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i cannot beleve cops today

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You should not be surprised. Cops will protect their own and they follow their own rules. If the tables were turn, we would the same.


One time, I was going the wrong way and so I got pulled over, seeing that I had a SJPD sticker in back bumper, the police asked who works for PD and I said my mom. So I said her name and the cop knew her and let me go.


Sometimes I even see cops speeding for no apparent reasona and their lights and sirens were not on...


But like I said we would probably do the same if the tables were turn.

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My bro got 4 points this month. 1 for a red light, 2 speeding tickets, 1 driving with his ligts off at night. Dang.... The cops were being dicks but they caught him fair and square supposedly...
Driving with your lights off and running a red light (unless he entered during the yellow) are pretty black & white violations...:P
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Just recently the RCMP put up a road block just after 10AM on the connector highway near me. I drove by just as it was almost ready. They were visually checking for seat belts but later I heard they had radar as well. I guess there were few letters to the editor in the local paper complaining about the inconvenience. This past week some head RCMP dink from Victoria rebutted them by saying it was a routine safety check for our own good, and that if there were speeders, aggressive drivers, street racers, DUI, drugs, or criminals they would be charged, blah blah blah. He went on in the second paragraph to say that after 10PM 1 in 10 drivers were under the effects of drugs and/or alcohol. Another paragraph on the drug recognition experts and drug sniffing dogs.


Now, I have no problem with radar. I don't speed so why would I care? If a cop want's to look for seat belts as I drive by, fine with me. BUT... to randomly stop everyone under the guise of a safety check is WRONG. The hidden agenda is to catch criminals, drunks and druggies. Lots of dope travels the road this time of year. The best way to make it look like they are doing something is to cause maximum inconvenience to Mr. Public. If it looks like something is being done to clean up the street people are likely to not mind as much. A large net is thrown and all are caught and the guilty are singled out for charges. This tells me that in the eyes of the law we are all guilty until they check and say we aren't! This is BULL SHIT!


For the record I don't drink or do any drugs and I only drive my company's vehicle and ride to work on a bike. I'm all for law enforcement, specially against drunks, druggies, and criminal looser types (weather they are on drugs OR drunk) Fuck 'em! For the RCMP... don't piss in my face and try to convince me it's raining.


Anyway I wrote to the editor myself giving my view. Don't know if they will print it. Hope it doesn't sound too 'whacky' I was pissed (off) at the time:


To the editor re: 'inconvenience sept 17/08'


Nothing satisfies the public's peace of mind like being inconvenienced "for the greater good". What better way than a high profile road block at ten in the morning where they can see something actually done, make that, appear that something is actually being done. The reality is that most criminals are, (no surprise) still in bed! The majority of drivers are working stiffs or tourists minding their own business. Sure a few speeders and those without seat belts are caught and that's fine, but if you want to catch aggressive drivers, better time spent would be out paroling the streets. Street racing happens more in the evening rather than ten AM. Throwing a wide net to catch a few, is just a plain waste of time. Don't tell me you aren't targeting drivers that are impaired or involved in illegal activities, of course you are. Or you wouldn't be ready with your drug recognition experts (DRE) and drug sniffing dogs, all under the guise of random safety checks.


You want to impress me? Put up your road block between 10PM and 3AM where by your own admission one in ten drivers is "impaired in varying degrees due to alcohol/drugs consumption". What better time to nab criminal/looser types who feel free to roam under cover of darkness or criminally impaired drivers that still have not 'got the message'. If you stopped a car every 30 seconds between ten and three AM you would have 60 possibly impaired drivers for your drug recognition experts (DRE) to inspect. I'll bet a much higher percentage of criminals are on drugs too so one stop gives you a two for one. Bring tow trucks.


If you have to inconvenience someone, inconvenience the criminals. If you fish, go where they're biting.



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I speed blatantly, though slowed down after I sold the Miata. It attracted attention, though my loud 510 doesn't seem to. Probably looks like too much of a shitbox to attract attention. Either way, there's a reason I have a lawyer for traffic infractions. Costs you more, but well worth not having the hit on insurance and driving record. Mine's actually clean now for the first time in 3 years.


And if you're in Spokane and you need to get off on a speeding ticket (provided it's not a work or school zone), use John Clark of Crary, Clark, and Domanico; works well for me. 509-926-4900

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I remember riding in the back of our wagon through Sierra Madre, the only shit town in Los Angeles County that doesn't have a full intersection signal. We got pulled over several times, just for driving a datsun. once the cop looked inside and saw a mom and her two kids, their jaw would drop, and say "Oh, uh where are you headed" We told them we were headed home and they'd let us go.


Also, do remember that each time you roll a red and don't get a ticket, you just saved a couple hundred bucks.


Another note: If you read the back of a ticket towards the bottom you'll see it mention 'trial by declaration' or 'trial by mail' you basicly do the process by snail mail and leave it up to the cop to do it in their down time at work, instead of being paid overtime for going to court.

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I remember riding in the back of our wagon through Sierra Madre, the only shit town in Los Angeles County that doesn't have a full intersection signal. We got pulled over several times, just for driving a datsun. once the cop looked inside and saw a mom and her two kids, their jaw would drop, and say "Oh, uh where are you headed" We told them we were headed home and they'd let us go.


Also, do remember that each time you roll a red and don't get a ticket, you just saved a couple hundred bucks.


Another note: If you read the back of a ticket towards the bottom you'll see it mention 'trial by declaration' or 'trial by mail' you basicly do the process by snail mail and leave it up to the cop to do it in their down time at work, instead of being paid overtime for going to court.

I've done trial by declaration. Frankly, I think it's a waste of time. If I felt like fighting another one I'd have to do it in court since all you'll receive from trial by declaration is a notice saying appeal denied, better luck next time! :fu:
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so who here, besides me, has gotten their picture taken going through a red light? :eek:


got the pix in the mail friday. says the light was red for 0.21 seconds. :blink:


if i can link the video of it, i will (lasts for 30 days from violation)



anyone fight it and get it dismissed?

thats what i gonna try for in court. otherwise $361 :fu:

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I got one on xmas eve a few years ago. I was looking at the next light down the hill and blew right through a red. I just bought a new mustang gt. I put the permanent plates on it that morning. Otherwise they would have had nothing because the temp was behind very dark tint. It was over $300. There is zero fighting them. That's why so many civil rights groups are upset with these automated robocop photographers.


They raise HUGE $$$ for the municipalities that install them. The fucking pricks that make the equipment market them to local government as huge money makers. The prick that thought that shit up should kick a swift kick!

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It was over $300. There is zero fighting them.

i have already plead NOT guilty and will get to appear before a judge.

the limit line is not visible (missing paint in spots)


the EXACT poisition of my bumper(4runner w/brush gaurd) into the intersection is questionable as is the time length of the yellow (no legal time / set point for it = random and variable)

0.21 seconds... :fu:


i dont hear about ticketes for encroachment (into the intersection / crosswalks) from these shots either



there is some sort of moratorium about future installs but...

they do make the intersection safer since most drivers will slow down.


damn revenue generators :cursing: the camera does lie!

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i have already plead NOT guilty and will get to appear before a judge.

the limit line is not visible (missing paint in spots)


the EXACT poisition of my bumper(4runner w/brush gaurd) into the intersection is questionable as is the time length of the yellow (no legal time / set point for it = random and variable)

0.21 seconds... :fu:


i dont hear about ticketes for encroachment (into the intersection / crosswalks) from these shots either



there is some sort of moratorium about future installs but...

they do make the intersection safer since most drivers will slow down.


damn revenue generators :cursing: the camera does lie!

Yellow light times are variable, as is the delay between one direction turning red and the cross traffic light turning green
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Yellow light times are variable, as is the delay between one direction turning red and the cross traffic light turning green


im talking about the diff between peak traffic and low traffic times at the same light.

ie...i go this way daily and they seem to change as often :rollseyes:

gotta play the safety factor too. =unsafe to stop suddenly due to a short yellow ;)

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