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Ok, things are getting kind of freaky.. I posted this from 4chan 2 days ago. Its a bit hard to read so I'll post a larger copy of it. Below..



This could very well be consistency.. posting for amusement.






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Here are some key points form this 4chan anonymous post that was posted 10/12/16 ~ 8am.         (see above) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


1. 33k emails will be released in November


Another source "confirms" later at 2pm 10/12/16


Another tidbit... fingers crossed but reiterating the 4chan post. Grain of salt applies...
Via twitter:
I can confirm rotten Hillary's 33,000 emails have been obtained. Word is it will be a "November surprise." Wow, something new every day!Oct 12, 2016, 2:04 PM[/size]
2. Obama is literally going to start a war with Russia 
Posted today 10/14/16
Obama Tells CIA To Prepare For Cyber War With Russia
Also, follow what is happening off the coast of Yemen.
U.S. Enters Yemen War Directly for the First Time With Attack on Houthis
and some theorize creating 'war' to ensure a ruling party win.
3. 6 videos coming regarding HRC campaign and DNC committing fraud etc..
Posted today from James O'Keefe:
He dropped one video yesterday. It wasn't too hard hitting.. probably testing the waters.
"Yes, the first launch is Monday at noon EST and the second launch is likely to be Tuesday at noon EST. We'll access what to do on Wednesday after we gauge any reactions / coverups."
"I know people want me to clarify that the footage directly involves HRC. Again, the answer is yes. And it's more than that. We've exposed the whole network. The dirty tricks, how they commit the voter fraud, illegal coordination -- is delegated from the top down. And we have all that on tape. And we're releasing different tapes everyday."
4. Wikileaks email releases
These have been happening daily and average about 2000 a day and numbers coincide with details in the post. Nothing groundbreaking here.. but aligns to the post.
5. HRC is attempting to pay/force women to claim sexual assault from the Don.
Those allegations dropped yesterday if I remember right. 10/13/16.
Alex Jones reported this Monday I believe.. which was earlier than the 4chan poster.
4chan post also mentions apprentice staff blackmail.. here ya go. Story broke today
'Apprentice' Contestant Says Donald Trump Sexually Assaulted Her at the Beverly Hills Hotel
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What in the fuck is going on???



At this point... I've got the tin foil hat strapped down to the third belt hole... and applied duct tape for good measure.



Got the popcorn on standby













Also let be perfectly clear... I don't necessarily want Trump to win... It's just that I REALLY don't want Clinton to.

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It's all coming apart, I am really surprised that they are not saying that it is Snowden in Russia doing this to them also.

Gold diggers throw themselves at rich people all the time to try and get money, now they are seeing a way of paying him back for not being the recipient of said money/high paying job, I am not saying that he didn't do what they are saying, but they let him get away with it back then, and now with Hilary Clinton's help it is pay back time.

I seen that even PBS jumped on the attack Trump wagon today, I guess we shall see them begging up a storm for money after the election, as I expect they will be losing some, it gave me a bad taste in my mouth, I switched stations when I seen what was going on.

I seen that even Obama and his wife were attacking Trump, well that just made me think about how he and his friends didn't hold any of his rich buddies responsible for 2008, instead the guy and his buddies gave them taxpayer money to save them from something they were responsible for, if this isn't organised crime, I don't know what organised crime is then.

They should leak all the emails now, so that everyone has time to digest it all, eventually they are going to get shut down, and the reason will be that it is a threat to the national security, the only threat to the national security of this country is the politicians running this country.

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If trump wants Hillary to lose, he will pull out of the race.


If trump pulled out, Johnson would win. All of the Trump support would go to him, all of the anyone but Trump voters would see him as a viable alternative to Hillary. He would lead by a significant margin.


But Trump doesn't want Hillary to lose. He is her controlled opposition. She/They put him in his chair to divide the republican base. The Republicans are largely the extreme rich elite, as well as the low income, factory/production worker. There is plenty outside of this, but I'm generalizing. Liberals are mostly middle class, and the children of middle class. Trump doesn't have the wealthy republican. They've adopted some core values to attract a voter base that could keep them elected. And all of those voters aren't fiscally conservative at heart, but they buy into it after years of social division. The Trump appointment was designed to attract this base away from the Republican appointments. This divided the republicans and ultimately led to Trump against Hillary. This alienates the fiscal conservative, and gives Hillary the ($)election. The Right got Trumped. If the want to beat Hill, he will drop out. But he won't, because that goes against the plan.




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I don't know that I buy that theory. Interesting theory being that Trump was buddy buddy with the Clintons... but I think his ego wouldn't let that happen.

He's got quite the Ego. But he's smart. He knows this is a huge net gain regardless of the White House appointment. In fact, he'd likely lose money. Maybe? Not sure...

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