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Stage managed dirty politics at its finest!


RW has always been sceptical of 11th hour complaints.


If the alleged matters occured, why didnt the complainants come out earlier?


Nothin like a surge in complaints just before vote time to discredit your oponent.



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Stage managed dirty politics at its finest!

RW has always been sceptical of 11th hour complaints.

If the alleged matters occured, why didnt the complainants come out earlier?

Nothin like a surge in complaints just before vote time to discredit your oponent.


That's the Clintons propaganda machine at it's finest, hitler would envy them.

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Don't worry folks.. all these things coming out in the last week.. it's like mouse turd in a elephant cage. I have a feeling there are going to be some heavy undeniable facts produced in the next 2 weeks that will crush the Clinton campaign. 

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I mean, the clinton folks have been hacked several times.. Podesta was hacked again this week. And people want these people running the country? lol



And those 33k emails.. its just a matter of time, in my opinion. *fingers crossed*

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“There was a lot of complaining about Dodd-Frank, but there was also a need to do something because for political reasons, if you were an elected member of Congress and…everybody in the press is saying it’s all the fault of Wall Street, you can’t sit idly by and do nothing…and I think the jury is still out on that because it was very difficult to sort of sort through it all.” - HRC In a speech to Goldman Sachs in 2013

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MSM has pretty much turned off any notion of running negative information on Killary. 


Wiki will release all these items but aside from the ones who seek truth of information, none will be the wiser since MSM has blacked out wikileaks. 

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MSM has pretty much turned off any notion of running negative information on Killary.

true but the general consensus of libertarians and conservatives for years has been that nobody watches the MSM anymore any way and that's why they are desperate to censor the interwebs :thumbup:!


BTW, I want to defend fracking! environmentalists need to 'Get a life'!


Clinton to environmentalists: 'Get a life'





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No group of people that Hillary has not outright attacked. Which is very very clear in the wikileaks transcripts from speeches given to the big banks.

Vote for Hillary while she is smiling to your face, at the same time sticking a 12 inch rusty knife in your back.

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An interesting excerpt from an article regarding Sillarys denouncing of Trump for alleged sexual misconduct.


"The virtual silence from Clinton speaks volumes about the complicated place she has occupied as a Wellesley feminist who has stayed as a devoted wife to her husband through infidelities and humiliation"


RW is no student of American politics though I find the double standards and levels of hypocrisy she currently displays as gob smacking.   Wax lyrical on sexual misconduct, breast beat in mock indignation about mysoginistic and philandering males who are unfit to hold the highest office in Murica, just remain complicit and mute when it is your own husband who is exhibiting the behaviours you now so publically revile.


I dunno guys, I kinda think your screwed with the Trumpinator, your gunna be even more screwed if Sillary gets a gurnsey!


/RW's personal opinion on murican political matters (until my next rant).

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I dunno guys, I kinda think your screwed with the Trumpinator, your gunna be even more screwed if Sillary gets a gurnsey!

Totally agree RW and have said so many times. Donald can be fixed or voted out. The Tic, once in will never leave peacefully. There are worse things than Trump.

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