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perquisites of the job. (perks)

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I love my job as it allows me access to peoples back yards, which is great in itself but also allows me to view other back yards and all the goodies laying around just going to waste. Gone back after hours and made some killer deals including "you haul it out of here.... it's yours". People store things intending to do something with them and 5 years go by, your wife is nagging you to get rid of them or you finally admit you aren't going to do anything with it... and time slips by and it's easier to just do nothing. So along I come and talk them up and explain how I really need it to keep my truck on the road, blah blah blah and it's mine. Score!


Well a couple of months ago we worked on a property and back in the wood are some old cars (well they look like they are being stored there) a few boats, and junk and a large locked garage and trailer. Tons of old shit laying around. Under a tree I find this home made tracked vehicle. Like a tank with rubber tracks and plywood body. This thing is rough with 6" of moss on it and the roof caved in. Huh? wtf? it has a 620 dash in it. No way but it is. So I try to find the motor, yeah, it's in the back. The wood cover lifts but threatens to fold in the middle, but inside is an L motor! W-58 and best of all a matchbox!! making this a '79 motor. Has a standard but can't see enough t tell if 4 speed or not.


FF to today and after dropping in 3-4 times to find out if the owner lives in the trailer out front by the road, I finally get an answer. I talk to the lady and she was really nice. I explain how I would like to save the parts in it and she gives me the number to call her husband tonight. I just got off the phone. Dave seems like a fun guy. I mentioned I would like some parts and he says he has a loader and if I bring a trailer he'll load the thing if I want to take it home. Whoa, I said, my wife would kill me, could I come by and start removing stuff... he says sure, fill your boots. If you take an axe to the body you could probably get at the transmission too.


So tomorrow I'm loading my tools and heading over. Would like to lift the head with the manifolds attached and get that matchbox and coil. Doubtful it's a 5 speed, but it has the truck rear end in it he said. I'll know more later this weekend.

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Yup, fucking spell chek and not paying attention. Perquisite ... Thanks Mandy.


Well here it is.... drivers and rear pass doors fell off when opened, roof caved in. Engine is like wet card board.




Rad full of green stuff. 3 core! I checked.


By eye the fuel pump is larger. I'm used to the smaller ones. First time I saw the larger ones was at Canby.






W-58 head. Engine complete minus battery. Wix filter another good sign....



Has the matchbox EI dizzy so that makes this a '79 fo' sho.L20Bcrawler004Large.jpg



This think has been here for some time, 10 years? I checked and the 4 speed is probably in reverse and feeding forward to a VW? trans axle? VW shifter just between and behind the front seats. The owner offered to use a loader to yank the motor out and although I don't really need it, I'm beginning to think it might be worth saving. It's full of anti freeze.















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I won't destroy it..... nature has pretty much done that. Two of the three doors I opened just fell right off in my hand. Mechanically it probably runs. Maybe should slip the dizzy back in and get a battery and see how she sounds.

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I won't destroy it..... nature has pretty much done that. Two of the three doors I opened just fell right off in my hand. Mechanically it probably runs. Maybe should slip the dizzy back in and get a battery and see how she sounds.


Fresh gas and check the oil, bet she purrs like a kitten!

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That looks like it was someones upgraded or home made Snow Cat.

I had heard most used an air cooled motor, no water in the block to freeze and crack but I remember the large ones I saw as a kid had an inline 6 for power.

That one appears to have VW wheels on it so at one time it might have been VW powered.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Vancouver island... barely gets below freezing, lots of rain and woods. It was on a very wooded lot. I'll call him and ask next time.


We used to get a fair amount of snow and freezing , going back to the early 80s, I remember seeing cars on Long Lake in Nanaimo.

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