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DON'T Use Photobucket on Ratsun

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I use 1600X1200 and have for at least 6 years, it took to long for photos to load to the host site in the default settings in the camera so I changed them, and they took to long to load to the forum also.

It's always annoying when the screen locks up because the photo file is too large, at least that was the way it was 5/6/7 years ago, not so much these days, yet if you go to the very first photos in my 521 kingcab thread they load way slower as I had not figured it all out yet the first 6 months/year.

I also believe that since I use 1600/1200 they don't take up as much space at the host site, so I never even got close to using my allotted space at Photolame and Picasa, my issue at PB was having too many views/using too much bandwidth, they shut it down a few times because of that.

Emailing multiple photos is also way faster when the files are smaller, so it is a win/win.

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I've got some news,


I finally finished the firefox extension, here is the URL to download it -> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byxa_5QRw6vRTE1INEVOSnNTSms


You just have to install it manualy, you can follow the 3rd method on following tutorial -> http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Firefox-Extensions


Since someone asked me for a Safari extension I'll make one too. ;)


Hi guys,


I have sad news, it's not possible to make the Safari extension since the browser does not allow for the time of things I need to do.


So as of now you guys have to choose between Firefox or Chrome.

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Lost_Player, Thank you for the time you spent on these fixes.


Firefox works slick!!! :thumbup:

That only covers 13% of my screen  :rofl:

Mine also but it helps the forum and the people that can not get high speed internet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was viewing someone's PB (well actually tried to but failed to see anything) and there was an on line survey. So I filled it out...


You have screwed with me for the last time. I've had it with your shitty 'service', unnecessary and complicated changes and difficulties posting my pictures. Now you try to hold my pictures ransom? It'll be a cold day in hell before I would pay you anything for this, let alone $399.99. I would NEVER recommend your 'service' to anyone. Photobucket, you have totally fucked up for good this time and I, have moved on without you.. 

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Anyone else have issues trying to download their albums from Photobucket? I'm trying to save my pictures and it errors and says try again, or just does nothing at all.

yup, i bit the bullet and put the album in slideshow mode, then used dtaoneclick for firefox to download them all individually :\
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

It really depends on what you are using to access the internet, desk top is easy to post photos from, I just right click on the photo, copy it and paste it in the reply field, very easy.zVhTKn8.jpg

I’m using my phone so maybe imgur won’t work unless I’m missing something simple

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I talked with PostImage support via email and was told they have no limits and no plans for a premium (pay) account.  Only thing I have not been able to do is more than 1 image at a time posting on my PC.  Uploading I select the first image and then hold the "Control key" down and select as many images as I want to up load.

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