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The Leftist media machine is running full force on Trump now. 


Does the MSM really think anyone aside from their lemming followers can believe anything they have to offer any more?


Democrat media outlets. Guaranteed to be all in for our player. 


That starts to beg the question of what they gain. People ask this question all time of politicians but we really have to ask why since the MSM is screaming louder than anyone has ever done to get their lady elected. Its unprecedented at the lengths achieved this year.


MSM is part of the establishment problem. These two entities hold hands, sleep together, have dinner together, and collude for a common goal. So who is the real enemy of the citizens? They push the political agendas and sway masses at the beckon call of the establishment.


We are in BIG trouble.

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"IRS was hacked. I think the State Department was hacked. Sony hacked. Banks hacked. As we try and close the Benghazi Chapter and the email drip drip. Is there ever a moment in TiMe not to Defend the decision but layout the fact....HRC servers were not hacked. Know this is s naive thought but just thinking."

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James O’Keefe exposes Hillary Clinton’s plan to ban all guns through an executive order.



We're we watching the same link? He was asked, what could be done. Not what her plan was. Also, the left players repeated what has been stated repeatedly in public. Guns will never be taken away, they are constitutional. All they state is Hillarys intent of passing laws for background checks for gun purchases. That may annoy you, but it's a far cry from:


"James O’Keefe exposes Hillary Clinton’s plan to ban all guns through an executive order."

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We're we watching the same link? He was asked, what could be done. Not what her plan was. Also, the left players repeated what has been stated repeatedly in public. Guns will never be taken away, they are constitutional. All they state is Hillarys intent of passing laws for background checks for gun purchases. That may annoy you, but it's a far cry from:


"James O’Keefe exposes Hillary Clinton’s plan to ban all guns through an executive order."


Hey Craig can you find the email talking about how Hillary is going to use the power of the supreme court to amend the 2nd if she is able to place the right justices.


Tr8er she has repeated that she wants to model it after australia. So then in essence she wants to restrict what types of weapon are allowed. By definition that is gun control. There is also an interview of her saying with the original Brady Bill that had first been presented then rejected in the 90's had a been written to ban all semi-auto weapons. Congress and the senate said NO after hearings with militias threatening war. The Bill had been bounced around for a while until it was settled on just the capacity of the magazine, and public sales of new ones. She stated that she wanted to try and end the 2nd... this is not hyperbole. 


Would VTR or RW please chime in as to what is allowed in AUS please? Also has the efforts to control the remaining allowed weapons ended, or is there still rumblings of total bans?

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James O’Keefe exposes Hillary Clinton’s plan to ban all guns through an executive order.



Is everyone ready for civil war, people will start dying if this happens.

It will also make it easy for a foreign country to invade the US without opposition, hows everyone feel about being the United States of Mexico/Russia???

Does this mean the police don't need guns either, oh I forgot, all it really means is that only criminals will have guns, as if you have a gun you will be a criminal.

I am telling all you right now, she is going to win, they will not except anyone else, normally it is fixed on both sides(rep/dem) because they normally control who actually runs for their party, but Trump had enough money to win the nomination and screw that up for them, they will fix that so it don't happen again, guaranteed, that is the last time any Republican nominee will say the the election system is rigged, this is it folks, if something don't change this presidential term, it's likely all will be lost.

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Hey Craig can you find the email talking about how Hillary is going to use the power of the supreme court to amend the 2nd if she is able to place the right justices.


Tr8er she has repeated that she wants to model it after australia. So then in essence she wants to restrict what types of weapon are allowed. By definition that is gun control. There is also an interview of her saying with the original Brady Bill that had first been presented then rejected in the 90's had a been written to ban all semi-auto weapons. Congress and the senate said NO after hearings with militias threatening war. The Bill had been bounced around for a while until it was settled on just the capacity of the magazine, and public sales of new ones. She stated that she wanted to try and end the 2nd... this is not hyperbole.


Would VTR or RW please chime in as to what is allowed in AUS please? Also has the efforts to control the remaining allowed weapons ended, or is there still rumblings of total bans?

Oh I remember the firearms fight in the 90's. That was Bills almost the first thing Bill did in office that I remember. It was not very much of a bill, restricted magazine size, stopped some guns too I thought. It was a joke, because it had to be to pass. Same is true today. Congress would flat out squash any gun measure right now. An executive order would be suicide, and just wouldn't do any good. It's scare tactics delivered by the gun rights groups. In the long run, they are effective tactics, I just hate pushing BS to polarize your base. Hillary may well not like guns, but she won't get them out.


And your comment about her restricting what guns are allowed: they already are. We already have gun control and I'm happy about that. I don't want some whack job buying bazookas and hanging out at commercial airports. There are reasonable limits to what one needs for defense. It will always be a blurry line, and there will always be people on both sides of that line. I personally don't give a flying fuck about AR15's and the like. They shoot pussy rounds that can't even take out a swine. But I'm not wanting them illegal either. But if they restrict people's ability to hunt for food, that would get me going. Gun control exists now. Nothing new. And she won't win that one. Worry about TPP. That's your real problem

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I'm not necessarily worried about it. But I am aware of her private stance. which we should all be. The ability for her to actually implement her true opinion would fall on the supreme court. That ability to change legislative interpretation is dangerous on all levels. Congress and the Senate wouldn't be able to stop that ever. The interpretation has become tantamount to an amendment.


Also you are still allowed to own a bazooka BTW.. The round requires a tax stamp to own. 

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Is this the tip of the ice burg?



Wetwork is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood. The expression "wet work", as well as the similar "wet job", "wet affair", or "wet operation"


Who is Steve? - http://teamsubjectmatter.com/team/steve-elmendorf/




Date Email Sent: 2-9-16




Antonin Gregory Scalia (March 11, 1936 – February 12/13, 2016)








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We're we watching the same link? He was asked, what could be done. Not what her plan was. Also, the left players repeated what has been stated repeatedly in public. Guns will never be taken away, they are constitutional. All they state is Hillarys intent of passing laws for background checks for gun purchases. That may annoy you, but it's a far cry from:


"James O’Keefe exposes Hillary Clinton’s plan to ban all guns through an executive order."


For transparency, I copy and pasted the title from the youtube video description.

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Is this the tip of the ice burg?



Wetwork is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood. The expression "wet work", as well as the similar "wet job", "wet affair", or "wet operation"


Who is Steve? - http://teamsubjectmatter.com/team/steve-elmendorf/




Date Email Sent: 2-9-16




Antonin Gregory Scalia (March 11, 1936 – February 12/13, 2016)









Is this suggesting Scalia was taken out?

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"In answer to research: changed 20 to 40, and Trevor can provide calculations based on EIA data, if reporters need it, on the Mexico/Canada trade point. It isn't written up neatly in one place online, unfortunately. Joel, we pumped up the climate impacts but in discussing with Jake decided we do still need to address why she's making her position known, when she has previously said she will wait for the President to make a decision."

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