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Kalifornia assholes on parade

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Why would you care about this if you don't live in California?


Something like this will never fly... would never fly... is it all just a Red Herring to confuse some other issue? There are too many retired street rodders in California with too much time on their hands to kill this dead.


I mean, follow the money... who supports the eliminating the Smog Exemption? Where does the money come from?


I thought it was a gift from heaven when the Smog Exemption law was first passed. If I remember right, the first cut off year was '73, so I skated in. Honestly, I don't really see why an vehicles from like '75 and after should have to comply. List me some 'classic' cars from '81... give me a break. It seems like most of the '60 thru '80s car I see are DDs belching smoke on their last legs... not classics that get regular TLC. Crush 'em, who cares?


Texass is a real groovy place... I'm glad that people like it there and don't want to move to California. People if you ain't from there don't fucking move there. It's a the misfits and loosers from bumfuk middle America who moved west that screwed it.


California is a really groovy place... I'm glad all you fuckers down there enjoy the hell out of it. Because of you, California is not a nice place to live anymore... it's still a cool place... only the people suck. Just too many wannabees.


Oregon really sucks. This place is totally bush league and the weather is torture. DON'T MOVE HERE! It's more like Grimm and less like Portlandia. I would move to groovy Texass, but I'm too broke living in Poortland. Don't even come here... It's probably going to rain at Canby... reet.

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There is always a chance something stupid like this gets passed as a law or in California's case as a rule passed by the Air resources board. If there were no chance we wouldn't have new diesel trucks having to burn urea and pass smog checks. The man responsible Hien T. Tran was the lead scientist who wrote the report upon which the heavy duty truck and bus regulations are based. He bought a mail order Ph.D. from Thornhill "University" located at 255 Madison, New York. That is correct a fake mail order Ph.D

The main point here is to state if you live in some other area and think it will never happen here (where ever your here is) get a clue, this kind of crap is on the way everywhere.

So go ahead and bag on California there's lot's to bitch and laugh at but where ever you are, you are not far behind.

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I thought it was a gift from heaven when the Smog Exemption law was first passed. If I remember right, the first cut off year was '73, so I skated in. Honestly, I don't really see why an vehicles from like '75 and after should have to comply. List me some 'classic' cars from '81... give me a break. It seems like most of the '60 thru '80s car I see are DDs belching smoke on their last legs... not classics that get regular TLC. Crush 'em, who cares?




I care, and if you actually care about Datsuns, you should too. Nissan made a bunch of really unique interesting cars back in the late 70's, and thanks to CA smog laws, most people opted to have them junked rather than maintain them. So lots of rust free vintage Datsuns die every day..

I see nice S30's in the yard all the time, as well as all manner of B210's, 810's, 620's, and any number of other late 70's vintage Japanese classics.

It's because of this that it took me 5 years of searching to find my S10 200SX.


But yeah, greetings from my "non-classic" Datsuns.


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Why would you care about this if you don't live in California?


Something like this will never fly... would never fly... is it all just a Red Herring to confuse some other issue? There are too many retired street rodders in California with too much time on their hands to kill this dead.


I mean, follow the money... who supports the eliminating the Smog Exemption? Where does the money come from?


I thought it was a gift from heaven when the Smog Exemption law was first passed. If I remember right, the first cut off year was '73, so I skated in. Honestly, I don't really see why an vehicles from like '75 and after should have to comply. List me some 'classic' cars from '81... give me a break. It seems like most of the '60 thru '80s car I see are DDs belching smoke on their last legs... not classics that get regular TLC. Crush 'em, who cares?


Texass is a real groovy place... I'm glad that people like it there and don't want to move to California. People if you ain't from there don't fucking move there. It's a the misfits and loosers from bumfuk middle America who moved west that screwed it.


California is a really groovy place... I'm glad all you fuckers down there enjoy the hell out of it. Because of you, California is not a nice place to live anymore... it's still a cool place... only the people suck. Just too many wannabees.


Oregon really sucks. This place is totally bush league and the weather is torture. DON'T MOVE HERE! It's more like Grimm and less like Portlandia. I would move to groovy Texass, but I'm too broke living in Poortland. Don't even come here... It's probably going to rain at Canby... reet.

Why do i care?Dumb question.Let's start with,what starts in that shithole state eventually infects other states.So killing bullshit in "the womb" is just prudent.

I lived there for 20+ years,I've forgotten more about Ca. than most residents will ever know.

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I love it when people shit on California and yet love it when they come here and most seldom leave. CA Natives are now few and far between and the new ones barely speak Ingles and are being corrupted by a bunch of liberal fucks hell bent on destroying everything we stand for and love.


If you care about where you live, then pay attention to the surrounding states to see what is going on, because they will leave when the times get shitty in their own back yards. I am sure the Zonies and the Boregonians are tired of the CA transplants and believe me, even the most die hard of Californians are thinking of bugging out.


It only takes a few acts to get folks riled up behind something, and that goes both ways. It only took a few incidents for us to have to register our guns and we can no longer do open carry anymore, because the misinformed sheep got riled up. Now it will be the same for car owners all over again. It starts small and then the machine takes overs. They scare the people they need to scare and the rest takes care of itself.


If you can not directly support legislation in another state, then join or supports groups that can, like SEMA. Because, just when you think you are safe, you are really not.


Ok, who wants the soapbox?

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dont get me wrong, i love california, ive got a lot of family that lives there. i was just making light of the erroneous cali bashing. they have some progressive laws that i dont agree with, but you cant fault them for actively trying to make the state a better place. texas just tows the status quo, giving million dollar deals to big corporations with no garentee that the tax payers will ever see any of the benifits.

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Hey Z train, I've said it before but I guess I'll have to say it again (and trust me I will everytime you decide to open your big pie hole about my state), unless you live here, pay the taxes (like I do) then why continue to talk about it if it doesn't directly affect you? Why don't you worry about your precious Arizona and their brilliant laws, and let those that live here worry about California. If you didn't like it and moved away, great, good for you, so if you have forgotten more about CA than most of us seem to know, why not just forget all about CA since you seem to dislike it so much?

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Hey Z train, I've said it before but I guess I'll have to say it again (and trust me I will everytime you decide to open your big pie hole about my state), unless you live here, pay the taxes (like I do) then why continue to talk about it if it doesn't directly affect you? Why don't you worry about your precious Arizona and their brilliant laws, and let those that live here worry about California. If you didn't like it and moved away, great, good for you, so if you have forgotten more about CA than most of us seem to know, why not just forget all about CA since you seem to dislike it so much?

I vote and I pay alot of taxes in this state.I guess I can complain then right.What they need to do is seperate nothern California from southers California,that would be a really good start.
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1)Hey Z train, I've said it before but I guess I'll have to say it again (and trust me I will everytime you decide to open your big pie hole about my state), unless you live here, pay the taxes (like I do) then why continue to talk about it if it doesn't directly affect you? 2) Why don't you worry about your precious Arizona and their brilliant laws, and let those that live here worry about California. 3)If you didn't like it and moved away, great, good for you, so if you have forgotten more about CA than most of us seem to know, why not just forget all about CA since you seem to dislike it so much?


1)And i'll tell you to shove it up YOUR ASS.

2)Nice try.California is LOSING population,while Az.is actually GAINING population.

3)Because i still have friends there and even though your head is so far up your ass,you need a glass belly button to see where you're walking,i still wouldn't want the vile shit that Ca has planned to happen to even you.


Fore warned is fore armed


Any more stupid fucking questions?

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California sucks, it's not just the laws, it's the people.

I'm a California native, I have to get the fuck out of here.



I'm glad this thread was created, aside from all the state pride, I'm glad that CA's smog bill 1224 is back on topic.

I've been looking up up for a couple months hoping its made some headway... No updates so far.




I, have thrown away or sold a couple Datsuns because of the smog law. I sold my 630, Z31, and various other non Datsun cars.

I honestly think that some of the gun laws here in Commiefornia are good. Would You want a bunch of criminals running around with guns?

Plus who needs a 30rd magazine in their AR? I'm against welding the magazine in, but 10rds is good.

Though some gun laws are just bullshit and go to show how much the politicians of CA are control freaks. Like how the stock and barrel have to be a certain length before it becomes a sub machine gun and then you have to apply for 1000 permits.

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I'm glad this thread was created, aside from all the state pride, I'm glad that CA's smog bill 1224 is back on topic.

I've been looking up up for a couple months hoping its made some headway... No updates so far..


HOLY SHIT!!!!Someone who gets the point of my topic.


I just got this from a friend:




Legislation (S.B. 1224) to exempt all motor vehicles prior to the 1981 model year from the emissions inspection requirement will not be reconsidered by the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee after failing its initial vote. According to bill sponsor Senator Doug LaMalfa, “Although the bill was granted reconsideration, the opponents contend the exemption is intended as a means of ignoring the effects of pollution caused by older, high-emissions vehicles rather than a legitimate benefit for classic car collectors whose vehicles are rarely driven. My efforts to convince my colleagues of the merits of the bill have been unsuccessful, and therefore, the bill has been dropped for this year and, of course, I am very disappointed.”


This is not the first setback we’ve suffered at the hands of the California legislature nor is it likely to be the last. However, we can take comfort in the fact that lawmakers like Senator LaMalfa continue to push for fairness in how the state’s vehicle inspection laws are applied, particularly to rarely used, well-maintained collector cars.


On behalf of the SEMA Action Network, thank you to all the dedicated California hobbyists who participated in this campaign.



At least nothing changes for now.


The whole point is for you Kalifornians to know who your friends are and more importantly who YOUR ENEMIES ARE and VOTE accordingly.

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List me some 'classic' cars from '81...

Yeah 81 z28's, corvette's, trans am's, rx7's, etc. Should all be scrapped because there loving owners only drive them because there cheap.

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