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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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a. discussion in which the parties involved express disagreement with one another; a debate: philosophical arguments over the nature of existence.
b. An angry discussion involving disagreement among the participants; a quarrel: The roommates had an argument about whose turn it was to wash the dishes.
c. Archaic A reason or matter for dispute or contention: "sheath'd their swords for lack of argument" (Shakespeare).
a. course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood: presented a strong argument for the arts in education.
b. fact or statement put forth as proof or evidence; a reason: The current low mortgage rates are an argument for buying a house now.
c. set of statements in which one follows logically as a conclusion from the others.
a. summary or short statement of the plot or subject of a literary work.
b. topic; a subject: "You and love are still my argument" (Shakespeare).
4. Logic The minor premise in a syllogism.
5. Mathematics
a. The independent variable of a function.
b. The angle of a complex number measured from the positive horizontal axis.
6. Computers A value used to evaluate a procedure or subroutine.
7. Linguistics A word, phrase, or clause in a semantic relation with a word or phrase and that helps complete the meaning of that word or phrase, such as a noun phrase that isthe object of a verb. The clause that we go is an argument of the verb suggest in the sentence suggest that we go.
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in other news Hardwyre still isn't around



on a serious note here it seems that there is a serious case of sour grapes about education around here.


Education is recognized as being the number one contributor to improving ones position in life.

I could quote all sorts of statistics showing monetary gains compared between college degrees high school degrees and no degrees. The more education you have the higher the salary you command.

If you pick something that actually needs you and you are employed.


as Flatso has stated in the past money is not the primary driving factor for happiness. However, money is an easy way to quantify differences in terms of career success.

You are a successful District Attorney but you see private sector lawyers making seven figure incomes successfully defending child pornographers, modsters and date rapists. Some may consider money a yard stick for measuring success but I don't.


personally I am a much happier person as a result of the education I have fought to gain in the past two and a half decades. I attribute this happiness to; my being more able to understand my place in the world, my ability to cope with and change my circumstances, and, most importantly, my having a sense of hope because I see a future for myself where there used to not be.


Is college necessary to  be successful in engineering?

No, but it is the easiest way to learn the concepts and principals that makes us masters of the universe.


Do you need an education to express yourself well?

no, but it is the easiest and most common way for one to become literate in concepts and principals of forensics with which arguments are judged.

Have a care lest you win the argument yet no one witnessing it has the same ability to appreciate your win.

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that's all well and good , but the fact remains you'll make 4 times the salary income giving faux hawks and Nazi haircuts to gay dudes in the bay area vs. being the shop dawg. I wish somebody told me this at your age.

But I like it. I could honestly care less about moneyas long as I can pay rent, get food, and Internet im fine.

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No place anywhere builds things without "plains" most if them use plans. All fuckery aside no one builds anything without some kind of design or plans on what is is they're making.

I didn't mean like that. I mean as an inventory type of deal.


I said I'm not a great student. I worked hard in school. It wasn't easy like the other kids.

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If you pick something that actually needs you and you are employed.



You are a successful District Attorney but you see private sector lawyers making seven figure incomes successfully defending child pornographers, modsters and date rapists. Some may consider money a yard stick for measuring success but I don't.



Have a care lest you win the argument yet no one witnessing it has the same ability to appreciate your win.

I agree with everything you said here

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"I think Priuses are cool"





                Why the quote - when I never said that?

  Prius envy?


                                        - Doug

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But I like it. I could honestly care less about moneyas long as I can pay rent, get food, and Internet im fine.



Just be yourself. Always. 


































Unless you can be Batman.


































Then be Batman. Always.







































Because Batman is way cooler than you. 

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quit staring at my dick, HRH!


WTF are you doing?  Did we put too much sugar in our cereal today?  :)  I've been busy working on the wagon.  In fact, I have many pictures to upload but I'm busy drinking tea and munching nilla wafers.  Oh, and the wagon is as fast as a Pontiac Grand Prix/AM with two chicks in it.  They thought they could beat the wagon.  They were wrong!!  :D  Tomorrow morning I'm going to get the exhaust done.  2 1/4" with the same muffler as the race Maxima.  It'll sound badass.  Probably leaving the cat in this one though.  It shouldn't make that much difference and it's not like I'm holding it to redline much.  Soft shifts are around 3k, full throttle shifts go at 5200.  Not too bad for factory vacuum features.

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Dont have to be smart to go to college, any one can find a college somewhere that will take them in.


Athletes prove that. Minimum of 1.6 GPA and score of 450 on SAT for acceptance. That's an IDIOT! Then go take a bunch of fake classes. Rich kids get the special treatment as well.



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For the first time in my life a company actually rented me a car and a sweet stay in west Hollywood.

This is after 20 years of grinding through shit and cock sucking cheap skates.


my reward. Kia Elantra...... Just like the porn star.

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WTF are you doing?  Did we put too much sugar in our cereal today?  :)  I've been busy working on the wagon.  In fact, I have many pictures to upload but I'm busy drinking tea and munching nilla wafers.  Oh, and the wagon is as fast as a Pontiac Grand Prix/AM with two chicks in it.  They thought they could beat the wagon.  They were wrong!!  :D  Tomorrow morning I'm going to get the exhaust done.  2 1/4" with the same muffler as the race Maxima.  It'll sound badass.  Probably leaving the cat in this one though.  It shouldn't make that much difference and it's not like I'm holding it to redline much.  Soft shifts are around 3k, full throttle shifts go at 5200.  Not too bad for factory vacuum features.


yes, but are those valour seats clean?


its impossible to remove jizz stains from those maximas

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yes, but are those valour seats clean?


its impossible to remove jizz stains from those maximas


At least there is some room in the back seat so you CAN stain the seats. Datsuns have caused more people than killed them in accidents.

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