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My photobucket acct.

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I am trying to figure out what I am going to do about my photobucket account, it says that I get 2 GB free, but I cannot seem to find how much I have used so far, can anyone tell me how to find that out?


No one responded to this question, if I were to start using another photo host, how long will photobucket continue to host what I have already in the account before dumping all my photos, therefore losing all my published photos on Ratsun?


I spent a while in the new format, it looks like I can still publish photos, but only one at a time with at least a few extra steps, so far I can't figure out how to post multiple photos, what's the trick on publishing multiple photos, anyone know?

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I believe that per the Photobucket ToS, your content will remain on their servers indefinitely as long as you have an account. You are not required to be an active member to maintain content.



Edit: http://photobucket.com/terms Section 7 Bullet 10


But what determines if they will maintain the account, I could be wrong, but I thought that if one did not log on to ones account, after a period of time of inactivity, the account is automatically closed, and cleaned out to make room for others with active accounts, I mean that they cannot hold your photos forever, eventually there would not be enough room for every ones photos, if you go way back on Ratsun(pre 2009), half the photos are gone, where did they go if these inactive accounts are maintained?


It took me half an hour to find a place on photobucket to ask a question, actually two, and when I asked the questions, the reply I got was, "0 people would like this to be answered", what the f......, I want it answered


I asked, 

How do I post multiple photos on the new photobucket using the IMG tags?

How do I find out how much storage I have used on my account so far?

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The only company I know of that will delete photos based on inactivity is Imgur. Ive had a Photobucket account for years now (going on maybe 9 or so) and I have no logged in since maybe 2006. I can still go to old threads on previous forums and the pictures are still live. Companies are added stoarage space all the time... they dont just delete your stuff with no warning. At a bare minimum, they would send you an email saying they will delete your stuff if you dont log in. Then you log in, upload a photo or something, and then never touch it again until they send you another email.


I just went and verified to see if my PB pictures are still live in a thread. Yep... still live and posted in 07. I shortly left PB after that thread and have been using Flickr ever since.

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Photobucket is lost to me... It looks like they won't support OS X.4 any more... the window changes to a blank screen, soon as it loads. Eventually the hot link that says, use earlier version, stopped working. Then my little tricks and work-arounds stopped too.


For a long time I haven't been able to view videos posted by my FaceBook friends. I gat a dialog box that says I need to upgrade my Adobe Flash player. And after going through the whole tedious process... it still doesn't work. Buried in the trouble shooting, it says, no longer supports OS IX.4 and before, or any Intel/Mac processors or something.


It the BhotoFuckit problem only for Mac guys running older, like Tiger OS?

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This is the way I see it.

"community.ratsun.net" could host, or store pictures on its site, and many other forums do, but server space costs money.  so that measn I will see a lot of ads on Ratsun, or I will have to pay, or subscribe to Ratsun.  By not keeping photos on the servers that host community.ratsun.net, the costs of Ratsun stay low enough to keep it free.

While photobucket is also "free", they are selling advertising on photobucket.   The more pages, and places you have to click, the more page views that can sell to advertisers.

Photobucket has made some changes that are a little annoying.   Yes, after logging in to photobucket, you have to look in the upper right to find the link to go back to the old version of photobucket, answer a question, and click two more pages, but that gets you back to the old version of photobucket.  Then is works more or less like the old "normal way".

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Another vote for Flickr. I'm really inept with anything computer related, but I managed to sign myself up (didn't need my wife to do it for me) and learn to post there. There are probably some details there that could be better, but I don't know the difference. They actually seem to be making some improvements to the Flickr program recently. There was an article online somewhere a few months ago how Yahoo paid a fair amount of money to buy Flickr, then left it to wither on the vine. Maybe that caught the attention of someone at Yahoo. I don't know. I have the free version of Flickr. I understand there are limits to how much I can put up for free, but I don't do very much a month so I've never come close to the limit. I don't think the paid version is very expensive. There are probably other good hosting sites, but I'm too lazy to learn a new one.



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Wayneo asked: > How do I find out how much storage I have used on my account so far?


Again, not applicable as Photobucket is now unlimited photos since about Dec 19th. But you can click your name near the top of the page, then click "Account Settings" then click "Account Status" near the top of the page.





Wayneo asked: > How do I post multiple photos on the new photobucket using the IMG tags?


I didn't know you could ever link multiple photos in one forum post all at once. I've always done it one link at a time.


The NEW ratsun instructions are like this:



As for using the "new" photobucket, we are all still using the old photobucket.

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I friend from another forum sent me this:


"After going back and forth with photobucket for a few days they have told me that their system will no longer recognize a system below 10.6. I have a 10.4.11 and it works fine everywhere else."


My Safari is all updated.

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Wayneo asked: > How do I post multiple photos on the new photobucket using the IMG tags?


I didn't know you could ever link multiple photos in one forum post all at once. I've always done it one link at a time.




I probably post an average of 5 or 6 photos at a time ggzilla when posting photos to one of my threads, that's why I like old photobucket so much, after I pick a max of ten photos, it takes like 10 seconds to post them all, the last time I tried more than 10, it left some out, so I have not tried since.

Pick the photos, generate a IMG code, copy the code, post the photos, simple.


It says I am using Zero bytes, 0% bandwidth use, as I finally found that page, I have hundreds of photos, I have more than 0% use.


Z-train, when I told them I didn't like it, I could no longer upload photos, I had to sign out, sign back in, and say the new version didn't have something I use frequently, then I could upload photos again.

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>It says I am using Zero bytes, 0% bandwidth use, as I finally found that page, I have hundreds of photos, I have more than 0% use.


Bandwidth is not the number of photos. Bandwidth is how much network upload it takes. You have used approximately 0% of the limit. To reach the 10GB bandwidth limit, you'd have to move about 60,000 photos of the standard 1024x768 size.

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> that's why I like old photobucket so much


And that's why are still using the old photobucket.



I didn't know you could to this: Select (check) more than one photo, then at the bottom of the page, click "Choose action", then "Generate link codes for selected"


th_BA1040853-1.jpg th_N15_radiator.jpg th_hphdc080-img600x450-13285152700gjhus8 th_Floor-cover-reverse.jpg th_B120_ID.jpg th_79_westfailia.jpg th_DCH340.png th_Frame_Walnut_Creek_Datsun.jpg th_EGR_720_Z24_1984.jpg

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> that's why I like old photobucket so much


And that's why are still using the old photobucket.



I didn't know you could to this: Select (check) more than one photo, then at the bottom of the page, click "Choose action", then "Generate link codes for selected"


th_BA1040853-1.jpg th_N15_radiator.jpg th_hphdc080-img600x450-13285152700gjhus8 th_Floor-cover-reverse.jpg th_B120_ID.jpg th_79_westfailia.jpg th_DCH340.png th_Frame_Walnut_Creek_Datsun.jpg th_EGR_720_Z24_1984.jpg


If you want the photos to be full size, you copy the full size option in the next window after generating the link codes.


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To answer a question already posed, I think the issue with older threads with missing photos is because the original poster of the thread erased the image from his photobucket account. I made the mistake of erasing a few pics of things I sold, and it not only mixed up the pics in my other threads but left the " image not found" message on the for sale thread. Someone from 5yrs ago sells their Datsun, doesn't care about those pics anymore, just erases the folder to make room for other pics. I don't think photo bucket just shuts it down after inactivity.

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So I took a very rare adventure out on the web to see what others had to say about the new photobucket, here are the headlines.


Photobucket new format, bad news


Surprise, new Photobucket design sucks


Photobucket new format blows


HELP, problems with the new Photobucket format




It seems the only positive comments are coming from Photobucket sources.

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man I love photobucket. I really, really, hope they don't make the new version mandatory in the near future.

I believe photo bucket is going to shove the new version down our throats no matter what we want. In a matter of time we will have to take it. 

I like the old version but that doesn't matter to photo bucket.  

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Don't go psycho on them guys, try to keep your comments to them civilized, they may come back with some kind of generic question one of these days that wipes your whole account out with the answer you give, which will leave a bunch of pages without photos on Ratsun.

I am going to keep going back to the old format till it won't let me anymore, and then move on, in the meantime I am going to have to figure out how to copy everything I have in Photobucket, as it is not all on my computer anymore, as when I lost my hard drive a while back, not all of the photos were in my back up hard drive, but they had made it to Photobucket, something to keep in mind folks, especially if you have had to buy a new computer recently, and didn't transfer everything over.


I believe that what 420n620 said above is true, they are going to shove this down are throats, but you do not want your account closed, as it will sever all the links, you want to leave with the account OPEN.

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