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New to the Ratsun!

N a o

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Hello everyone!!


My name is Nao and I am living in Austin TX. I am originally from Japan. I came to the US in 1998 and lived in Boston for 15 years then moved to Austin last summer.


I got my Datsun about month ago. (I used to own 620 long time ago when I was in Japan)


It's a 1969 510. No motor and transmission.. haha.. I wish I can get running car.. Anyway, I am VERY excited about new project!



Nice to meet you guys! and I will probably ask many questions  :rofl: I know very little about Datsun :confused:


Thank you~!!






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Welcome to Ratsun!  It's always good to see another Texan.  Some of us were in Austin a few months ago for Nismo Fiesta.  I think it'll be in Austin again next May.  


In the mean time, looks like you've got a good starting point.  What are your plans for it?

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Thank you everybody!!



Welcome to Ratsun!

Step 1: start a build thread.
Step 2: upload many many many many pics.
Step 3: ask as many questions you need to.


Yes! I will do that soon  :thumbup:



Welcome to Ratsun!  It's always good to see another Texan.  Some of us were in Austin a few months ago for Nismo Fiesta.  I think it'll be in Austin again next May.  


In the mean time, looks like you've got a good starting point.  What are your plans for it?


Great! I love to see other Datsun in Texas. One day I would like to drive my 510 to the show :rofl:


I don't have a specific plans yet. Too many cool 510's here  :thumbup: and I like all kind of styles!



Welcome! And that is an incredibly photogenic child!


Hahaha. Thanks! They said the car is very dirty... but they like to use screwdrivers and taking parts off from the car :rofl:



Welcome! You can go from zero to hero as far as Datsun goes around these parts. Lots of great people with lots of knowledge to share. Hope to see you making progress with this 510 soon! Good luck!





Welcome. I'm new here too, but this place is an amazing resource. Lots of helpful folks here.





spoken like a true pedophile..q tip ... welcome .... i like you stock color .. i have a two door thats that same dark wierd blue ... 





That you proceeded to disassemble like a tweeker that found a transistor radio.





I read that first part backwards, and it made more sense ... :rofl: ... That's a nice 510 OP, cool foglights .. :cool:


Yes! I like the look of fog lights :thumbup:



Sweet find Nao.....keep the pics comin'!!


Yes! :thumbup:

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But have you seen his wagon?



That was like 3 years ago.....that it didn't get finished....and was to be set on fire..





 NANER I havent touched the blue one since buying it ..... and i wont it will be moved on and available for purchase in favor of the projects I have ... wagon is on ice .... i touch it now and again nothing worth posting about .... ordered a bunch of stuff for it and the gold four door ... should be here this week ... i boughtthat two door ... for a tranny i guess ... shit i dont know why i bought it i blame frank for not buying it .... he should of made me leave right then ,,, i wasn't in the right frame of mind but when am i ever 

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