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But the .gov server was hacked during her term apparently. Is a highly targeted arena really much safer? .

Technically, yes.


What reduces Security (in an Infosec context) markedly is when peopl do things like send passwords "in the clear". The Wikileaks top 100 has a classic example of the with Podestas password.


So a very basic password gets sent on an very low security email address from a computer server with probably little (if any) security controls around it. As far as Podestas password goes, its close to as bad as you can get, English language based words with no complexity are worse.


So even the most basic of threat actors now nows Mr Podestas password is "p@ssw0rd". I will bet both my testicles this is the same password he uses almost everywhere. Ok, so now I as the hacker know his email account is something like Podesta@state.gov. Many governments use basic naming conventions for their passwords so this is easily worked out, hell, its existance would be in the Public domain anyway.


Now armed with rudimentary hacking tools and a modicum of computer savvy, the threat actor basically has a open door into other areas. The simplest analogy I can give here is the house door is now open, and the thieves can get at everything locked inside.


If we get to Hawai in the next couple of years, id be glad to give you a much more detailed (verbal) explanation (over a few beers) on just how unsafe information is when its connected to the Internet (and infosec is not my core specialisation). ;)

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Also, she has Special Access Programs which are not only the highest level of classified material.. but she didn't have access to those documents. Not only that but special access programs are so secure it requires you to physically go to a secured location to view them. And there they are, on her server.

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The biggest issue with the emails is not really what they found, it is the fact that someone could gain access so easily. Thus, potentially putting classified materials at a higher risk than normal. 

Yes, quite a few folks wanted to find smoking guns, and in a way did. But there was not much really and some of it will most likely never be recovered. 


The Democrats really took it in the ass and ultimately learned that one should not type up whatever they are really thinking and commit it to emails and messages on the web. Nobody ever thinks that what they write in private will ever come back to haunt them, but, the DNC proved otherwise. 


So, did the Russians hack it all? Well, it was a Russian in Russia , and that is close enough for the Democrats to start shooting at the Russians. 

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As I said a few weeks ago. We may look back on tihs as the year politicians started to clean up so their past won't haunt them in the future. You can't say stuff and not expect it to be 'out there' somewhere. Reminds me of early cell phones and prince Charles telling Camilla he wished he was her tampon. Naturally someone over heard this electronically.

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Alright. I appreciate that link. Nothing seemingly worthy of the uproar in my opinion. The pile stinks, but pretty much what I expect of a Secretary of State. Sad, but true. TPP email pissed me off. Benghazi stuff is enraging. And Clinton foundation is a terrible idea. But all of that was out before the emails...

Nothing worthy of the uproar ? I usually don't tell people they're wrong but you're WRONG ! 

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I just know I didn't want to see a nuclear conflict started with Russia because some dweeb clicked on an email with a subject line that read, "don't wanna sleep alone tonight? click here!" and then got pissy because the resulting compromised data cost his party the presidency.

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Megyn Kelly to leave Fox and head to NBC.


She had the lowest ratings in Fox prime time, even with a solid lead in. She will go to NBC and free fall in the ratings. But they are use to mediocre ratings over there.

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