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Hitting the "like" button more! It's the new kool thing!

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Just like the title, I would like to encourage every member to hit "like" more when they come across something they actually like when reading along.  :D Easy right? I say this because I think we can all admit it just feels good to get online and see proof that people actually appreciate something we shared. Or maybe they like it because you were funny, witty, or the photo was awesome. Or maybe it was just so shitty you made them laugh. Whatever the reason, I'll be the first to admit I like "likes." Not that I care about any of you degenerates actually liking me though, don't get it twisted. I just like to know the time that I take away from human contact in the dark corner of my basement on Ratsun isn't a complete waste of my life. So I ask in the sweetest female voice you can conjure in your head, please don't forget about that little "like" button on the bottom right. Together we can triple the "likes" in 2015!  :frantics:  But to try it alone, I'm afraid is a frivolous path...  :crying:





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In rock climbing. There's something called sandbagging. Routes are ranked less difficult than they actually are. So when a new climber comes to your spot they feel unworthy of the local talent. Measuring waves in Hawaii is the same way. What Californians would call 10 foot, Hawaiians would call 1 to 2 foot. I reckon Ratsun is kind of the same way, you can put a picture of your rig on Facebook and get 200 likes, post the same pic on your thread here and get nothing. But if you do get 20 likes on Ratsun you know you've really done something special...

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i miss the dislike button.. :bye:



Man we need to get the dislike button back. Start a petition and get king rat on it



Yeah, a dislike button would be AWESOME for troll comments! Some people would have more disliked posts than likes.



Lol I liked the dislike button!


There will NEVER be another dislike button. You girls aren't in high school and you aren't mature enough for it. Groups of trolls would bully others with it. All it takes is one member pissed at another and they can negative 'dislike' that other member's every post. Glad it's gone and good riddance. I saw the like/dislike history for all members and surprise! there were some members that NEVER ever once gave a like, only pages and pages of dislikes and then, they had the nerve to get bent and complain to me when they got a dislike. So I gave them a few hundred more dislikes on their profile page.. Well fuck that personality type. 


I believe you can get more with a carrot than a stick. People are more likely to respond in a positive way to a positive 'like' on their posts. A negative can often as not, bring out resentment and more negativeness. If you don't have anything good to say... say nothing.

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There will NEVER be another dislike button. You girls aren't in high school and you aren't mature enough for it. Groups of trolls would bully others with it. All it takes is one member pissed at another and they can negative 'dislike' that other member's every post. Glad it's gone and good riddance. I saw the like/dislike history for all members and surprise! there were some members that NEVER ever once gave a like, only pages and pages of dislikes and then, they had the nerve to get bent and complain to me when they got a dislike. So I gave them a few hundred more dislikes on their profile page.. Well fuck that personality type. 


I believe you can get more with a carrot than a stick. People are more likely to respond in a positive way to a positive 'like' on their posts. A negative can often as not, bring out resentment and more negativeness. If you don't have anything good to say... say nothing.


This post needs the dislike button to be hit. 






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