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Uuuummmm, sadly mate, here in our gods country, due process and natural justice rules.


Not withstanding all the checks and balances, which, by law must occur, if a person here is escalated to be a Prohibited Non Citizen (illegal), its highly likely they will be issued with a "bridging" (interim) visa whilst our fucked up namby pamby tree hugging system sorts shit out



Your response was to my question about USA not AUS (?)

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They can't ask you, unless you actually commit a crime.. I believe. If you do commit a crime.. it's a toss up. There are measures on the ballots to give illegal residence drivers licenses and stuff... it's nutty as fuck.


I guess they can ask for identification if stopped, driver's license if driving.

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They can't ask you, unless you actually commit a crime.. I believe. If you do commit a crime.. it's a toss up. There are measures on the ballots to give illegal residence drivers licenses and stuff... it's nutty as fuck.




my only question is ,,,,,,,,,, when you walk on to a job site, or into a restaurant,,,,,,,, who isn't illegal?

I'm not making any oppinion. I worked for one company that was about 75% illegal workers.   blah, blah. blah     im not getting into this " whos gonna build the road bullshit" ,   most Republicans they NEVER act upon it, maybe Trump is different.

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My understanding comes from the Arizona law that was attacked for encouraging profiling.


The result seems to me to be law enforcement that avoids dealing with illegal immigrants due to either a mistake on the front end (asking without cause) and being made an example if by our confused system or a ton of paperwork that results in ICE just sending them somewhere else.


WH applies constitutional rights to anyone found within our borders

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In your home.... are you not more comfortable knowing that only family members are there or friends you welcome in at the door? How would you like friends of your kids moving in and allowing even more of their friends in? I would be for 1/ shutting the door then 2/ turffing out any that were trouble makers and maybe 3/ telling the others they can stay if they agree to some house rules.

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Deportation will be done promptly on criminals, the rest will be dealt with on a case by case basis of witch many will be granted some sort of legal status, those born here or brought in before their adulthood will most likely become permanent citizens unless they have a criminal history.

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Are you kidding me, that article is flattering for the Clintons. Just wait, they got a whole new slew of god fearing Mormons on them now. They are gonna find the rat at the root.

Bill defenately loved private airplanes. Im sure Chelsea's wedding was splendid as well

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Be specific, you ranted at us when we weren't specific about Hillary, same applies to your claims.

Steve Bannon, Steve Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross,


Yes Bannon speaks against wall st. But he's a Goldman alum, investment firm owner, and his actions are not against banks.


He wanted Jamie Dimon, but he declined fortunately

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Heard about Darrel Issa R CA congress tonite from some friends. dude was the voice and owner of viper car alarms, richest representative in congress? Brother avoided GTA conviction on technicality. Started challenging votes , anyone can get a drivers licence in CA, in close race

Issa was the one spearheading the probe into fast and furious/gunrunner. He has my respect for that. I'd like to see it revived now that obammer/holder aren't there to stand in the way.

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I've got no thoughts on this. If they have a history with wall street then it certainly doesn't look good. I'll agree with that! 


I'll wait for more details to leak out before I make judgement.


Steve Bannon, Steve Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross,


Yes Bannon speaks against wall st. But he's a Goldman alum, investment firm owner, and his actions are not against banks.


He wanted Jamie Dimon, but he declined fortunately

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InfoWars is holding his feet to the fire and if he derails from his promises, they will report, like Draker said....caution and don't jump the gun til its all finalized, i did hear the Bannon name tossed but nothing on stone as of yet, don't forget its Trump and he enjoys watching the media get their panties in a bunch....

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