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Ratsun spell checker/grammar improvements

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Mods can we get a spell checker/grammer helper like word has going for the forum. Please!


Yes we are on a Dastun forum and these cars are very accessible due to price and availability to all manner of people. But come on now how can anyone take our community seriously when the average user writes like they didn't pass high school.


Some personal suggestions to improve posting readability:


You didn't "seen a car yesterday" but you might have saw a car.

Use a period and a comma once in a while

Read what your typing aloud to yourself, if it doesn't make any sense to you it sure as hell won't to anyone else

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You didn't "seen a car yesterday" but you might have saw a car.

Lol. Quotes over the "saw a car" would have helped me read that. Otherwise your committing the same error in reverse.


I saw a car last night. You may have seen a car.


If there is a spell correct added, be sure it doesn't correct all the Ratsun-isms like:


Moar loar


I don't think spelling and grammar will be getting better in the US.

Phones and tablets are doing all the correcting for us, along with some of the punctuation.


Plus gear heads are famously uninterested in fancy book learnin'


I once correctly answered a history question in high school (what year did WW2 end?) because I knew when us automakers started building cars again, not because I read the text book.

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"But come on now how can anyone take our community seriously when the average user writes like they didn't pass high school. "


Shouldn't there be a comma after "come on now,"


I am using Mozilla Firefox for a browser. I did not notice that Ratsun did not spell check, because Firefox does.

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like.... people outside the community take us seriously? i can't speak for every one...but...if we were really interested in being taken seriously as a car community, we wouldn't be working on datsuns. we do it cause its what we like and DGAF. 

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I try to use decent grammar and punctuation. That said, this is the internet and as far as being taken seriously goes, your work as a user will speak for itself, not really the way you write.


If we start to take it too seriously, this place becomes more of an essay than a forum, and cuts out anyone who may not know how to type awesome english. We do have a few members on here from other countries, and I dont expect them to have perfect grammar to be able to hear what they are saying.


I got banned from HybridZ because I essentially told them to go fuck themselves for warning me over not using capitalization or grammar, or punctuation, or something I cant really remember. Either way, that expectation is ridiculous. They are basically cutting out entire groups of people by expecting perfect grammar and warning people who dont use it perfectly.


Just my opinion

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Most home computers have spell check or it's available as a down load. I don't think it's up to us (the forum) to provide this even if we could. Spell check does not correct grammar. If there is such a thing as a grammar check it must go crazy trying to correct English the language with probably the most grammar and spelling exceptions in the world.



I never correct the text on posts here. I don't get paid enough, there aren't 34 hours in the day and if someone is too lazy or too ignorant to check their work and risk... A/ being laughed at by other members or B/ not being understood and their time wasted, then fuck 'em. Maybe they can learn from this and improve themselves. Being understood clearly is paramount when looking for help on line.


I do draw the line at poor spelling in the post title. I do correct them. This is what the public sees when visiting, (god knows what they think of us) and additionally, I want good spelling so that the SEARCH function works properly when searching for particular words.


I agree that some posts are often unbelievable, unfiltered, un-punctuated, run on mental drivel. I was never good at, nor liked English class. I can't parse a sentence, not sure what a dangling participle is, but I read prolifically when young and knew what worked and what seemed awkward or wrong. I'm not perfect.

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I try to use decent grammar and punctuation. That said, this is the internet and as far as being taken seriously goes, your work as a user will speak for itself, not really the way you write.


If we start to take it too seriously, this place becomes more of an essay than a forum, and cuts out anyone who may not know how to type awesome english. We do have a few members on here from other countries, and I dont expect them to have perfect grammar to be able to hear what they are saying.


I got banned from HybridZ because I essentially told them to go fuck themselves for warning me over not using capitalization or grammar, or punctuation, or something I cant really remember. Either way, that expectation is ridiculous. They are basically cutting out entire groups of people by expecting perfect grammar and warning people who dont use it perfectly.


Just my opinion


And a good one. (you see what I did there?) started a sentence with and. But I did capitalize the A


I don't what to see trolls jumping in to correct someone and causing drama or the OP leaving. We aren't here to humiliate some other Datsun owner who came for help. Any ideas how to ask them to correct their grammar/spelling?

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Danielc one doesn't use quotes for there own sentence only when your quoting someome elses. Hence why I didn't quote myself lolz.


I didn't make this thread to bash on anyone in particular, but rather a looking out sort of thing. No ones perfect or can write flawlessly at all times but it does help to make an attempt.

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I karnt speel vere wel, and I kan Interwebz even wurs.


Seriously folks, if you need a spell checker, type the text of your post into a word document, spell check it, then cut and paste into the appropriate text field in Ratsun.


I'm a bit of a grammar and spell check Nazi at work, though I dont often get it right when I post here.


My biggest bugbear with Internet posts is when people type 83 word sentences, or compress everything into one paragrpah.


You'll notice (not that i'm saying this is the right way to do it) I always leave lots of white space between my sentences as I think it makes it easier for people bored enough to read my posts to try and make out what i'm saying.


My two and a half cents worth.

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Both the OP and the second poster used "your" as in personal possession incorrectly.  It should be "you're" in both cases.


Contraction you+are = you're

Personal possession = your


Contrary to popular pronunciation which is rapidly screwing up writing AND speaking, you're IS NOT PRONOUNCED "YOR!!"  It is pronounced "you-re" exactly like the contraction implies.  I would accept a generalized "yer" vs. "yor" also.  Personally I think that's the easiest way to tell them apart for those of us not bound by a strict adherence to the intricacies of the English language.  Note, English is capitalized as it is a proper noun.


The importance of English and grammar can be realized here:





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