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So now the whole office needs to go through sensitivity training.

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^^ Thanks Mike! We are. Or at least I am :)


tr8er, I didn't see anything wrong with that statement. Actually I'm the one that is an HR nightmare with the crap I say. I'm surprised I've never been called into the office but I'd probably tell them to go fuck themselves and grow a pair.

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25+ yrs in the industry, I've only worked with 1 female machinist that was worth a shit. If I ever start my own shop, I would hire her in a minute. The rest of them are just attention whores. No skill, just drama and disruption.

to be honest man, some this is because of the way they're treated in school/training up thru companies.  my girl started to go to school to be a mechanic, realized she wasn't gonna learn what she needed to because the teachers pretty well refused to help her and the other chick in the classes, and the guys all just talked shit to her about how the only use shed be in a shop is as eye candy in between/during jobs. the other chick started wearing tiny ass shorts and tank tops, my girl said fuck this and went a different path.  as to the OPs situation...send em to my plant.  we'll have em walk the gauntlet(5-7 sweaty dudes on a 2 foot wide catwalk doing exaggerated stretches to make sure you feel our nuts on your legs when you walk by...) and watch em get laughed at and told they could have turned around when they complain.

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Well I'm highly offended by you even posting that story.  Mods !


... j/k of course... I admit I'm an overly sensitive fuck sometimes, but some people just look for things to complain about.


I guess I'm lucky... I  forget and let f * bombs fly all the time at work and have two women that work down the hall from me.  One is even a devout Christian.  But then again I work with Marines, so I'm far from the worst of what they hear.

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Oh my f....  So I walk into the office after driving the crew cab dodge ram 3500 diesel.  this truck has like a 20" exhaust pipe right.  And I say, "wow Marco, I feel my testosterone levels rise when I drive this beast".  One office worker storms out of the office for the rest of the day.  Next thing I know, the entire office needs to go through sensitivity training.  Nobody has the BALLS to just say, no.  This does not warrant this expense, or time.  There is one person total that gets offended (quite certain of this).  What would you do Ratsun?  



        WHAT? - I'm going back to the '70's.........


                                - Doug

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I think anyone can say that about anyplace.  I was born and raised there.  I'll bet this happened on Oahu....that place is a fucking nightmare.   I was raised on Molokai and Maui.  COMPLETELY different mindsets there. Oahu is a fucking rat race, dog eat dog, watch your fucking back place.  I am part hawaiian/filipino and would NEVER EVER live on Oahu!  Just sayin.... B)

Big Island.   grew up on Oahu, and I'd make the same assumption.  I had to gtfo.  This wonderful woman was hired from cali.  I truly try to be good with her.  Even now, I maintain good relations.  I am eternally grateful to have this channel to vent.  Else, I'm guessing I'd take it out on her and it would undoubtedly bite me in the ass.  Kinda fuct really.  All citizens, regardless of sense, are granted the freedumb to express, and impose their insecurities and discomforts.  

To tell the truth, I only wish she just asked us to be considerate of her when she was around.  I like to think I would try.  Either way.  She is good at what she does.  

I hope there is good coffee at the meeting.    

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Back in the 70s there was an emerging 'Women's Lib' ... yeah you'll have to look that up. It was a for runner of, or related to the (forgive me for being uncaring/insensitive to describe it this way girls) feminist movement. Anyway... women were beginning to speak out about inequalities and male attitudes that needed changing... and that was fine you have to start somewhere and it doesn't happen over night.


So I was the plant manager overseeing production on the floor with a half dozen guys and the 'girls' worked in the office but came out onto the floor now and then. In my 'office' were several pin up calendar girls in bikinis (the calendars long gone) and just there for show. They were like your sister in a bathing suit and no big deal. Anyway we had a couple of toilet seats laying around so I used them to frame these two pictures. Well a new girl in the office tried to give me shit for this. In her defense she was polite but very firm about it. I didn't 'get it' at all and told her so. I was just innocently making use of stuff laying around. Wow, her reply was me (and all men) putting women in the toilet or shitting on them symbolically. I told her if she was pissed off then it served her right. Then, I didn't think I had to apologize for something innocently done. My office, stay in the other office out front at your desk. Mind your own business. Now, I don't know. It never crossed my mind that this would offend someone. Today I might think about doing something like this and would be (at least I think I would be) more understanding and would have removed it.


It's a matter of degree. Surely at some point the world would become very vanilla flavor if we have to watch every thing we say and do lest we offend an 'over sensitive' type. Hell I could be insensitive just for saying that. At what point does something trivial to one become offensive to another? By what yardstick do we measure it?


Maybe along with sensitivity training for all the 'I don't get it, what's your fucking problem?' types there should be desensitivity training for all the 'Nancys' out there. Round off all the high and low points and we can meet in the middle?

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Round off all the high and low points and we can meet in the middle?

Not gonna happen. Females along with minorities, don't want equality-they want superiority.


There are females railroaders I work with.Both conductors & Hogheads.If I could get rid of all of them with a snap of my fingers,i would.

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to be honest man, some this is because of the way they're treated in school/training up thru companies.  my girl started to go to school to be a mechanic, realized she wasn't gonna learn what she needed to because the teachers pretty well refused to help her and the other chick in the classes, and the guys all just talked shit to her about how the only use shed be in a shop is as eye candy in between/during jobs. the other chick started wearing tiny ass shorts and tank tops, my girl said fuck this and went a different path.  as to the OPs situation...send em to my plant.  we'll have em walk the gauntlet(5-7 sweaty dudes on a 2 foot wide catwalk doing exaggerated stretches to make sure you feel our nuts on your legs when you walk by...) and watch em get laughed at and told they could have turned around when they complain.


I hear ya. I took a welding class at the Vo tech. There was a girl in there that could out weld me any day of the week. I think most women have better attention to detail than men.

I guess all the cry babies and drama queens want to be machinists. I've worked with some damn good women QA inspecters though.

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...and barber shops.

Tell me about it. Walked into a place called the cutting crew for a hair cut. Wanted me to make an appointment . only one customer in the joint. No hardasses in there. Just gay hipsters.....
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Big Island.   grew up on Oahu, and I'd make the same assumption.  I had to gtfo.  This wonderful woman was hired from cali.  I truly try to be good with her.  Even now, I maintain good relations.  I am eternally grateful to have this channel to vent.  Else, I'm guessing I'd take it out on her and it would undoubtedly bite me in the ass.  Kinda fuct really.  All citizens, regardless of sense, are granted the freedumb to express, and impose their insecurities and discomforts.  

To tell the truth, I only wish she just asked us to be considerate of her when she was around.  I like to think I would try.  Either way.  She is good at what she does.  

I hope there is good coffee at the meeting.    

And i rest my case she is from Cali,the so called dumb hawaiians did not grow up with the bullshit i do here in Cali,I work for the big oil company and yes there al a bunch of whining ass hole's that call out sick and abuse the system and fuck it up for all of us.Not saying growing up in Hawaii makes us better but we sure grew up with more respect then the people up here that i work with.  



She probably hates guns to.And has a OBUMMA sticker on her car also.SO sad.

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I don't remember the last hair cut I had, probably in the 70s. My hair wasn't long but the longest in my high school. You know you've come of age when you no longer have to sit on the board across the barber's chair. Not all of you will understand that reference. In my town there is a real barber shop with striped pole out front and two red leather upholstered hydraulic pump up chairs. Always see old men in getting a trim. 

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I hear ya. I took a welding class at the Vo tech. There was a girl in there that could out weld me any day of the week. I think most women have better attention to detail than men.

I guess all the cry babies and drama queens want to be machinists. I've worked with some damn good women QA inspecters though.

nah they're across all the trade jobs, I run into em all the time. some of it is just them being cry babies, but like I said, some of it is the way they get treated while they're coming up, and the overall "take the easy path" mentality that many in the 40 and under group have.  why bust your ass to do your job well and do it right when you can wear some tight clothes and keep your job that way? I've ran into women in machine shops(dads a machinist) finishing shops(i'm a metal finisher) car shops, welding shops, etc, and occasionally theres a damned good one, but a lot of the times they just seem to go for pretty. actually turns out pretty funny whenever my dads shop gets one of em that's just a face, he's been married too long and is to devout of a Christian to care, all he wants is the work to be done.  they get bitchy and try to say he discriminates when he fires em a week later lol.

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I don't remember the last hair cut I had, probably in the 70s. My hair wasn't long but the longest in my high school. You know you've come of age when you no longer have to sit on the board across the barber's chair. Not all of you will understand that reference. In my town there is a real barber shop with striped pole out front and two red leather upholstered hydraulic pump up chairs. Always see old men in getting a trim. 

I sat in that board you talk about and my hair was cut the way my dad wanted until i was of age to call my own shots,and well decades later i still cut it the same.The barber shop poles are to find these days.

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Lived on a farm until 10 ish. My dad had a set of clippers that you squeeze like scissors... naturally it pulled hair out if your hand wasn't steady. One Sunday morn he got pissed and went to the barn and brought the electric cattle shears used to trim the cow tails for the fair. That worked!  Moved into town and the barber shaved me so my head used to look like a bowl was put over it and anything showing was cut. Started going less and less and saying leave more and more. Once out of school I grew it to my waist.

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Lived on a farm until 10 ish. My dad had a set of clippers that you squeeze like scissors... naturally it pulled hair out if your hand wasn't steady. One Sunday morn he got pissed and went to the barn and brought the electric cattle shears used to trim the cow tails for the fair. That worked!  Moved into town and the barber shaved me so my head used to look like a bowl was put over it and anything showing was cut. Started going less and less and saying leave more and more. Once out of school I grew it to my waist.

WOW what a rebel.

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And i rest my case she is from Cali,the so called dumb hawaiians did not grow up with the bullshit i do here in Cali,I work for the big oil company and yes there al a bunch of whining ass hole's that call out sick and abuse the system and fuck it up for all of us.Not saying growing up in Hawaii makes us better but we sure grew up with more respect then the people up here that i work with.  



She probably hates guns to.And has a OBUMMA sticker on her car also.SO sad.

here's a page from your team's playbook... "Why don't you go back where you came from?" Bruddah.

Guns are a relic of the past that have no place in modern society, much like your views Mr. bigstanker. :w00t:


Hawaii should be bulldozed and turned into one huge military base, Filipinos grow better pineapple.


As far as North versus South in CA... we can make money but you can't grow water. Aren't most Republicans from Eastvale?

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