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Look at the Hillary and Podesta emails, it'll make you vomit....

In the spirit of relevance, is there any dirt on Michael Dukakis you'd like me to know about?


I know he's advocating the use of electro shock therapy. It apparently worked well for his wife.

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The 3rd rate cut and paste periodical that is our local rag has an opinion piece on Michael Flynn; referring to him as a traitor.




Any truth in it?

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You nailed it in the post before this one. They are making a statement on government secrecy by releasing whatever they get. They don't go out and get the information.


Love it or hate it, it's a statement. Not a source. I could make up all kinds of shit and get it published on WikiLeaks if I still had a security clearance.


In the spirit of not be..


Edit: hit post by accident.


.. ing dismissive, I will make a point to read another person's alleged E-mails. I will report back on what I find. It won't be right this second. I can assure you that I will not vomit, but I will give an honest review.

What difference does it make between a statement and a source ? Once you have the info made public it doesn't matter.I call BS on you making up "all kinds of shit" and getting it published on Wikileaks.

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What difference does it make between a statement and a source ? Once you have the info made public it doesn't matter.I call BS on you making up "all kinds of shit" and getting it published on Wikileaks.

The difference is in the follow through. WikiLeaks doesn't pressure anyone to answer questions about the contents of the documents. Putting them in the public view is the end goal.


Journalists have the end goal of explaining the nuts and bolts. The document is only the first step.


As for calling bullshit. You're right. I've never had access to anything you couldn't learn in a public library. However, someone who does have access to sensitive material could easily designate what gets leaked.

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Adele did an interview a few years back where she said she sometimes confided different stories to different people. If something came up in the tabloids, she would know which person had that version of the story and stop trusting them with secrets.

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Here's a story from a source you guys would probably dismiss off hand.  I rarely read their columns because there is too much opinion sewn in for my taste.  However, this illustrates my point pretty while not giving any ammo to any side of our discussion.



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Info should be come from everywhere, knowing the 'spin ... Deductive reasoning and analytical thought..what is really going on.






So how long before Canada changes tune and closes the door?



"Asylum seekers fleeing US for Canada brave snow, extreme cold"

That little bitch trudeau , gonna get yanked in by some tiny hands :)

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Luckily we never have to worry about any of that with the current president. He puts all of his garbage out in public and hides the shit everyone else releases.

Love him or hate him there will be less going on behind our back than in the past.


He doesn't think in popularity numbers, he is used to drama being good for ratings

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