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Banana Hammock Shots

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lol i left ratsun signed in at work and this is my secretarys jen pay back ... when she first started here she would leave her face book signed in all the time she learned quickly to not do that .... i post status updates that were mind bending now this ... i expect better from my employees....at least spell something wrong

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I'm sorry jbulge but according to rule #9...

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... you are a member and you were impersonated. What do you have to say in your defense.... before I dump this steamy pile in Insomniacs, son of?

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lol i left ratsun signed in at work and this is my secretarys jen pay back ... when she first started here she would leave her face book signed in all the time she learned quickly to not do that .... i post status updates that were mind bending now this ... i expect better from my employees....at least spell something wrong

kinda obvious... enjoy your vacation tell Lou we say hello.

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