anyone wants to talk to him directly they can. That was about the time he left Ratsun.


Edit. If anything I've said came across as defending Al I want to make it clear that's not my intension. Pretty much just talking shit to the hater club "Ah hate hate hate!"



He left cause thats what people do when they arent accountable to their lies ... they run ... 

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