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Leaving for vacation...in 24 hours. FUCK

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So my family and I are getting ready to make the drive north 13 hours to South Bend, Indiana to visit sick grand parents. Which is good, given I just got dumped by Monkeygirl after a 3 year relationship and need to get that shit off my mind.


Grandpa had a stroke about 3-4 years ago, and Grandma is suffering from total kidney failure so there's not much time left on the board so it'll be nice to see them.



Anyways, looking for shit to do. Last time I was there we visited the Studebaker museum which I plan on doing again, went to the Cook Nuclear facility where my uncle works and walked around the reactors and shit, and went to Shipshiwana to the old school amish flea market. Lots of cool ass antiques.


Wondering if there's any Ratsun people in the area that might have some ideas of some cool stuff to do there. Gonna be a long week, so I'm gonna need something to occupy my time with.

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I dont think you were walking around the actual reactors, unless your the luckiest civilian I know, but nuclear power plants are freakin cool.


I have been dying to check out the Auburn Cord Dusenburg museum for years. you should really go see that if its near you


does South Bend Lathe have a museum or tour?


edit: nevermind south bend doesnt make lathes there anymore, yay Taiwan

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Auburn would be worth it,but it would be a 2 - 3 hour drive from South Bend. it's on the other side of the state.

Auburn is between ft wayne and south bend. monkey is coming from georgia. Coming or going, he will going right through Auburn. If they drive anyway. 90 miles between south bend and ft wayne. 



There is always Cedar Point in ohio if you have others that want to go.

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auburn. Auburn Chord Duesenburg  museum.


^^THAT is an awesome idea. I totally forgot it was there.


Last time I was there, I actually watched them tear down the South Bend Studebaker plant. Ironic, since the cities history was built around that plant and they ripped it down.


Was in Warsaw once. I don't need to tell you Matt... to watch for Datsuns in the fields while traveling. :lol:


I'm always watching  :thumbup:  Dunno that anything in that area is gonna be worth shit.


Hit craigslist in that area! And swing by my crib here in Danville KY for a meal and a breather from the highway!


Gonna be hitting up Craigslist for sure! And you'll have a response to your PM in a little bit ;) 


I dont think you were walking around the actual reactors, unless your the luckiest civilian I know, but nuclear power plants are freakin cool.


I have been dying to check out the Auburn Cord Dusenburg museum for years. you should really go see that if its near you


does South Bend Lathe have a museum or tour?


edit: nevermind south bend doesnt make lathes there anymore, yay Taiwan


We weren't in the reactor room, but we were on the outside of the reactors on the ground floor looking in. it's crazy how complex all of their machinery is. The security there is CRAZY. They used to give tours back in the day, but after 9/11 they stopped letting outsiders in, so it was rare for people to get that close. We had to all have background checks run and ID's checked before entering the gate by a few armed guards with fully automatic rifles. 


I do plan on going to Notre Dame and going through their machine show. The teacher is a friend of my dads, so we get in and play with their 100 year old lathes sometimes. 

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You got dumped by Monkeygirl?  WTF? I'm editing this, it's probably too soon to joke.  You should get this album for the trip:


Yup. Long story, trying to work on fixing it but I'm not so sure. Too soon, still kinda raw. Don't need another FML thread.   :poke:







Picture from my last visit 2 years ago, when they were tearing down what was left of the Studebaker plant.



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I had an boss once that called every woman that he was not currrently with  " The chick i once knew "  every one,, ex wives, high school crushes ,, every one,.. It seemed to impower him rather than hinder with labels and dates and such,, FYI ,, he was 57 years old and balding when i worked for him but he had a wife that was 27 and very good looking.,,,,,,,,,,,  so you make the call..


try it



The chick i once knew




Oh and drive safe

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Shits crazy. The chick I 'used to date' came to visit me from Florida (if you've been here long you know why she's in FL) for my birthday. Planned on moving her back up in August, surprising her with a datto, apartment, and she was SUPPOSED to come on this trip here. I was gonna propose to her tonight since our first real date as a couple was 4th of July 3 years ago. FUCK that. She dumped me the day after my birthday while I was here. Long story short, we got back together a few days later. Sent her back to Florida, started planning moving her back up, and then she told me one night it wasn't going to work. FUCK IT. Still don't understand what happened. Don't know why, but fuck it. It's over. Worked my ass off for 2 weeks trying to fix it and show her how much I care but again, fuck it.


SO we decided tonight that we're going to blow a fuck ton of stuff up in this big ass yard we have. 


About $250 worth of fireworks that I bought.











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Guest roseyroseyrose

only sometimes, sometimes he can be a bit of a gentle soul, but yes normally something much more brutal. "this cunt I once knew?"

he loved the word "whore". oh, and i am in no way calling anyones ex that, just minor threadjack with the capt......actually bukowski can be good for you when youre feeling down...

at one time i owned everything he wrote...and youre right capt, he did have a gentle side, but it was protected by a great deal of thick, horned armour...heres one of my favorite poems by him, read by harry dean stanton, which clearly illustrates that point:

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Hey hey, be nice guys. She's a great chick regardless. Not worthy of any bad vibes. Just a shit situation.. 




In other news, I fucking LOVE South Bend. The roads here go on for miles and feel like they never end. Nothing around but farms and long winding roads. I've really considered moving out here, and may just do that.


Done some cool stuff in the last few days. Lots to talk about, but no time.


But seriously, did you guys know Studebaker made a fucking hover car in 1965??


Yeah...went back to the museum. Lots of bitchin stuff. Be back later.

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