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This partisan article claims NYPD had turned over evidence complementary to what Craig just posted. This also claims the FBI came forward with the letter, because of the NYPD was coming forward since the FBI did nothing with the information they had handed over. 


Just posted on twitter from wikileaks: 


"Significant, if partisan, find showing how the Clintons supported child stealer Laura Silsby 

https://t.co/7nULjOgmzr "



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          How can people still be stupid enough to still want to vote for her?

Maybe she'll load up her plane with her ill-gotten money,& fly out of the country.


Well to be fair, Trump is as much of a moral leper as she is.


If Hillary is the tick, then Trump is definitely the leech.


His only value to me is that he is a destroyer, I am definitely not drinking the Trump Koolaid; typical New Yorker, big mouth with nothing inside.


But someone like him is necessary to go in and force people to acknowledge where they stand when the shit is so overgrown and needs to be cleared out or incinerated.


He can force change but on the other hand, don't be surprised if we get the change that nobody bargained for.


If Hillary gets elected, I feel she will be facing indictment / impeachment as this email investigation continues. 




Trump will probably let Pence run the country as he is used to being a CEO, the top of the food chain whom does not have to do a thing, CEO's delegate and collect the cash.


I read something earlier this year that Eric Trump approached John Kasich when the Trump campaign was selecting a v.p. and asked him if he wanted "to be in charge of Trumps foreign and domestic policies". 


That sounds like delegation to me!


If Pence could remove jesus from his ass he could probably be a decent paleoconservative/ libertarian but I am not convinced he is now.


This is just opinion and conjecture I am not here not argue.


What is true for me is that this is an exciting time to be alive!

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Anyone for some pre-published results graphics 




These are pre-done graphics created for news stations nation wide. In prep for the elections come the 8th. They already ave the Tic winning before votes are counted.




Numbers have been changed to zero since the story broke about them presetting the results..



the television station's facebook page has explained the story as what I expected they would. in another age I would have accepted their explanation but nowadays I'm willing to give Alex Jones the benefit of the doubt.

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Some of you may have heard there was a primarily black church burned down by "a rogue trump supporter" yesterday. AKA, the Clinton machine.



Pro trump reddit thread started go fund me to rebuild. Currently at $168k and still goin.





Now 185k

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I don't care if Russia did supply the e-mails. Yes you say, but  then Russia messed with the election.... and yes, I say:  you would never know just how deep the corrupt douche new president is.


You guys deserve so much better.

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I don't care if Russia did supply the e-mails. Yes you say, but  then Russia messed with the election.... and yes, I say:  you would never know just how deep the corrupt douche new president is.


You guys deserve so much better.


Thanks for the sentiment I guess, but the fact of the matter is...


...this happened in increments and we let it.


There is no one to blame but us.

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BREAKING: Ex-Apprentice Summer Zervos Paid $500,000 By Gloria Allred To Accuse Trump





Sources previous credits:

  • Tracked down Obama's brother and got him verified on Twitter

  • Found Obama's "Dereck Bell" tape

  • Found Obama's "Kenya Tape" (where he whines like a bitch about white people)

  • Found John McCain's "Tokyo Rose" snitch tape from Vietnam

  • Busted Facebook's team of "news aggregators" who pushed biased stories on FB trending section

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Thanks for the sentiment I guess, but the fact of the matter is...


...this happened in increments and we let it.


There is no one to blame but us.


Yes here's another... "you get the government you deserve"

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BREAKING: Ex-Apprentice Summer Zervos Paid $500,000 By Gloria Allred To Accuse Trump





Sources previous credits:

  • Tracked down Obama's brother and got him verified on Twitter

  • Found Obama's "Dereck Bell" tape

  • Found Obama's "Kenya Tape" (where he whines like a bitch about white people)

  • Found John McCain's "Tokyo Rose" snitch tape from Vietnam

  • Busted Facebook's team of "news aggregators" who pushed biased stories on FB trending section



So.... who's telling the truth now? Maybe he did rape her and there wasn't enough to go to court, so she has just had to 'bite the pillow' but for half a mil maybe she would consider this a good down payment on some much needed payback. Maybe if there were some leaked e-mails between her and Donald......

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So.... who's telling the truth now? Maybe he did rape her and there wasn't enough to go to court, so she has just had to 'bite the pillow' but for half a mil maybe she would consider this a good down payment on some much needed payback. Maybe if there were some leaked e-mails between her and Donald......

Now you're reaching.

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actually, it wasn't "cancelled". the plaintiff just failed to show.


Trump rape accuser abruptly cancels press congerence


California woman known as Jane Doe, who accused Donald Trump of raping her 22 years ago when she was 13, canceled a press conference Wednesday night where she was to publicly tell her story for the first time.


Her attorney, Lisa Bloom, told a throng of reporters waiting for the press conference at her Woodland Hills, California, firm that the woman had received threats and was too scared to come forward


"She is living in fear. She has decided that she’s too afraid to show her face,” Bloom told reporters. “She’s been here all day ready to do it. But unfortunately she’s in terrible fear. So we’re going to have to reschedule.”


The woman accused Trump and Jeffrey Epstein of raping her during several parties that Epstein hosted on the Upper East Side at 9 E. 71st St. during the summer of 1994.



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I've been a political junkie since 1994 and have never seen a presidential election with so many variables:


Obama had massive black support in '08 & '12 that Hillary should expect to lose to the tune of at least 30%.


many repugs dislike Trump but far more hate Hillary.


many dims despise Hillary but hate Trump.


some hardcore Bernie fans drank gallons of his Kool-Aid and have sworn not to vote for Hillary.


Bill Clinton enjoyed massive support from American Jews and Israel that will be denied to Hillary because of her chumming up to the Arab world. Trump actually polls more favorably amongst Israelis than she does.


rumors are abounding that the FBI/CIA/NASA community are irked at Hillary's careless handling of the most secret top secret material and are actively undermining her campaign.


the American military is tired and stretched from fourteen years of conflict but the American military-industrial complex is itching for a fight with Russia.


Wall Street took a hard dip when Hillary's FBI email case was reopened so we know that they want her to win which is bad for the average American who believes that she still secretly supports TPP which is generally acknowledged to be bad for American workers.


what did I miss?

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We would have been better off electing republicans for the past 30 years , then libertarians might have made there way into government..


Trumps an American , can't cut your arm of and say that's not me.


We did step on our dick letting Obama get in there after bush.. and setting it up for even more corruption. That's all the Clinton's are is corrupt, talk about empty suits. No real work or results, just black fuckin holes



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Thanks for the sentiment I guess, but the fact of the matter is...


...this happened in increments and we let it.


There is no one to blame but us on the left, those conservatives sure did warn us of the true colors of the democrat party.


Please Diego...haven't you been paying attention or are you just trying to goad me into an argument?


Either way I am in a good mood and I love to write so here we go!


Your idealogical inflexibility says more about you than it does about me...but more on that later.


First a little history; I am not sure if most of you are old enough to remember how delineated the 80's were...


And people were f!@$u=ing uptight; because I was different and poor I did not fit into the social groups exemplified by these Izod shirt wearing, lace curtain, county club, preppy jerkoffs of the Reagan right.


These sons of republicans were only tough guys when they were in their group of friends and I learned to retaliate with my fists.


Then punk rock happened and it had a left wing bias but then the racist right skinhead wing brought in a different right wing, this would be the proto alt.right and what really spoke to me was the words of Ian Stewart (R.I.P.) of Skrewdriver " If the red don't kill you, the rich man will."


It took a few years to realize that overt racism was a limiting bias that I did not need, especially after meeting some of these hate filled white mutts who were missing the point entirely, no aryan beauty or excellence there.


So I identified more with the left because they were more about inclusion than the right...for me anyway.


But lately it seems the old idealogies are somewhat crumbling or being rethought which is what makes this so exciting!


One can have a reactionary/ conservative viewpoint with progressive points as well, other people probably know this but it is somewhat new to me.


Back to you.


Back when I started posting on this page, you stuck out by clownishly calling people names. "libtard", "sheep", "left wing" (meant scornfully).


You were like a joke programmed by Fox News and Breitbart.


Most people whom are idealogically inflexible are either born that way, programmed that way, or covering for some personal insecurity.


For you I believe it is the latter, for when you were busy striking out at others you left clues to your motivation.


You mentioned you were Argentinean by birth, I thought "Hmm this guys probably not white". It was later confirmed by another member.


Non-white right wingers can have a pathology that I don't understand (like black christians worshipping the god of their oppressor).


But then when you called the Mexican a "beaner" (do you remember in that bank robbery or kidnapping story a while back?)I knew I had your number. I thought "This mestizo thinks he's better than someone that to these white eyes he is the same as". AGAIN I AM NOT RACIST THESE WERE JUST THOUGHTS.


And no one called you out for it!


See I know about the caste system among Latin cultures, everyone looks down on the Mexicans ( I got an uncle by marriage who is Peruvian, believe me I know) but the common theme is the closer to white you are the better you are.


So I would posit that your reflexive fingerpointing at the left is nothing more than a desire to hide your insecurities over not being white.


It doesn't matter to me and I am sure your friends love you just how you are.


But you might want to think about who you are keeping company with.


In the ascendancy of the alt.right there are a good number of racists and no matter how much you hurl names at libtards and sheep, you will never be equal to them ( in their eyes) no matter how hard you try.


Like I said I think racism is a limiting bias but I do much prefer and respect the "white warriors" much more than the chardonnay sipping, faschy haircut wearing, pencil necked geeks with their "Third Reich Light" idealogy.


They are just the same preppy buttnuggets repackaged as racialists.


Thanks and I hope I see you in Eagle Rock,


Your friend, Daniel P.

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Welp.....we now know why the FBI reopened the hillary investigation, and Huma is plauing the ignorant card when in fact she previously had told the FBI that all devices used containing illegal server emails had been turned over along with all emails....turns out Hillary too lied since the FBI found new emails in this device.....summary....they both lied to the FBI.


I love how the media downplays it too LOL



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