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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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This really is a case of hitting the wrong target.


Gun violence is rarely with registered firearms. Not all, but I'd assume the majority right?

Gun laws could make guns harder and more expensive to obtain in the long run.

But I think they will generally be obtainable for criminals.

It's a tired out argument. But I thinks it's true.


I like to be able to hunt for my family.

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was talking to an "EXPERT" the other day about the rise of violence in today's world. Her theory was that back in the Paleolithic times, (about 2.5 million years ago) there was a major family love among all humans, much like dogs and other intelligent animals,  we really would put the survival of our fellow brother before anything. 

HOWEVER the infant mortality rate was much higher AND it was very common for these people to kill their own offspring especially if resources were low. , 

In todays world resources are as low as they have ever been and the population is as high as it has ever been and of course doing in your own offspring is considered the highest level of crime, therefore we must turn onto each other.


just a theory


I blame religion and morality

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over 80 people a day die in the U.S.A due to gun violence but ye olde NRA fights regulation that is evil.

Millions of babies are aborted each year because of liberal ideals. That's ok because it's useless kids anyway.


Regulations don't seem to stop those deaths either.


I blame MacDonalds owners for not paying $15.00 an hour and providing health insurance.


I blame climate change on seasons.


Oh and I blame the constant dumbing of society on PC pussies.

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But I think they will generally be obtainable for criminals.

Exactly. You can pass all the legislation you want, but anybody who isn't an idiot knows laws and regulations don't stop crime, gun-related or otherwise. 


Passing more laws will do nothing. Criminals, by definition, don't follow laws. That's what makes them criminals. I'm pretty sure the nut job about to go on a killing spree doesn't give two shits if his weapon is legal or not. 


In Michigan, new laws regarding scrap were passed this summer. Whenever you haul scrap metal to the processing yard, your photo is taken next to what you are bringing in, your  plate number is recorded, and your thumb print and driver's licence are photocopied along with your ticket and kept on file. On items like copper there is a three-day wait for any amount over $25.00-  you get a check in the mail three days after bringing it in. All this means, basically, is more paperwork for you and the scrap processor. 


Has it curbed the theft of copper wiring and catalytic converters? Well, what do you think? (Correct answer is "no" if you're curious.  :geek: )

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