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cell phones and driving

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Use to drive an automatic (i think prelude) with my non gas/brake foot on the vent next to the door. Got some confused looks when I had the foot dangling out the window so I switched to that. Shit I've driven with my feet before. Not saying it's right, yes it's down right idiotic but I've made a lot of stupid decisions in my life.

people should get a ticket for having feet on the dash i see it all the time its crazy. even with feet out the window!

basically making ur seat-belt useless if u got in an accident u would just slide right out the bottom


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Impalements happen without cell phones too.  Police, doctors on call... whatever. No one is immune from distraction. I said earlier that we are not created equally and some can 'multi task' better than others. Go back 40 years and all we had were one knob for headlights, one knob for wipers, and a radio. We are now barraged with distractions today and over loaded with electric windows/mirrors/seat controls/complex sound systems/heater AC controls/door locks/navigation/on and on. We haven't changed but cars have and there are no classes to learn and test you on how to operate them. My wife's Matrix bewilders me but not so much now that I have driven it some. My son's honda took me at least two minutes to find the parking brake release... it's not funny! I'm not used to the new cars and neither are new younger drivers.


We all have different expertise in 'multi tasking'. You don't have to pass a course in it in order to drive. You can't say 'learn to multi task better' hell I'm not even sure that it CAN be taught. YOU may be able to talk on the phone and drive, I acknowledge this, but for the most part, most drivers cannot, and don't have the skill and never will. They are a lit fuse driving down the road yabbering away on their cell phones heading towards you.


Far better to outlaw them.

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Make talking on the cellphone while driving a major offense.  Mandatory revoking of license for 6 months.  Including hands free.  Get rid of that bullshit too.  And while we're at it, fuck that stupid sync system in the Fords and all the new 4GLTE shit available in GM vehicles.  A car is a car, treat it as such.  IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A MOBILE HOTSPOT!!!!

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Make talking on the cellphone while driving a major offense.  Mandatory revoking of license for 6 months.  Including hands free.  Get rid of that bullshit too.

Completely, 100% un-enforceable.And even if it were enforceable,you who would stop the passage of a law like that? Take a guess. Seriously.
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People used to drink and drive without much thought about it. It was socially excused, 'everyone' did it, it wasn't a big deal all you had to do is be careful. Just like the weather... it is what it is. Now look at today. Socially unacceptable. Most drivers are much more thoughtful and plan their drinking around getting home first, taxi, DD, choosing not to drink, bus.... A drunk driver is much more likely to be reported than 30 years ago and the punishment more severe.


It just takes an effort to make cell phone use while driving socially irresponsible and unacceptable by all drivers. Like drinking, it's a danger to all on the road, even passengers. Until the public becomes more interested in their general safety than their 'right to choose', it's just like driving drunk 30 years ago.


Is that driver 5 minutes down the road, with a closing speed of 120, impaired by drugs, alcohol or a cell phone?


Let me read you your rights: You have the right to be killed by not wearing your safety device seat belt or, if wearing one, killed by a passenger who is not. You have the right to kill yourself and others, or by others, by using a cell phone. 

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1)It just takes an effort to make cell phone use while driving socially irresponsible and unacceptable by all drivers. Like drinking, it's a danger to all on the road, even passengers.  

2)Let me read you your rights: You have the right to be killed by not wearing your safety device seat belt or, if wearing one, killed by a passenger who is not. You have the right to kill yourself and others, or by others, by using a cell phone.

1)Not even close.



Mike-if they try to outlaw cell phones in cars, guess who will stop it? Hint: Same folks who stopped a proposed law in California to outlaw "lane-splitting" on motorcycles.

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... that Americans have a god given right to ignore common sense and kill themselves and those around them as long as they are standing up for their right to freely choose and do so?......... and use the word freedom somewhere while doing it.


I should start a campaign that says "don't wear seat belts" and "all cars must have a cell phone in them." I can see the mail now: "I'll wear a god damn seat belt and turn off my cell phone if I like! Hell I might even leave the damn thing at home when I drive!! Don't come down into my state and tell me what to do you Socialist Canadian!!!" :lol:

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