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That took forever! Plus the time of getting the tanks out. 



I could do the same damn thing with my impact gun in 1/10th the time. 






Fuckin' yokel. 


Me too! My impact gun was bad ass! That is the problem there, weak, cheap impact wrench.

Sad thing is I have seen some dumbasses who would try that!

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I'm an old bastard so I'm pretty much out of the game but my son has gone through some of this.


The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society


"In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women. In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas, men are slipping into distant second place.


"Nobody in my generation believes they're going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had, and everyone's fleeing to higher education to stave off unemployment and poverty because there are no jobs.


"All that wouldn't be so bad if we could at least dull the pain with girls. But we're treated like paedophiles and potential rapists just for showing interest. My generation are the beautiful ones," he sighs, referring to a 1960s experiment on mice that supposedly predicted a grim future for the human race.


Women today are schooled in victimhood, taught to be aggressively vulnerable and convinced that the slightest of perceived infractions, approaches or clumsy misunderstandings represents "assault," "abuse" or "harassment." That may work in the safe confines of campus, where men can have their academic careers destroyed on the mere say-so of a female student.



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Schools are not the same place we remember them as, that's for sure, but it has nothing to do with a vast anti male conspiracy. Children loose their ability to self regulate when exposed to endless hours of instant gratification feedback loops such as TV, internet, cell phone apps, video games etc. Our generation spent those hours interacting with our peers in a real world feedback loop of positive/negative consequence for behavior. There is where we learned how to navigate the complexities of interaction, how to modulate our behavior, and to tune in and function as part of a group . If kids don't learn to self regulate this way, reality is a tough place to be.


40 years ago there may have been 1 or 2 kids in a classroom that had "behavioral issues" As a matter of fact, I was that kid. Now it's not uncommon for half the kids in a class to have moderate to serious difficulties socializing with others, low impulse control, no ability to focus, limited self awareness, or disengaged/withdrawn from the learning environment. I worked as a school psychologist and I'm very involved with two kids in grade school now. I can tell you from direct experience, there is no evil pill pushing women engineered suppression of boys natural energy in the school system. What is happening is a reflection of societal isolationism. Technology has finally give us what we've always wanted, omnipresent instant gratification 7/24. It's the I me my generation baby.


As for the rest of it, I'm glad my 9 year old doubter will not have to see herself through the same misogynistic shit my mother and sisters had to. Small insecure men have projected there MOTHER shit onto women for fucking ever. Genesis 1: Blame it on the bitch. That way we can use them to dull the pain of our failure as though they deserve it.


Don't dispare though, sexual power between men and women shifts in a pendulum of cycles. Look back to early 1900s and you'll see in reaction to the roaring 90s working class family structure was in ruin, substance abuse was rampant, and it wasn't safe fore women to be alone on the street. Then came the Victorian age of suffragists who ushered in prohibition and women's rights. In reaction to that sexual oppression the shift in sexual power came in the form of Swing jazz and flappers fucking everything in sight, men's sexual desirability came back and power shifted. After two wars and the great depression this sexual hierarchy was solidified with a renewed morality that comes from real hardship. Women were objectified and relegated to a supporting roll to men. In the advent of birth control women again started taking back sexual power by giving it away for free. The sixties were the euphoria of shedding the old morality and  limiting sexual rolls, but the real struggle for sexual power for women was just getting started. Women's liberation in the 70's and 80's was about equality, but that struggle for power was in conflict with free sex. It's been 100 years, but I think what we are seeing today is a neo-victorian age when it comes to sexual power for women. Give it ten years, you can feel something's about to pop. 

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Schools are not the same place we remember them as, that's for sure, but it has nothing to do with a vast anti male conspiracy. Children loose their ability to self regulate when exposed to endless hours of instant gratification feedback loops such as TV, internet, cell phone apps, video games etc. Our generation spent those hours interacting with our peers in a real world feedback loop of positive/negative consequence for behavior. There is where we learned how to navigate the complexities of interaction, how to modulate our behavior, and to tune in and function as part of a group . If kids don't learn to self regulate this way, reality is a tough place to be.


40 years ago there may have been 1 or 2 kids in a classroom that had "behavioral issues" As a matter of fact, I was that kid. Now it's not uncommon for half the kids in a class to have moderate to serious difficulties socializing with others, low impulse control, no ability to focus, limited self awareness, or disengaged/withdrawn from the learning environment. I worked as a school psychologist and I'm very involved with two kids in grade school now. I can tell you from direct experience, there is no evil pill pushing women engineered suppression of boys natural energy in the school system. What is happening is a reflection of societal isolationism. Technology has finally give us what we've always wanted, omnipresent instant gratification 7/24. It's the I me my generation baby.


As for the rest of it, I'm glad my 9 year old doubter will not have to see herself through the same misogynistic shit my mother and sisters had to. Small insecure men have projected there MOTHER shit onto women for fucking ever. Genesis 1: Blame it on the bitch. That way we can use them to dull the pain of our failure as though they deserve it.


Don't dispare though, sexual power between men and women shifts in a pendulum of cycles. Look back to early 1900s and you'll see in reaction to the roaring 90s working class family structure was in ruin, substance abuse was rampant, and it wasn't safe fore women to be alone on the street. Then came the Victorian age of suffragists who ushered in prohibition and women's rights. In reaction to that sexual oppression the shift in sexual power came in the form of Swing jazz and flappers fucking everything in sight, men's sexual desirability came back and power shifted. After two wars and the great depression this sexual hierarchy was solidified with a renewed morality that comes from real hardship. Women were objectified and relegated to a supporting roll to men. In the advent of birth control women again started taking back sexual power by giving it away for free. The sixties were the euphoria of shedding the old morality and limiting sexual rolls, but the real struggle for sexual power for women was just getting started. Women's liberation in the 70's and 80's was about equality, but that struggle for power was in conflict with free sex. It's been 100 years, but I think what we are seeing today is a neo-victorian age when it comes to sexual power for women. Give it ten years, you can feel something's about to pop.

.......Guys.......I think he's one of them.......

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Men are hard wired to be pedophiles. Just look at posttits and ass. What's the average for those little girls? 19-24???? But it would be 14-20 if we had no sociatal or peer pressure (or mods lol) Males like younger females and usually marry younger women. It's true.  

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Men are hard wired to be pedophiles. Just look at posttits and ass. What's the average for those little girls? 19-24???? But it would be 14-20 if we had no sociatal or peer pressure (or mods lol) Males like younger females and usually marry younger women. It's true.

all true but lotsa of younger women dig older men simply because they have deep pockets and I don't see you ragging on the gold-digging whisker biscuits, just the patriarchal pervs :rofl:.

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I rest my case....






Edit - on a serious note.


That image as cited is from not only tumblr as my source but is a "Met-Art" image and Met-Art adhere to all legalities pertaining to legal age of models.


Youth has been always and will always be celebrated and sought out.


The use of the word pedophile for this context of  the conversation here is a long bow to draw IMO.

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My point is (and I'm not complaining)... is that I'm damn sure she is of legal age to model, but looking under age, I bet, gives her an advantage over older looking girls the same age. I imagine she is in high demand. 



Yes pedophile is a little exaggerated  for here. It was for effect but I'm not far wrong.

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