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He said the cam looked dry as a bone in the desert ,, but was so sticky the stickness stuck your fingers together like old maple syrup on an unwashed dish.  It looked like it had eat it's way through the tower(s),, before it broke.





Here is the swarm of honey bees in my yard this afternoon.



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Brain back in harmony with body.


Seen cams snap from warped heads or cam towers mis matched. Fram wouldn't have caused this. There is a spring loaded relief valve behind the filter in the block. If filter clogged the pressure builds and pushes unfiltered oil to the motor. You got to figure that the 4 qts of oil gets filtered every several minutes and the oil in the pan is quite clean.


Disagree. The fram filter I had on my L28 coming home plugged up , and the reflef valve did absolute shit. I could hear the valve train start to tick a little louder as time progressed. I Religiously change my oil in that specific car , and damn good abou the rest :D . It fell apart , and (4) other brand name filters of types (3 of them were new) solved the problem by spinning them on or off testing each one after starting. After pulling the fram there wasn't anything draining back at all or coming out from the head. With the other filters it pressurized and did. The filter collapsed , and the relief valve did not a gosh damn thing yet give me grief (damn fram). It screwed up a couple of my rockers as well as the lifter ball surfaces. That shit was my own fault though :(


Not that I want to be right ... or wrong ....  :rofl: .... it's all good .... I've never used one since , and have never had that problem on that specific car.

 HOWEVER as a kid/teenager ... used them for years in some domestics ... being the PH8A , and it never had a problem in those vehicles sooooooo idk... really don't. My brother uses them in his explorer , and that thing has 200k ? on it still putting down the highway. I imagine lots of people use them , and are ok though.


Cams snap from warped heads or people dicking with the cam towers without the guides in them for sure (not always).

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It appears as though in light of his recent 'trip' Datzenmike's body has been possessed by the spirit of Hainz..

Uh oh             FOR SALE/TRADE-- " 710's with KA/z engine spare and 4 trannys for Jeep or 510 needs weber rising sun hood call good !!!!! "

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Ever try to get a gal to describe what is wrong with her car to you over the phone? I'm not sure heroin is strong enough for me to get through that without getting pissed. Okay, there is steam, where is the steam coming from? I don't know. Can you LOOK? I don't know what I am even looking at. Well, you recognize steam with your eyes, now lets try to recognize what part of the AUTOMOBILE the steam is coming from. I have no idea. Okay, is it coming from the tire? How about the passenger seat, any steam there? No. Okay, so you have now eliminated upholstery steam from the equation. We can either go down a 22 mile long list of the shit that is not steaming ooooorrr, you can tell me what IS steaming. Is the hood open? No. Try that. 


This goes on for like 20 minutes to finally get to the fact that the top rad hose has a hole in it. I mean shit man, I am not asking her to tell me what the injector pulse width is...It's fuckin STEAM, same thing as a pot on the stove, you see the steam coming from it in a certain spot for fuck sake. Now I have to wipe the blood that leaked out of my eye during this conversation and go buy a radiator hose.

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I once stopped to help some people stuck on the side of the road.  They had let the radiator leak down too low and overheated.  I leaned over to see where it was steaming out from with a lit cigarette and they ran away from the car screaming that I was going to cause the car to blow up.


Prior to that day I had no idea that a lit cigarette under a car hood was all it took to explode a car.

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I just did the car prob phone diagnostic with wife while baby screaming, late for work, and three year old wanting who know what. That's when shit gets crazy. She was a going mad. But pulled it off.


Grateful that my wife knows shit about cars.

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I got it handled. Clearly, mine does not know shit about anything. I mean, I get the fact that she knows nothing about cars, I am totally okay with that, don't care. But, just for the sake of argument, lets pretend that she is a great cook. One day I decide to cook dinner when she is not home. If the fuckin oven caught fire, I would not call her due to her expertise with the stove. I can SEE there is something happening that is not right. In my (admittedly fucked up) head, the call I think I should have got from a person who owns a skid mark of logical thinking would be "hey, the car is steaming, I lifted the hood (where the steam was coming from) and that rubber hose thingy on top has steam and some sort of water and steam coming from it." My response would be "okay baby, I'll pick up a new hose and be there in a few minutes". 

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You guys are lucky your gf/wife stops when they sense there's a problem. Mine on the other hand won't even acknowledge there's an issue until the car stops moving forward. Lost two Volvos that way, both took their terminal dump on the Bay Bridge in rush hour traffic."Hunnie the car was steaming for a while, and then it just stopped moving all of a sudden". "Hey, you'll never guess what happened to day. The car caught fire and this thing call the transfer case fell out". Hell I would settle for just being pissed, but this shit takes me to a whole other place. Total system crash is how I would describe it. It's that paralyzing wave that comes over you when you know yelling and screaming will only hurt your voice, so you just sit there catatonic, twitching, and grasping for breath. "I need to go for a walk, I'll be back in three days".

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my gf likes to tell people she knows that im a mechanic and when they ask me to do a job I tell them im not a mechanic I just like to play with datsuns......I just don't wana be responsible for other peoples shit

I like the dipshit that thinks just because you know cars you work on them for free.

Hey man can you change this tranny for me? I will buy a 6 pack of coors light.

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