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INSMNCS: John Cain

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Everybody I know is poor, all of their lives matter. Fuck that shit


I've never met anyone who wasn't important.



Not saying I agree, this is the way that people treat each other and have treated each other throughout history.


This paradigm historically crosses all cultural and ethnic lines.


This is the way we are hardwired as homo sapiens.


Chumash Indians whom used to live in the area where I currently reside before they were wiped out knew this.


They used to judge wealth by some kind of seashell and those whom had the most were treated with respect, deference etc..much like we treat the wealthy now.


The thing is at a marked time in the yearly season all the shells were burned in a ceremony of mourning.




Then they would start all over again with a complete understanding of the futility and danger of unbridled greed.


That we label a primitive society as such when they could comprehend and conquer one of humanities idiosyncrasies makes me wonder who the primitives really are.

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this right here, you can't make this stuff up. I wish I could be as a good a person as boyd


And luckily I grew up in a small town in the foothills up here and wasn't allowed out too much. The neighborhood knew us well and accepted us with open arms luckily. It just wears on some kids when they don't match and don't fit in with the "normal" of an area. Luckily when I moved in with my mom during high school there were kids that accepted me and didn't care where I came from or what colour my skin was. Ended up rolling with the outcasts of the school and some of them to this day are still dear friends.

I hear ya. I was a football, country music, 4x4 hating kid growing up in southwest Oklahoma - might as well have been purple to boot. I think Boyd would laugh to have been called "good" but he always strived to be fair. That's all I try to do in my life and most people respond positively. I feel like the world is more accepting than it was even twenty years ago. I hope it is. Being odd can scar a kid. I still can't see a football huddle and not think they're talking about me ;).

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The problems know no color.


Whites been doing more than their fair share of contributing to the problems of this planet for a long time now. 


The dominance of Anglo Saxon/Northern Europeans is a large part of the current set of issues we face. 


Have people of other coloured skin caused problems too?




Have they instituted what we currently have to deal with? 


Do they possess any way to correct or overturn the same?


Collective responsibility is a good idea in theory but getting humanity to do it and move forward is another.

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You know, I love that all these new cars are vulnerable to hacking due to their wifi/bluetooth/whatever the fuck they have.  Guess what isn't?  My Datsuns!  Winning!!!  :D

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You know, I love that all these new cars are vulnerable to hacking due to their wifi/bluetooth/whatever the fuck they have.  Guess what isn't? 




Deez nuts?

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