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On monday my daughter had a t-ball game and my wife took her i was stuck at work so i drove my 620 to her game the coaches and some parents were saying cool truck on the other team one parent went up to me and told me that around the corner there was a 620 and 510 just sitting on the drive way. He said they have being sitting there for years. so i went after the game to check them out i found it right away corner house i went and knocked on door old mexican man came out and i said are you interested in getting the cars off your drive way he said no for me to get out. he went back inside and looked inside the 510 and 620 he had so much crap inside of them that you couldnt even see the dash newspapers lamps and in the bed of the 620 cans bottles both sittitng on flats. looked in his back yard and look like a junk yard crap everywhere.to much to handle so i left behind another lost datsun's to hoarders. :crying:

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I had to take a deep breath and read because there was not a single pause. Hoarders main problem is that they believe that someday they will restore it....and when that days comes, its too late for the car or the owner.

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I too hoard Datsuns. I had three 521 trucks, and I even bought Ratsun last April. Now, I have four.


We do not live in a Communist collective. What is mine is mine.. it is not yours. Through whatever circumstances I got my stuff, luck, life, or working or earning it, it is mine.

Thou shall not covet other peoples stuff.

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Off him more garbage than the Datsun is holding as a straight across swap.



This made me LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I too have seen this situation far too many times. So many Dattos I know of that are rotting away, that the owner just flat refuses to sell because "one day they're gonna fix it up"... :hmm:

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This is an issue with me, and I have posted on this before.

I knew a guy who had a full custom chopped top, all shaved, ton of body work. Etc 620 this was late 80s. ...He sold it to a guy,, who got into drugs and the truck ended up sittting in the driveway of his parents for years. I stopped by and asked about it a few times. His mom said that he didnt want to sell it.OK...Long story short, it sat for 15 years, then it was just gone., I stopped by one day and asked what happend to it. His dad said got tired of looking at it so he ended up taking to the wrecking yard.....And he said he would have given it to me....made me almost cry...I guess I just asked the wrong parent...lol!!!

It does happen all the time to all types of cars and it is sad...I know several custom trucks right now that have been sitting for years anfd they dont want to sell them....You cant force the people to sell....

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he said he would have given it to me....made me almost cry...I guess I just asked the wrong parent...lol!!!

It does happen all the time to all types of cars and it is sad...


Two tips guaranteed to work:


Derelict car owned by kid? Ask the dad. He'll give it away usually.

Derelict car owned by older dude? Ask the wife. See above.

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Two tips guaranteed to work:


Derelict car owned by kid? Ask the dad. He'll give it away usually.

Derelict car owned by older dude? Ask the wife. See above.


You have that right, ask me, not really, ask the wife "Yes"!

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I too hoard Datsuns. I had three 521 trucks, and I even bought Ratsun last April. Now, I have four.


We do not live in a Communist collective. What is mine is mine.. it is not yours. Through whatever circumstances I got my stuff, luck, life, or working or earning it, it is mine.

Thou shall not covet other peoples stuff.





Aren`t 510 hulks worth almost $1000. in Cali, did you offer him that..?? Or were you looking to get it for a couple hundred..?


Like the 5 million other people that he has had to deal with..

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Could be that he likes his cool car dumpster. Likes waking up every morning and seeing the cool shape out there. Knows its a special car, and its his... But,,, if you do try and get it,,, just be,,, you know,, cool about it. Offer a realistic price,, Heck,, offer to help with the stuff inside. Mabey leave a letter in the mail box with an offer. No need to get all worked up about it though.

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