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fuck you 2013 just fuck you

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Sorry to hear about your loss Bonvo.  I know what you are going thru, my dad passed away in 2005 at the age of 47.  It sucks, but with time and family it gets better.  Talking about him may not be easy now, but down the road it will help alot.  Again sorry for your loss.



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Sorry to hear it man.  Lost my dad at 44 the same way, just gone with no warning.  He was almost a 3 pack a day smoker though and was going thru stressful times.  It seems to sting a little more when you think they should have gotten more time on this earth to enjoy their family and things they worked hard for.


Sorry to be cliche, but it will get better, just give yourself time.

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Bonvo...  Not the first post I wanted to see on Ratsun this morning...  My thoughts are with you and your family .  As mentioned, with time it won't be as difficult.  Just promise to go forward charishing the life of your Dad and Grand Mother.  Lawrence.

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I'm so sorry Jon. You had something with your dad that is getting rarer and rarer these days. My brother, sister and I won't have that when my dad goes, neither will my girl with hers. You are blessed.


Remember the good times. Don't get down about what you don't have, smile about what you had. I envy you, as do so many others.

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Yes it has been a horrible year, lost my best friend to cancer, another good friend has a type of cancer he will never fully get rid of,and i was run over riding my Schwinn i restored, and broke my back,which will never be the same. Again, yes i sympathize with you,this year sucked

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i spoke with him last weekend, tried to con him into making the drive to eugene but he had plans.


Cant speak to how hes doing, but i dont know how i would be doing either after all this 


Yeah same here. I was just wondering if he was OK.

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Bonvo, I know how you feel- literally. The same circumstances happened to me last year death wise. I mean it- the SAME thing involving the same people within weeks of each other. I hope you're doing as well as can be expected, and remember that it takes time. You have to give yourself the time you need to make ANY progress. Expect to be "surprised" by thoughts of the loss and what not, and try not to fight it off. It just makes it worse. You're laying the groundwork by holding those pictures and videos close to your heart. I'd be lying to you if I said it was easy. I hope you're hanging in there..and honestly, tinkering around with those cars is probably one of the best things you can do.  It helps- trust me. Take Care and Godspeed to you.

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Anyone hear from Bonvo??? Just wondering how he is doing.



i spoke with him last weekend, tried to con him into making the drive to eugene but he had plans.


Cant speak to how hes doing, but i dont know how i would be doing either after all this 



Yeah same here. I was just wondering if he was OK.


thank you guys. im hanging in there as best i can trying to keep my mind busy so i dont dwell on whats going on. i have never felt so lost in my life. im trying to prevent myself from shutting down ive been posting here and there on here but no where near as often as normal trying to keep my family sane 

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Hey mate, hold on. It all gets better in time. It will never be okay, but it will get better. Your father at one point felt the same paint you feel now, and he turned out to be a great happy man. You have a lot to look forward to, and you were obviously raised very well. Just keep your head up.


If you're ever feeling down and need a distraction, text me or call me anytime. I'll do the best I can man.

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