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Steak and blowjob day

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Have you all heard of men's answer to Valentines Day? It's called (you guessed it) Steak and Blowjob day. It is March 14 so there is still plenty of time to educate your significant other.

No flowers or cards, just steak and a bj, not necessarily in that order. Hope you all get to enjoy it.

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Nah no thanks. Steaks and blowjobs should happen all the time, shouldn't be a special occasion.


Plus my wife hates Valentines day as much as I do.

If you're getting steaks and bj's on a regular basis, good for you. I agree, it should be the norm. But this is for those who can use this information as leverage. For every action (Valentines Day) there is an equal and opposite reaction (steak and bj day). Feel free to search it. It's been around for a while.

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This is all wrong. Not the idea of a steak and a blowjob day, just the semantics of it.


I can go to any of a handful of local markets and get any cut of meat I like and have money for.


I can bring it home cook it up using any number of awesome recipes; Tournedos de Rossini, Steak au Poivre, Some nice carne asada, etc...


However I am not one of those ahem...double jointed men (not saying anymore use your imagination...or do an internet search) and soliciting prostitutes is illegal.


So the title of this day is bass-ackwards, it should read;


Blowjob and steak day!

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I don't agree. I'd get sick of steak.


Me too, at least once a month is nice though.



If you're getting steaks and bj's on a regular basis, good for you. I agree, it should be the norm. But this is for those who can use this information as leverage. For every action (Valentines Day) there is an equal and opposite reaction (steak and bj day). Feel free to search it. It's been around for a while.


Not the first time I'm hearing about "steak and blowjob day" and not the first time I've said no thanks to it.  It's simple, you don't want to celebrate Valentines Day, don't celebrate it.   


If you are not getting steak and BJs on a normal basis (I've been married for 15 years, so that is a resounding NO, they are not normal in my house lol), why give your SO more ammo to do it less.  "Oh honey, no BJs/Steak today, BJ/Steak day is right around the corner, you can wait."

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Me too, at least once a month is nice though.




Not the first time I'm hearing about "steak and blowjob day" and not the first time I've said no thanks to it.  It's simple, you don't want to celebrate Valentines Day, don't celebrate it.   


If you are not getting steak and BJs on a normal basis (I've been married for 15 years, so that is a resounding NO, they are not normal in my house lol), why give your SO more ammo to do it less.  "Oh honey, no BJs/Steak today, BJ/Steak day is right around the corner, you can wait."


Holy fuck that logic.  Just make general statements when this shit comes up.  Like:  Men get BJ's.  If they are not getting it at home, they get it elsewhere...  I'm a newlywed compared to you, so I may be biting my words in 10 years, but I'll fight with all I've got to keep a good thing going.  Maybe you are using the wrong flavor toothpaste.  Try bubblegum.  

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