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Operation: Hate Magnet

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so, i have a l20b powered 620 king cab dealership 4X4.

1176177_580319735345337_729195130_n_zps9picked it up off craigslist for $700 in pieces, so i put it together and drove the crap out of it until i got a rod knock after a day of wheeling in -14 degree weather. after that i decided its time for a little more ker-pow  under the hood, i looked extensively at the VG swaps, but the wiring scared the crap out of me, after about two months of pondering the idea of a six cylinder, i stumbled across another engine and fell in love; the Oldsmobile 215 aluminium V8. bad ass little V8 weighs in at 315 lbs wet, is carbureted, and outpowers a vg: i was sold! so after a sleepless night of web research i finally got on craigslist again in search of one of these bad boys, first result was a short advertisement about an auto tranny for a 215 that happened to mention a long block that could be for sale, called the guy, he wanted less than $600 for both the engine and tranny. i was a little excited. so a few days later a couple friends and i loaded up in a long box chevy and went on a 200 mile road trip! met the guy at his house and he handed me the tranny and asked me to follow me to his storage unit. upon arival he whipped out his BAMF oldmobile jetfire so we could get to the engine, i was in for a surprise... he gave me almost an entire 12'X12' storage unit with pretty much 3 of every part but the block, i was in shock! that was today. and now were here...

1557705_647906161920027_1221155703_n.jpgthe days haul! not bad for a few hundred bucks eh? eberything iss in top nitch condition with the exception of a little grease!




block actually still has cross hatching, no slipped liners, overall very good condition! whoo for 1963!


yes, auto trans... just until i get the engine all situated in the pickup, then ill be getting a bellhousing so i can fit a 6-speed; until then, kick ass shift kits are available  :thumbup:


mmmmm 11:1 compression

1533903_647905945253382_121288080_n.jpggonna have plenty of stuff to sell on ebay to fund this



valves from the 2bbl heads need to go in the 4bbl heads, easy deal

gonna be a fun couple months! B)

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took my heads to the machinist for pressure testing today. cleaned stuff to no avail, attempting to not harm the aluminium is super tough, cant use anything steel... got laid off for a few weeks so progress should be very quick! also did some research on my transmission because i thought i was missing a torque converter...



this trans actually doesn't use a torque converter; personally i believe automatic transmissions are the product of the devil and are shifted my some kind of black magic, so this must be the wicked witch of the west of transmissions!




then i went through the intakes, i found my best carb kinda dwarfs my 4BBL intake



and heres a pic of the cute little 2BBL



thats it for today, tomorrow ill get a little crazy and clean the block; anyone know what itd cost me to powdercoat a whole engine?

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Because aluminum corrodes. Im just thinking ahead. I don't want to clean everything up, the just watch it rot. As far as whether its going to run, I've gone over everything and I'm not missing one piece, in fact, I've got replacements for literally everything but the crank most of which are still in the box with the receipts. So yea, chances of a lemon, they're slim.



thats it for today, tomorrow ill get a little crazy and clean the block; anyone know what itd cost me to powdercoat a whole engine?




What am I missing? You want to know what it would cost to powder coat an engine that doesn't run?

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