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I don't care who he picks for his cabinet members as long as they are working for him(the people) and not special interests.

What I mean is that your not going to send the kid that drives down your street like the devil is chasing his ass to the Indy 500, you going to send a race car driver, so you have to send someone that knows what is going on on Wall street, and Trump has to be sure that they are working for him the President, and not Wall street.

I can tell all of you this for sure, if Trump picks someone that the Clintons/Wall street/Banks/Republicans/Democrats/Obama/ don't like, they are going to use whatever means necessary to stop it, all the news networks will run ads against Trump and his pick/s, they will use anything they can to stop it from happening, they will lie, cheat, make up stuff, they will do anything to stop anyone from changing the way they do things, they will even start a war if they have to. 

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In the next midterm many of those pieces of shit so called republicans need to go, including the top two weasels, Ryan and McConnell, drain the swamp!

I bet a whole bunch of them will be packing their desks. In 2 years, Dems will be a force in the voter booth. It always trends that way opposing the prez. I suspect that is how republicans took senate, because Trump was presumed to lose.

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I don't care who he picks for his cabinet members as long as they are working for him(the people) and not special interests.

What I mean is that your not going to send the kid that drives down your street like the devil is chasing his ass to the Indy 500, you going to send a race car driver, so you have to send someone that knows what is going on on Wall street, and Trump has to be sure that they are working for him the President, and not Wall street.

I can tell all of you this for sure, if Trump picks someone that the Clintons/Wall street/Banks/Republicans/Democrats/Obama/ don't like, they are going to use whatever means necessary to stop it, all the news networks will run ads against Trump and his pick/s, they will use anything they can to stop it from happening, they will lie, cheat, make up stuff, they will do anything to stop anyone from changing the way they do things, they will even start a war if they have to.

Work for the people? Or Trump? Two different things. Also, the reason you should care is because this is exactly the kind of disqualification he used against obamas cabinet. I tent to agree with you on the fact that a president needs people who know their way around, so I am not unhappy. But it is a dishonest bait and switch that really should signal the alarms. If he lied about his swamp draining rhetoric, what shall we expect going forward?


Trump is a Manhattan business mogul not interested in the little guy. But it sure served him well to play like he was.

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Work for the people? Or Trump? Two different things. Also, the reason you should care is because this is exactly the kind of disqualification he used against obamas cabinet. I tent to agree with you on the fact that a president needs people who know their way around, so I am not unhappy. But it is a dishonest bait and switch that really should signal the alarms. If he lied about his swamp draining rhetoric, what shall we expect going forward?


Trump is a Manhattan business mogul not interested in the little guy. But it sure served him well to play like he was.


I guess I didn't word what I said well, but in the end I will wait and see what happens, as there is always going to be someone that is going to bitch about anything being done, and they are going to bitch for the sake of bitching, if he doesn't do anything he said he was going to do, how is he different than any of them?

The way I see it, if he changes the way the last few presidents have run things, and brings manufacturing jobs back to this country, then we are going the right direction on that front at least, we need to buy made in the USA in this country, that is what made this country great, and if things don't turn around, Asia is going to be full of great countries, and we are going to be screwed.

What makes you think that any of the last 4 Presidents gave a rats ass about the people of this country, they only care about who is going to make them rich.

I kinda look at Trump like this, he wants whatever is going to keep this country from sinking to the bottom, he has a lot invested in this country, if this country flounders then he will take a significant hit also, sure he has enough money to move to where ever he can make money, but he already has that here, better to fix it here so that all of us make money than to start over somewhere else, that is how I see him.

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I agree with so much of that Wayno. If he brings our product up, it will serve everyone!


All I disagree with, as unpopular as he is here, I think Obamas administration, in the first year in office, saved our economy. So I've got no ill will toward him.

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I agree with so much of that Wayno. If he brings our product up, it will serve everyone!


All I disagree with, as unpopular as he is here, I think Obamas administration, in the first year in office, saved our economy. So I've got no ill will toward him.


If he had held the people that caused the 2008 collapse of our economy responsible for what they did to all of us, then I would not have any issues with him, but he and all the other scum running this country paid them off(saved them), they should all have went to prison for what they did to this country.

I wonder how many manufacturing jobs went out of business in 2008/2009, and I also wonder where all the products were bought after that to replace what we were not making anymore, makes one think that maybe it was done on purpose to make the people importing stuff richer.

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Work for the people? Or Trump? Two different things. Also, the reason you should care is because this is exactly the kind of disqualification he used against obamas cabinet. I tent to agree with you on the fact that a president needs people who know their way around, so I am not unhappy. But it is a dishonest bait and switch that really should signal the alarms. If he lied about his swamp draining rhetoric, what shall we expect going forward?


Trump is a Manhattan business mogul not interested in the little guy. But it sure served him well to play like he was.

Lets just wait and see. Everyone hired has signed a contract saying they will not lobby 5 years after leaving government. As he stated he would do prior to election. 

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I agree with so much of that Wayno. If he brings our product up, it will serve everyone!

All I disagree with, as unpopular as he is here, I think Obamas administration, in the first year in office, saved our economy. So I've got no ill will toward him.

Im sorry, addiing $10 Trillion to the national debt IS NOT SAVING AN ECONOMY.

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I agree with so much of that Wayno. If he brings our product up, it will serve everyone!


All I disagree with, as unpopular as he is here, I think Obamas administration, in the first year in office, saved our economy. So I've got no ill will toward him.

Obama saved the economy ? I must not have been paying attention.

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Gowdy & Chaffetz have been trying to drain part of the swamp, watch this dude turn red like his tie!



While I love watching congress asking these questions and watching the person(s) in the hot seat sweat and stammer...... That the fuck happens? anything? What's the sense of this exercise if no one is held accountable? At least no one seems to be.

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Obama saved the economy ? I must not have been paying attention.

Obama walked into a US economy resembling Fukushima after the flood. What his team did, spared us from far worse. Market action do not show affect for some time. All of the precursors of that shitstorm were in place before he took office. I'm sure you disagree with how he handled it, but I expect you recognize he didn't cause it. Now go speak with anyone with doctorate in economics and they will tell you how fucked we were in 08. We barely prevented a nose dive. our economy has been on the rise for years now, weather you've felt it at home or not.


But as Wayno said, I do hate that those responsible weren't held accountable. That is unforgivable.

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Obama walked into a US economy resembling Fukushima after the flood. What his team did, spared us from far worse. Market action do not show affect for some time. All of the precursors of that shitstorm were in place before he took office. I'm sure you disagree with how he handled it, but I expect you recognize he didn't cause it. Now go speak with anyone with doctorate in economics and they will tell you how fucked we were in 08. We barely prevented a nose dive. our economy has been on the rise for years now, weather you've felt it at home or not.

But as Wayno said, I do hate that those responsible weren't held accountable. That is unforgivable.

I agree that it was fucked (the economy) but Obamacare is the nail in the coffin, that alone fucked EVERYONE even those who benefited in the short term, you cannot look the other way, man.

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I agree that it was fucked (the economy) but Obamacare is the nail in the coffin, that alone fucked EVERYONE even those who benefited in the short term, you cannot look the other way, man.

Yup. Single payer was rejected by the right. That was Obamas plan. He actually based the ACA off of Romneycare in an attempt to win enough support for its passage. I want single payer as well. Mind you, I'm no free loader. I make money, and pay plenty of taxes. As well, I never go to the doctor. I don't even have a PCP. I want every fucking insurance company to lose the back of their neck by the head of my dick. They raise rates amidst record profits this year. Fuck them for their bullshit

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Yup. Single payer was rejected by the right. That was Obamas plan. He actually based the ACA off of Romneycare in an attempt to win enough support for its passage. I want single payer as well. Mind you, I'm no free loader. I make money, and pay plenty of taxes. As well, I never go to the doctor. I don't even have a PCP. I want every fucking insurance company to lose the back of their neck by the head of my dick. They raise rates amidst record profits this year. Fuck them for their bullshit

He could have pushed single payer if he really wanted, the same way he pushed many bills via executive order, I suspect the bigger power players had a big hand, *cough*biginsurance*cough*

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While I love watching congress asking these questions and watching the person(s) in the hot seat sweat and stammer...... That the fuck happens? anything? What's the sense of this exercise if no one is held accountable? At least no one seems to be.

rumor has it that Trump picked Sessions because Sessions has never been especially popular with the DC insiders and would have no problem with prosecuting any/all of them. Trump can raise his hands up, step back and say, "Hey, that's the AG's call!" as Sessions starts to issue indictments.

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While I love watching congress asking these questions and watching the person(s) in the hot seat sweat and stammer...... That the fuck happens? anything? What's the sense of this exercise if no one is held accountable? At least no one seems to be.

That's why Ryan needs to go, he's the leader of the GOP (until Trump is sworn into office) and everything has to go through him, don't forget he was protecting Clinton, I'm sure they got dirt on that scumbag, can't wait to see it :thumbup:

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He could have pushed single payer if he really wanted, the same way he pushed many bills via executive order, I suspect the bigger power players had a big hand, *cough*biginsurance*cough*

Executive order? No. It was a senate play. Harry Reid pulled that out. And he was right. They would have been filabustered.

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