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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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I don't think online dating would work too well for me. I'm not a great looking guy to start with, but online, I'm just some ugly dude. I'm much better off trolling yummy mommies in a supermarket after rubbing onions in my eyes and looking vulnerable and sensitive.


Chicks don't care about looks.

Weird eh? They are exactly opposite males.

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I feel ya smoke. Im not that good looking (or so I think) and if I put on nice clothes and get all dressed up I dont get a single look. But if im dirtbag filthy, smell like a skunk ape with dirt in my hair and a half burned cigarette behind my ear, wearing a greasy pair of old jeans and my worn out workboots you would think I was tom cruise. Smoke a bowl of dont care and be confident and you will be spearing pussy like captain Ahab. Bitches are attracted to someone whose confident and doesn't give a shit whether or not they're interested.

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A fedora is not a good move. Nothing says I care like fedora.


The wife beater with the last two mistakes lipstick on it is the other end of the bad stick.


Somewhere in between.


Not caring is one good tip. In fact, if they think you are on your way home to fuck your girlfriend, your odds just doubled. It's not intentional, they are not scum, it's subconsciously peer screening of sorts.


Your hobbies don't matter. Your passion about your hobbies do. Also, no red flag hobbies. Aka. Collecting and trading my little pony figurines. Best thing is to never talk about hobbies, but show them off. She will ask. Say, "come, I'll show you". Then take her for a drive on a fun mountain pass etc.


I've failed miserably taking a couple one time chances to niceish dinners. They were terrible first dates. I've had awesome success 2 out of 2, with a hibachi on the beach with some chicken, and beer. Yup. 2 course meal right there.


As stated above. Don't be a pussy. They've dealt with one of them their whole life. Be a dick. It's close to an asshole but with more balls.

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That is all pretty solid advice. 


I see someone didn't read all the posts that thoroughly ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or someone show alert the Southwest Washington FBI ,, missing persons division.



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A fedora is not a good move. Nothing says I care like fedora.


The wife beater with the last two mistakes lipstick on it is the other end of the bad stick.


Somewhere in between.


Not caring is one good tip. In fact, if they think you are on your way home to fuck your girlfriend, your odds just doubled. It's not intentional, they are not scum, it's subconsciously peer screening of sorts.


Your hobbies don't matter. Your passion about your hobbies do. Also, no red flag hobbies. Aka. Collecting and trading my little pony figurines. Best thing is to never talk about hobbies, but show them off. She will ask. Say, "come, I'll show you". Then take her for a drive on a fun mountain pass etc.


I've failed miserably taking a couple one time chances to niceish dinners. They were terrible first dates. I've had awesome success 2 out of 2, with a hibachi on the beach with some chicken, and beer. Yup. 2 course meal right there.


As stated above. Don't be a pussy. They've dealt with one of them their whole life. Be a dick. It's close to an asshole but with more balls.

It would have been so cool to know this kind of shit in high school. Well, I kinda did, but I was totally clueless as to when I was being hit on. I mean...why would this pretty girl be doing anything other than just making conversation with me? I'm not one of the super cool jocks, I'm just a grease ball that rides an old pile of shit panhead to school I built from worn out parts in my Grandfather's shop. Had I known that was cool.......I would have done a whole lot better. Imagine my surprise when I ran into so a bunch of these gals 10 years later and found out most of them wanted me.

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smoke wrote:

"The big balancing act here is confidence without being an asshole, you get that pinned down and they eat it up."

parkinglotslider521 wrote:

"Smoke a bowl of dont care and be confident and you will be spearing pussy like captain Ahab. Bitches are attracted to someone whose confident and doesn't give a shit whether or not they're interested."

casual confidence is indeed the key. it goes back to females being genetically wired to seek out a mate who can protect and provide. fems are never going to be able to evolve away from that trait any more than dudes will ever be able to evolve past wanting to spread our seed as far and wide as possible.

also, if you can make women think you are indifferent to them you can damned near have your pick of the litter. never have understood that but it's true. if they perceive you as a horn dog strictly out on the prowl for bearded clam they tend to wanna make you earn that shit but if you're just a polite, friendly guy who is good with joke and a smart-ass comeback and not eye-humping them every time they make eye contact with you they respond to you in a less guarded manner.

smoke, no homo but I saw a very decent looking dude when you posted a selfie a few days back. at the same time, I think you would be suited to online dating because you got a brain and express yourself very well. being able to communicate well means a lot to intelligent people and online dating forces people to write a mini-autobiography that reveals how much gray matter they possess. Best of all, you get to read their self-evaluations in private at your own pace without anyone ever having a clue you were interested. Personally, asshole that I am, if I read a woman's profile and it contained shit like "LMFAO, LOL," and was peppered with glaringly obvious grammatical errors it turned me off as much as if she had said, ".....and I have been STD-free for almost six months!". Fuck all that noise. The brain is a sex organ and if I gotta buy a bitch "Hooked on phonics for dummies pre-school edition with Cliff notes" just so she can stumble her way through "Green eggs and ham" I'll keep looking! Damned if I'm gonna be seen in public with a woman who orders "p'sketti" or asks me what "luh zag knee" is when we go out for Italian :devil:!


re: fedoras. fuckin' love 'em! got three of 'em! never wear any of them. I think a lot of guys look good in hats but I don't. still want the hats though.

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doesn't help that I am all nervous cause my idiot neighbor from the apartment across the street got all screaming pissed cause I'm revving the engine at 5k with no muffler. Heh, he called the cops and they said " nice truck, pull it onto the driveway and you're fine."

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they are repaving our street and all the contractor guys keep coming over to shoot the shit aboot my trucks and tell me stories of how they lost their virginity in a 521 and shit like that. funny thing is they all owned a '69 Datsun truck but it was a 620 body, memory can serve poorly. I decided waiting till timorrow would be a good idea cause they are all gonna be around and making noise too. Shitdick neighbor will likely keep his retard trap shut.

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