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i think thats what its call, ive never experienced it my self until now.... i think



Anyway, heres the issue. I was OMW to work this morning coming up a rather steep hill so i gunned it cus i could and no one was around. My tach redlined in 3rd at 7k and didnt not come back down after i let off the gas. So i killed the motor and coasted to the next stop light, starteded her up same deal strait to redline and wont come back down unless i put it in gear. So i tossed it in 5th and made it the rest of the way to work. 


I popped the hood when i got to work and found the vacuum fromt he dizzy to the carb had popped off so i reconnected it but theres no change in the RPM jump




A. WTF did i do? 

B. how do i fix it? 







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iirc the vacuum advance is only really used when you have the throttle open. I can remove mine and the idle wont change.  Throttle stuck? Check yo intake/exhaust bolts... weber bolts snug?  check your brake booster line too maybe it popped off.


Wouldn't think it would rev up really high tho but idk

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I had NO gas pedal at all ... like it fell to the floor ....... my throttle linkage fell apart at the firewall... and the webber DGV had no return spring (so it went wide open)


I had this problem every time I made a rapid acceleration ... ... so far, a stack of washers between the firewall and throttle linkage mount has fixed the problem (the stock throttle rod was too short for the webber DGV) and kept popping out of the firewall mount

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Manual or auto choke? It get stuck closed? Idk dude its gotta be carb or in some relation, air fuel. Dizzy bolt snug, didn't advance a bunch?


Anyone thing maybe the vac advance get stuck maybe? Haha I really dunno mang :/


Replace the headlight with a fleshlight and fuck it.

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The throttle/butterflies have to be open for it to rev up, at least to have any kind of power, so pull the air filter off and look down the holes, are the secondaries stuck open?

I suppose it could rev up fairly high in neutral without the butterflies open, but it would not have any power, as it would be starving for air.

I would look down the intake holes with a flashlight, something is not returning like it's supposed to.

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Have you taken cable off and seen if it still does it??  If you tighten clamp at the end of cable sometimes it keeps it from moving freely...or worst case a frayed cable inside sheath..


no, but ill do that on my lunch break! the cable is new as of 6 mo ago 


Maybe the accelerator pump is messed up? Looks like allot of fuel is dumping in there for no reason


its a new pump, this was the carb on jessi's motor before it jumped a timing gear tooth 

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