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That hatred game look way too fucked up.  I hate censorship, but fuck me, you might as well just bring a game out that say, "Hey, lets be Nazis and bring about at new world order, it's fun!"  Same thing.  Pure evil incarnate for little pussies to scared to take control of their lives, so they take control of others'.  But if you push them just enough, you might get them to reenact what they're playing.

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I hear you side of the "hatred" argument but it looks like grand theft auto without the sunshine and hookers. Granted the point of hatred is to just go out and kill, but isn't that what most players did with GTA?

I've played and beat all of them except the first couple ones that were birds eye view ( didn't have a memory card back then) and it hasn't had any effect on me. I play it for enjoyment and to get away with stuff i'd never do in real life. on the newest gta I mainly play online and don't kill people unless they engage first or have a bounty on there head...

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 ..... and it hasn't had any effect on me. ....and (I) don't kill people unless they engage first or have a bounty on there head...

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Maybe if those fucks shooting up theaters and schools had this they would have an outlet.... you know.... (like porn)


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But the difference is the graphicness.  Reading a review there is close up video of the main character sticking a gun down a woman's throat and pulling the trigger as she pleads for her life.  I don't think you can do that in GTA, maybe I never found all the cheats.  It's just a little too far.


Remember when we were kids?  (Okay, if you're 30)  We had Mortal Kombat, but at least that was killing during fighting contests.  Yes, decapitations and horrible violence, but there was a point to it.  It wasn't just senseless killing for a depraved lack of feeling.  It was about winning, to the death.


Not only that, there were a lot more games that required strategy that were fun, that we played.  Mario Brothers, Mario Kart, Descent, Centipede.  I mean, it seems to me what was available then was much less "real" maybe, to the point you could still figure out between fantasy and reality.


Nowadays, games like that that glorify Columbine-type massacres and killing people for no other point than to live out a sick fantasy?  No, video games don't make people kill, but in a weak-minded individual who doesn't associate well with his peers and society, that's a switch for a madman with a gun running loose in a mall or school or something.


Not to mention, games like that aren't based on war (historical events) and they make people apathetic.  What happens to our gun rights when people go off the deep end and start killing other people?  Look why Australia has a ban on handguns.  You think it won't happen here?  Games like these are bad for everyone.  Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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We don't allow guns to be carried here either. Armored car guards and cops. It always hits me hard when a cop turns and I see the holstered hand gun. Nice to know there's no one around carrying a gun in public. Hey I'm sure there's the rare criminal out there with a weapon but he's sleeping while I'm up and I don't hang at 2 in the morning down town in some big city..

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You are probably more wrong than you think mike, criminals break the law all the time that is why they are CRIMINALS. Here is Washington they want to expand background checks to every single firearms exchange. The argument is that it will make it so that people who are not allowed to own firearms cannot get them illegally. Counter argument in my opinion is sense when do fucking criminals obey the law?

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yeah, well, we just had a shooting start in a smaller town, jumped two towns and ended at a church not to far from my house. supposedly there's still head blood on one of the crosses


guy had a full auto, and up until he snapped was a business owner from what i've heard.

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2 weeks after moving intoy house some guy put a round thru the house across the street from me. Neighbors were all freaked out about it, I started carrying my .45 when I was mowing the lawn and shit and the guy hasn't even driven thru in 3 years.

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The statistic they always forget to bring up is that most criminals get their guns by stealing them or buying them from someone who stole them. Expanding background checks will really do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. My best example for this is mexico, it is nearly impossible to legal buy a gun in that country yet it is ruled by drug cartels with heaps of illegal firearms. Yep just ban them, that will fix it...

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Alright. I need assurance.


I've just rebuilt my entire front end of brakes. Kept master cylinder.


I'm trying to bleed the system and the fluid isn't moving like I'm used to. Little one inch movements per pump. Then it tends to retract most of the way. And though I've bled all four wheels, the pedal still goes straight to the floor.


No leaks, just no real pressure building. Is this pretty much for sure my master cyl? Or is this possibly something else?

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Violent video games will have little affect on well adjusted minds. But when a sick mind (many) are exposed to these actions and it is depicted in a format that brings enjoyment and happiness, even granting a sense of power and superiority, both of which are severely lacking in the less adjusted individual, they crave more. It is reasonable to assume that the realistic depiction of violence, coupled with a feeling of accomplishment and success, would drive some to dabble in the real world.


Who here hasn't taken something they saw in a porno into the bedroom. Don't tell me it's different. It may be different for you, but "you" may not be the issue. There are many people who don't have a solid set of humanist morals. Those people are books with no ending. And when your own life carries little value, it's hard to place a higher value on your neighbors.


These video games are way the fuck over the stupid human line, but there is sooo much shit over that line that it only counts for a small portion of the problem. Vis a vis, we are all fucked anyway.

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Sweet mother of all that's holy is that what games look like these days?! Sadly art, or in this case the game, imitates life. The city I grew up in is now a shit hole. Was nice once. After my dad passed 24 years ago I had security bars put on the place cause I was going to be leaving soon and my mom would be in that big house alone. The state of things started to decline two years previous. Always drive bys and shootings. Body found a block over behind her house in a back yard. Body found in the street 3 blocks away. Drive by right on the corner between 3 cars one of which ended up in our neighbor's yard two houses down. Dude was shot in the head. Yeah we looked. People getting shot up the street. It's sad when you start getting desensitized to that crap which TV and these games help fuel to the unstable unsupervised child or adult. I long for the day I can get my mom out of that area which will hopefully be at year's end. I dare say there's only a small percentage that would take that game to a whole other level. Most nut cases don't need the game to get there. I'm going to go check the bear traps at the doors and windows now.

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 Look why Australia has a ban on handguns. 



There are two names that are the definitive reasons the gun laws in Australia changed to what they are now: 



Martin Bryant 


John Howard





The Port Arthur massacre was Australia's worst ever case of a mass shooting (as opposed to them being a multiple times a year event in the USA) and the then Prime Minister - John Howard changed the laws on firearms via co-operation from all the states and territories of Australia. 


Importation,ownership and licensing of firearms is now heavily regulated and has been since the mass shooting. 


Here's a wikipedia link up (my apologies in advance to those who view wikipedia as a false or useless source) 



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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Maybe if those fucks shooting up theaters and schools had this they would have an outlet.... you know.... (like porn)


Maybe but I like to play shoot em ups and such type games but this one here is just a little much for me and I won't be surprised if and when I see it on the news someone went off shooting shit after playing this game.

But the difference is the graphicness.  Reading a review there is close up video of the main character sticking a gun down a woman's throat and pulling the trigger as she pleads for her life.  I don't think you can do that in GTA, maybe I never found all the cheats.  It's just a little too far.


Remember when we were kids?  (Okay, if you're 30)  We had Mortal Kombat, but at least that was killing during fighting contests.  Yes, decapitations and horrible violence, but there was a point to it.  It wasn't just senseless killing for a depraved lack of feeling.  It was about winning, to the death.


Not only that, there were a lot more games that required strategy that were fun, that we played.  Mario Brothers, Mario Kart, Descent, Centipede.  I mean, it seems to me what was available then was much less "real" maybe, to the point you could still figure out between fantasy and reality.


Nowadays, games like that that glorify Columbine-type massacres and killing people for no other point than to live out a sick fantasy?  No, video games don't make people kill, but in a weak-minded individual who doesn't associate well with his peers and society, that's a switch for a madman with a gun running loose in a mall or school or something.


Not to mention, games like that aren't based on war (historical events) and they make people apathetic.  What happens to our gun rights when people go off the deep end and start killing other people?  Look why Australia has a ban on handguns.  You think it won't happen here?  Games like these are bad for everyone.  Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

There's nothing like this in gta I would know lol it's not as graphic as this game, Mortalk Kombat series is awesome there coming out with a new one soon. It's normally the anti-social folks who get off on games like this and go off in the real world trying to do the same thing.

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so.....ummmm......what do we do when politicians intentionally put guns in the hands of some criminals??? they get a pass right??? because they meant well???






or we could talk about hypocrites who have concealed carry permits but want to ban guns for others....



or even about how politicians could curb gun violence by enforcing existing gun laws but don't.....




or we could just pass more laws that we don't enforce but dammit we passed more laws so we can feel good about ourselves even though we haven't done a fucking thing but disarm the law abiding.


rant off.

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so.....ummmm......what do we do when politicians intentionally put guns in the hands of some criminals??? they get a pass right??? because they meant well???






or we could talk about hypocrites who have concealed carry permits but want to ban guns for others....




or even about how politicians could curb gun violence by enforcing existing gun laws but don't.....




or we could just pass more laws that we don't enforce but dammit we passed more laws so we can feel good about ourselves even though we haven't done a fucking thing but disarm the law abiding.


rant off.

That! Fucking all of it!


Yes I needed to quote it so that you had another chance to see it!

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Back to Washington's background stuff for a minute. Bill and Melinda gates donated 1 million dollars to the background expansion initiative because it would save peoples lives. In the same month they donated only 50,000 to Seattles largest food bank. So according to them not having firearms is more beneficial than food in keeping you alive.

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No... it means that being robbed of their money is more impportant to them.


If they wanted to help the hungry they should reduce the causes by eliminating the hungry people in the future by preventing them today. Yeah, think about that for a moment.

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