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Whitehouse petition to repeal 25 year import ban.

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We should all sign this. Its  been up for 2 days and gotten over 1/3 of the way there already.





I actually want to see this considered. And if its denied, I want to hear the BS reasoning behind it since the Grey marked hasnt been taking money out of the U.S. German car dealers pockets for 25 years now. That is the reason it was started in the first place, people were importing from europe to get around taxes and fees and not pay dealer costs in the U.S. It never had anything to do with JDM cars.

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I'll sign, but our government will never release it. Especially after they bought out US car companies with US tax dollars. They have a stake in leaving that import ban in place unfortunately.

I would like an explanation of how 15 year old cars have any effect?


This would make legal a 1999 automobile. The longest lease I have ever heard of is about 2-3 years, and if your paying for a car over 10 years your not very smart or using your brain.



So please elaborate on how 15 year old cars almost at the point of being an antique, (which is considered 20 years old) will have any effect on ANYTHING other than the tuning and vintage exotic market that doesnt matter to car builders or the government?



And elaborate much farther than that actually. Last I checked GM is facing another downhill decline to being screwed, and America has NO investment in these companies anymore. Nor would this have any effect if it did since the general populous wants new cars, not old ones.


You might want to straighten out your facts.




And yes, these petitions are largely meaningless, just like our entire two party system that doesnt work anymore. But none the less I would like to hear the response, and 100k signatures gets us that at very least.

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First off, cool your jets. I make a point and you get nasty.


Now to elaborate my point. Any car sale, new or old, can cut into another sale somewhere else. This import ban had more to do with not allowing newer cars to be purchased and flown in and the govt not making any mony in terrifs or taxes. Also cutting into the sales of american cars as well (why tarrifs were started too).


Older cars are even harder to import. I live in California. Smog Nazi land. Most cars from other countries run a higher compression than cars that meet California emmisions. Why in the early 80s when we were importing engines from Japan, it was stopped in I thin 83.


Next time you question a post, there is no reason to get hostile. God, people being so bitchy today.


Oh, and america has no investment? Why the govt is requiring GM to make and sell electric cars, Pontiac, Saturn and other branches being shut down. All govt vehicles including the presidential limo moving gm. Ya, the govt has a stake in these companies.




I would like an explanation of how 15 year old cars have any effect?


This would make legal a 1999 automobile. The longest lease I have ever heard of is about 2-3 years, and if your paying for a car over 10 years your not very smart or using your brain.



So please elaborate on how 15 year old cars almost at the point of being an antique, (which is considered 20 years old) will have any effect on ANYTHING other than the tuning and vintage exotic market that doesnt matter to car builders or the government?



And elaborate much farther than that actually. Last I checked GM is facing another downhill decline to being screwed, and America has NO investment in these companies anymore. Nor would this have any effect if it did since the general populous wants new cars, not old ones.


You might want to straighten out your facts.




And yes, these petitions are largely meaningless, just like our entire two party system that doesnt work anymore. But none the less I would like to hear the response, and 100k signatures gets us that at very least.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stop buying car parts and start buying survival gear. This shit going to implode soon.


There's a reason behind them not wanting to let us keep old cars going, it's called millions of new cars all over the world being unsold and sitting in storage fields. How can they keep the taxes, and debt money slavery going without idiots buying new cars that can't afford them. Housing market was first, new cars with shit loans are next. Start saving for that new car during the next down turn it's coming sooner than later.

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As some of you have completely over looked ,, this law isn't called ,  DOT/EPA “25 Year Rule” Car Import Ban

It's actual name is ,, H.R. 2628 (100th): Imported Vehicle Safety Compliance Act of 1988  ,, notice the date?


Please send your thanks to :   Ronald Reagan Presidential foundation and  library 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley, CA 93065



Me personally ,, i think since we can't track where the money goes when the overseas sellers profit from dumping "foreign" cars on the great United States of America.. How do we know these peddlers of used cars,,, as i like to call them,, aren't a front for terrorism..







And god bless Sean Hannity .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes and we in the car world refer to that law as the "25 year ban" because it effectively bans anything that is not 25 years old.



And yeah, genius Ronnie screwed alot of other shit up as well.






Lets get this straight, the reason this ban was put into place was never because of Japanese imports. Back in the 80's you could buy a Mercedes Benz 560SEL for like $58000, if you buy it in Europe and ship it over then it would cost you something like $460000 after shipping and import fees and everything. We lost tons of money on taxes from people doing this.


Most other countries dont have laws like this, and if they do they limit them, its to 15 years not to 25. Unlike alot of other countries we dont get to have any grey imports whatsoever for 25 years, which is completely BS.

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Yes and we in the car world refer to that law as the "25 year ban" because it effectively bans anything that is not 25 years old.



And yeah, genius Ronnie screwed alot of other shit up as well.






Lets get this straight, the reason this ban was put into place was never because of Japanese imports. Back in the 80's you could buy a Mercedes Benz 560SEL for like $58000, if you buy it in Europe and ship it over then it would cost you something like $460000 after shipping and import fees and everything. We lost tons of money on taxes from people doing this.


Most other countries dont have laws like this, and if they do they limit them, its to 15 years not to 25. Unlike alot of other countries we dont get to have any grey imports whatsoever for 25 years, which is completely BS.



Ok but using the phrase "let's get this straight" to make yourself sound knowledgeable and then using abitrary cars and arbitrary numbers you pulled out of your ass,, doesn't really help your arguement..  At least not for people that think for themselves anyways,, it  actually makes you look more like Somerset Frisby..

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Then there are laws enacted (possibly on sound reasoning at the time)that later serve no possible use but everyone and everything has moved on and no one cares to dredge it all up and go to so much bother time and expense to remove it. Like a VHS company that went out of business years ago but left the OPEN sign on.

Sort of like this thread. :lol:

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Ok but using the phrase "let's get this straight" to make yourself sound knowledgeable and then using abitrary cars and arbitrary numbers you pulled out of your ass,, doesn't really help your arguement..  At least not for people that think for themselves anyways,, it  actually makes you look more like Somerset Frisby..

Regardless, the reasoning behind the law is because of exactly what I stated. It has nothing to do with vehicles over 15 or even 5 years old, and therefore makes the 25 year law excessive.


The reasoning behind the law was EUROPEAN vehicles being grey market imported to bypass UNITED STATES TAXES/TARRIFS.

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Love dexter (nohomo) tried watching the first year but couldn't get my wife and I in the same room on those nights. Years later netflix... and we chewed through them all and it was great.


Recently finished watching myself on Breaking Bad and finished House, and am working on The West Wing and Hell On Wheels. fuck tv

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