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i cannot beleve cops today

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i just got a fucking ticket for not using a fucking turn signal he also said i turned unsafely i suposidly came close to the curb when i didnt and suposidly my tires were sqweeling when they werent cops piss me off


on a side note why did i get the ticket when the person who had pulled out backwards into the middle of the street blocking all traffic didnt get a ticket wtf!!!!!

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Umm, yeah...I never see cops use their signals. My mom confronted a cop after she followed him into the grocery store parking lot not using his blinker...he just shrugged at her when she asked why he didn't use his signal.


I think the only solution to having problems with cops is to become one yourself...then you get to be wrong whenever you want ;)

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you KNOW there are cops on this forum?


anyway, the real mean cops like to attach the "unsafe turn" when they're in a real sucky mood



he said my tires were sqweeling around a corner i wanna know what hes on i was IN the car and didnt hear it

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I got a failure to signal recently, first ticket in over 10 years. I was waiting at a red light in the left-most lane of a two lane turn. Both lanes were a left turn only! Not even possible to go straight through only left! The PRICK gave me a ticket after I said where the hell did you think I was going? The officers name was Hayes, so if you read this Mr Hayes, let me take this opportunity to call you a total and complete asshole.:fu::fu::fu:

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Unsafe turn

Unsafe lane change

All bull$hit "catch-all" tickets for when they WANT to write you,but have no legitimate charge.


I got a "unsafe lane change" ticket awhile back because i "scared" his "ride-along".


At the academy,they are taught to NOT use their turn signals.

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exactly what i was about to say man i never see a cop use there signals and what about all the times they use there sirins to get threw a red light cause they dont wanna wait im mean there just currupt

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Guest 510kamikazifreak
I got a failure to signal recently, first ticket in over 10 years. I was waiting at a red light in the left-most lane of a two lane turn. Both lanes were a left turn only! Not even possible to go straight through only left! The PRICK gave me a ticket after I said where the hell did you think I was going? The officers name was Hayes, so if you read this Mr Hayes, let me take this opportunity to call you a total and complete asshole.:fu::fu::fu:


Go figure Mike,

Its the only way to go and yet you still get a ticket...:mad:

How much does one of those cost now??

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I got a failure to signal recently, first ticket in over 10 years. I was waiting at a red light in the left-most lane of a two lane turn. Both lanes were a left turn only! Not even possible to go straight through only left! The PRICK gave me a ticket after I said where the hell did you think I was going? The officers name was Hayes, so if you read this Mr Hayes, let me take this opportunity to call you a total and complete asshole.:fu::fu::fu:
One of the last times I got pulled over the cop (hwy patrol) was pretty cool. I was doing 60 in a 55 windy road with a lot of 25mph corner suggestions (he clocked me in a straight portion, I was probably doing 45-50 through the turns). He asked me something like "Don't you think you were taking those turns a little too fast?" I gave a little pause and said, "No...not really." :D He just said okay and that he wanted me to get to my destination in one piece, and asked if I could slow it down a little, then let me go. Need more cops like that!
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Guest jaimesix



Fight that ticket. Once I got a ticket for the same thing, "Unsafe lane change."


Read the conditions on the ticket, weather conditions. The cop in question said I made an "Unsafe" lane change. Well, the conditions according to the cop himself were "light" traffic conditions, clear skies, and my speed was 30 MPH.


How can I make an unsafe lane change under those conditions???, light traffic, 30 mph and blue skies???


There were no cars around me, so I challenged the cop. What was going on at that time was a sting operation to catch bar patrons leaving a local bar. When I passed through the street, these cops did not and could not see if I was coming from the bar or from further down the road, and they just stopped me because they thought they had an easy DUI case.

Off course, those bastards would not accept their mistake, and had to stick a ticket under false pretense, to justify their illegal traffic stop.


I complained immedialtely that night.


The cops did not even show up in court.


Call the precinct and make a formal complaint. Go to the station and present the complaint, and make sure no Watch Commander talks you into not making the complaint. If they want to make a dent in your driving record, with false statements, make sure you make a dent on their's, with facts and the truth.


Make the complaint, that is the first step into letting these guys know you are serious about this.


These cops are bastards looking dfor unsuspecting victims to fill up their quotas.Yes, there are real nice honest cops, but you are not likely to meet one.


I got a ticket myself on the freeway the other day for driving at 80 mph. I was going with the flow of traffic, nobody drives at 55 anymore, and cops know it, but when it is time to make money, or ameliorate a sluggish record with the superiors, these cops go out and hunt. I was the only one amongst all the 80MPH drivers ridding a cafe racer bike with clip on bars.


Make your complain, make sure that dorky cop learns a lesson, lesson is, "stop people for nothing, and get complaints in your record" , when that cop tries to get a job at a better paying precinct, that record will come back to haunt him.



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Cops can be idiots maybe racist. My friends and I got pulled over for a busted tail light and was goin to give him a warning and let him go but he got a ticket for a seatbelt being unbuckled My friends are white and they were sitting in the front and I was in the back... $101.00 later.

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Ok...here is what happened to me today. I was being followed by a cop and since I have not replaced my piston rings yet my truck smokes like a beast!! :eek:


So....I gave it some gas going up a hill and the cop turned off onto a side street. :lol::lol: My truck doesn't fall into DEQ regulations so he could not do anything about it...this time..lol

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Go figure Mike,

Its the only way to go and yet you still get a ticket...:mad:

How much does one of those cost now??



About a buck twenty.


My wife ragged about it and never let up about how she's never been stopped. Kept asking if I payed it, did you pay it, did you pay for that ticket??? So I gave her the money so she could pay the damn thing. (and shut her up) So the next night, I asked her, did you pay, did you pay that ticket yet??? She just smiled. Later she says "You know that if you pay the ticket within ten days it's only $90 right???" I said " Where's my $30?" She just kept smiling. Women are so much smarter than me.:blink:

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a guy I was talking to today got a ticket on his bicycle for "unsafe riding". He had his basket in front of him while he was riding to do his laundry. The cop flipped a bitch and gave him $200 ticket. :rolleyes:


They were crawling all over my area today... couldn't turn your head with out seeing a state trooper or a sherrif.

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jamie i plan on fighting this bitch fuck the cops after i get out of the ticket ill complain the cops in this toen have nothing better to do i got a ticket from a cop who was driving around at 3 in the morning for not having my licence plate bolted on the damn thing has been in the windsheld for 2 fucking years

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Guest 510kamikazifreak
About a buck twenty.


My wife ragged about it and never let up about how she's never been stopped. Kept asking if I payed it, did you pay it, did you pay for that ticket??? So I gave her the money so she could pay the damn thing. (and shut her up) So the next night, I asked her, did you pay, did you pay that ticket yet??? She just smiled. Later she says "You know that if you pay the ticket within ten days it's only $90 right???" I said " Where's my $30?" She just kept smiling. Women are so much smarter than me.:blink:



You know I have had may fair(for better or worse words) of traffic violations whan I was younger..

I got one last year was on a test drive in the blue bomb(just fixed er and went for a drive)So I get pulled over for speeding,Hmm 80 plus in a 50 oops...

The popo asks me if I knew how fast I was going I said nope.

He sys is the speedo out in your car i said might be..

Bigger wheels etc,.

I really wasnt paying attn to my speed more listening to the motor..

It was sounding good so I kept on it.

Any how he turns out to be a half decent popo..

I only get a ticket for no DL(left my wallet at home,who takes them for a test drive)

Then I get a popo pull up to me in the Orange car a couple days later..HMMM

Well he procedes to tell me he tried to follow me in it a few days before and I disappeared real quick:rolleyes:

So I thinks oh my what have I doen..

Hmm he tells me he has a 510:eek::eek:

Oh gawd now I am in for it,

He comes by the house to see my cars..(gotta wonder what my neighbors thought,new to the neighborHOOD,and cop already at the house)

So the moral to this story is that there are some decent ones out there and some not so decent(have had a share of them,Saw one run a guy aover on a motorbike when I was 19,went as crown witness,and boy did I rack up the tikkeys for a while:rolleyes:)

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Women are so much smarter than me.:blink:


You and me both :lol:


Get a lawyer...tickets vanish when they handle it....and you don't have to get all angry and flustered in front of a judge ;)

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Guest jaimesix
jamie i plan on fighting this bitch fuck the cops after i get out of the ticket ill complain the cops in this toen have nothing better to do i got a ticket from a cop who was driving around at 3 in the morning for not having my licence plate bolted on the damn thing has been in the windsheld for 2 fucking years


I just heard on a radio talk show that this year's memorial day weekend was a fiasco for the police, because of the price of gasoline, a lot less drivers on the road, that means a lot less tickets, less revenue.


Usually, each year, after a hollyday, cops go back to regular activity at 6am on the day after the hollydays.


This year, they are still prowling, because they have to meet the quotas the sherrifs and police departments all over Ca have planned.


So watch out for these thieves with a badge.





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C = communist or commie fags

O = on

P = peoples

S = shit

what u going to do when they come for you - bad cops bad cops

need i say more

and I dont care if there is cops on this form, reality check time :fu:

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