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(motor) oil stain removal from concrete??

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so i got a letter from the GD 'home owners association' group or whatever the fuck for the place im renting.

THIS ONE is asking me to clean up an oil stain in the concrete in front of my garage.

i mean, that's reasonable, it is MY stain. i just hate this fucking 'neighborhood'


anyways, it isnt a 'topical' nor recent stain. i know the cat litter/saw dust trick but thats more for big stains imo.


ive hit it up with dish soap, detergent, etc. that got up most of it, its not black anymore but a darker shade of white.


as we know, concrete is porous so the moisture deeply penetrates that shit... im trying to get 'THAT' part out.


there are a few 'powder' type stain removers that seem to be able to do this, and thats the route im considering.


just wondering if any of my boys at ratsun have some other proven techniques/insight and know what works for sure.

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Rent or borrow a pressure washer that goes up to about 3000 PSI? Just a thought, i'm not sure if it would work or not.

Maybe you should move to a crappier neighborhood.



A pressure washer will cut it in half, unless you get to it right away before it sets in(a few hours).

If it has been there for a long period of time, forget the pressure washer, I pressure wash for a living, and I can't get it out.

I never thought of spray paint. :lol:

It will slowly go away over time, assuming you fix the leak and don't add anymore to it.

Do the best you can getting it out, but that doesn't take care of the real issue here, the HOA, their into instant gratification, I suggest you get a divorce from the HOA.

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Kitty litter and a brick and grind that suff up well.

What I a mean is pour kitty litter on the stain and work the litter into the stain with the brick.

If nothing else it leaves a nice gray concrete colored stain instead.

Has worked for me in a few rentals to get deposit back.

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NAPA 6200 Mac Engine Degreaser. Smells like lemons, works great. Other than that, douse with brake cleaner, then light on fire. In fact, lighting it on fire in the first place, then continuing the flame with an aerosol can of brake cleaner works great. You might send them a letter of when you're going to do it. ;)


And yes, fix the leak if you haven't already. I hate homeowner's associations. I vowed never to live in a neighborhood with one again. Granted I have to patrol my neighborhood from methheads, but it's still better than a bunch of snotty pricks telling you what you can and can't do in your own castle.

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Kitty Litter crushed underfoot followed up by a good soaking with charcoal lighter [safer than gasoline by a small bit] which usually disolves the main crud and lets the kitty litter soak it up. Follow up by spreading kitty litter and walking, grinding, smearing it until you need a beer. Come back tomorrow and sweep with the hardest brush you can find. It may not all be really gone but the color is right.

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oh no HOA's. I live in one and where I live it is almost impossible to not live in one. When I was in the Navy (aviation side) we just dumped it on the ground and ground it in by shuffling our feet over the stain. When I got rid of my leaking pig (Land Rover) I had to do the same thing. At least my HOA never complained but then again our garages are at the backs of our homes.

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We just moved out of a rental house and used Mineral Spirits and a brush to get the grease/oil stains off the floor of the garage that we had been working on our 521 and 510 in. Generously pour the Spirits on the entire spot, let sit for a minute, scrub with the brush, soak it up with a rag, and repeat. Give it a good rinse and let it dry. Two or three times should do it, but after it dries, see how it looks and then do it again if more is needed.

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ha, I had the exact same issue (I even think I made a rant thread about it somewhere) try Coke-a-cola (phosphoric acid, which was mentioned earlier) or gasoline (if its well ventilated). I dunno about yours, but my hoa is the passive aggressive type, which actually led to some good lawls a couple times...

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I have spread a liberal amount of dawn dish washing liquid then mixed in tide laundry detergent. Scrubbed with a brush and let sit overnight. Rinsed and scrubbed the next day. It worked great. The same mixture of detergents work well with greasy hands. Do not inhale this mixture!

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