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All i hear is blah blah women shouldn't be objectified they are humans,, i hate when men are looking at me like they would actually ENJOY having sex for pleasure and not to get something...























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Platonic relationship between male and female is possible. Or the majority of my female friends want my dick and I'm instantly repulsed about it.


I may be an exception like I am with so many other stereotypes but I can cohabitate with a female and not want her. I've had multiple female friends over the years that I only wanted as a friend.


There's also the females that I had as a friend because I wanted to get in their pants but those friendships didn't last very long or were gone when I quit drinking

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I can't think of a single female friend I have where the relationship didn't originate with she or I initially trying to bump uglies - other than some little old ladies or some pug fugly gals and if they ever had any sexual interest in me I can meet red Jesus a happy not knowing about it.

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Platonic relationship between male and female is possible. Or the majority of my female friends want my dick and I'm instantly repulsed about it.

I may be an exception like I am with so many other stereotypes but I can cohabitate with a female and not want her. I've had multiple female friends over the years that I only wanted as a friend.

There's also the females that I had as a friend because I wanted to get in their pants but those friendships didn't last very long or were gone when I quit drinking

yeah, it can't be used as a blanket statment for sure. But, you are different than the vast majority of males in this regard and you most likely know that from just hanging around our type. There are also the sneaky fuckers that say the same thing you just did, but it's just a lie they have come up with in an attempt to get more ass. Yes, I know you're not one of them, but they are out there in droves.

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I can't think of a single female friend I have where the relationship didn't originate with she or I initially trying to bump uglies - other than some little old ladies or some pug fugly gals and if they ever had any sexual interest in me I can meet red Jesus a happy not knowing about it.

thats another thing...I have had a couple relationships with gals that were not very attractive (I really liked who they were). You know what I noticed? No male friends, not one. All the ones I have been in a relationship with that were hot as hell, guess what, tons of male friends. I did not have to make a bunch of charts and graphs to figure that out.

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I should introduce you guys to my sister in law Beverly, then you would be talking about how enjoyable it is to slam your dicks in a car door,,, rather than fuck that hypocritical, bible thumping,, bridge troll.


i'm guessin


(edit) Strangely enough, she's the only person living or dead that i even slightly dislike of my wifes family,,, even a tiny bit.

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 There are also the sneaky fuckers that say the same thing you just did, but it's just a lie they have come up with in an attempt to get more ass. Yes, I know you're not one of them, but they are out there in droves.

This was me in Highschool.  I got better.  Don't judge me.

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thats another thing...I have had a couple relationships with gals that were not very attractive (I really liked who they were). You know what I noticed? No male friends, not one. All the ones I have been in a relationship with that were hot as hell, guess what, tons of male friends. I did not have to make a bunch of charts and graphs to figure that out.



the brighter the star the sooner it burns out.



you all need to get with some pigly pink hogs and turn that attitude around.

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the brighter the star the sooner it burns out.



you all need to get with some pigly pink hogs and turn that attitude around.

I'll shoot em, cook em eat em, but somehow, what you are suggesting disgusts me.  Thats hard core.  

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I have seen girls so fine when I am in my car that I get like an upset gorilla in the cab. I start looking for shit to tear up or bite out of frustration.


I throw feces and grab myself like a real chimp

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This was me in Highscactually.  I got better.  Don't judge me.

I tried this. I never got the timing of it down. I found out way too late that actually not giving a shit is what works good for me. I don't mean just acting like you don't give a shit....they can smell that on you, you have to really stop caring. Oh, and a motorcycle doesn't hurt anything either.

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