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HNY 2016! scraping sunny on bags


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They are most common in recent years on bodydropped/bagged mini's. 








































































Including Datsun/Nissan heeheehee

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Give the OP a break, hes from Belguim.


They are the poor mans French people (kinda like the Canucks that think they're French).


And FWIW, I thinks its a fucking dumb idea to put skid plates on anything.

I don't think the Quebecois are really Canucks or called Canucks by real Canucks. They live in Canada but don't want to be part of it. Quebec is really a spoil of war awarded in the Treaty of Paris 1763. They are sore losers and think the rest of Canada, an occupying force. They want everything their way and prohibit English road signs in 'their' province. If stopped by a QPP (Quebec Provincial Police) they look at your license plate, see you are not one of them, and then speak to you in French anyway like a stereotypical arrogant prick head waiter. Non-non-non mes amis, .... Le Quebecois?... not Canucks. 

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