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When your dreams are crushed...

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I couldn't bring myself to go all the way to Canby without a Datsun. Tht would defeat the purpose of the trip. However, I am interested in the meet in Duluth. I just joined the site Monday so I have very little knowledge of the different events. I have heard Canby mentioned on other sites and figured it was really the major meet to go to. I'll definately try to make Duluth this year, hopefully Canby next year.


Thanks for the info on the Georgia meet :)

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its more than a t shirt.

Yea Skib, I know. I have seen how much love goes into these builds. This community is better than any other community I have joined and I hope to be able to be a part of it for the forseeable future. Was just trying to make a funny with the t-shirt quip. I honestly have a ton of respect for you guys and hope to make it out in the near future.

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They have t-shirts? Dang I need one haha


that's what I was thinking...then I remembered I bought one last year lol.


and honestly I went in a Honda last year. still worth going. it's fun to meet people and put faces to the names. the way I see it Muslims have Mecca, Datsun guys have Canby...as part of our religion each member should make the pilgrimage at least once in their lives

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I think I have a plan. My sister lives out near Redding, Cali so I save my money this year. Then I find a great 510 out there, store it at her house, the fly out for before Canby and drive the car up. I honestly want a 510 so bad that I would probably sell organs just to get one after seeing the awesome builds on ratsun :P


If that doesn't work I will just have to work on getting that 5-speed for the 620 and rebuild the L18 before the trip.

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This is the one I found in my search, there are likely more in your area, you need to talk to the locals about the meets closer to you.


Ah thank you. I did not see that one. I am planning on going to the one in Atlanta next month. They have one every 3rd Sunday with any 1910-1989 vehicles included. Not all Datsun, but still looks like a great time.

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That duluth meet was for 2011.... Also yes the third sunday meets are loads of fun. lots of bitchin rides show up. as far a a road trip to canby, I've been wanting to do that for a long time. if we plan far enough in advance I'm sure we could get some people to convoy.

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matt, its funny how you say chets stupid... it made lol in real life...


i cant say that chet got it that bad tho.. the guy with the laser used up a majority of the power on james. 


chet was getting at the most a bad static shock.. 


still, chet = dummy at canDy... trololololololl


and ten OP, are you gonna come car or not? 


skib went without his last year. you can too 

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I'm throwing everything into it, Hope I can make it out but its more  a work thing. 2700 miles is a long trip and I work 4 days a week. I may just save up and fly out, have to get a nice Ratsun member to pick me up.

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