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Why are women on the Internet so fucked up? (RANT)

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This is where my red flags really went up. Othello?! Jesus, I grew up in Moses Lake and there are plenty of crazy bitches there, but the ones from Othello by far take the cake. Dude, really, Othello? :no:


For real though..... I think those dating sites are cest pools for high maintenance, desperate women with far too much baggage. The internet in general is a breeding ground for crazy women who are able to be someone they aren't behind that screen, just to reel in unsuspecting guys, but those dating sites seem to feed right into that. Don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against meeting on the internet, hell, Brodster and I met through a snowboard site, but it seems like there's way more bullshit to cut through sometimes with the internet relationships because it's hard to tell who's being real and who isn't.


I would highly recommend trying to steer clear of girls in central Washington. If they haven't already been snatched up, there's probably good reason why. ;)


I, apparently, didn't get the memo..... :) But now that I know!

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Damn Figbuck!

Once again,you speak the truth. I played in a band back then,too. I always thought it was funny to see 2 guys fighting over what was basically a skank. Why? Hormones,of course.

I've dated women with a master's degree who literally didn't know how to screw in a light bulb. I'm sure my old Datsun wouldn't be acceptable to them.

love this thread!

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Ha ha haaa figbuck, well put. It all comes down to what you want and are willing to trade or compromise for it. If you are lucky, your partner wants the exact same things and suddenly.... you are not compromising.

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Been there, done that. The problem is that all you see is a pic and some words and it's very hit or miss. My suggestion is to go to www.meetup.com and find an activity that you are interested in like hiking, running, whatever, and get out and meet women face to face on a social level. It can be hard being the new guy but it has worked for me. It gives you an opportunity to meet and get to know someone before you decide to ask them out. There is a group for almost any activity you want to do. Try it dude.

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I'm the last guy you would want to take advice from. I went from crazy to crazier till I was almost 40. And this is what I learned from it,


STOP LOOKING!!! Live your life. do your thing. Be a guy. Stop trying to stick your key in the wrong key hole. Just let it go.


The last thing a girl is looking for is a desperate guy. Act like you dont give a shit until you actualy dont. You will be surprised how they start coming to you.


Back in the 80's I worked at Bow Wow auto parts in Seattle. That place was like ass soup!

It's only a matter of time before some sweet girl comes in and needs help with her wiperblades.


My GF was a loan officer at a bank, and did a refinance for me. She later called me to have a beer. I was in the shop, 2 weeks of growth on my face, under the Z. the last thing on my mind.

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Yeah, I just talked to the parents, dad was telling me an undiagnosed seizure is actually a pretty serious thing. Guess I just hadn't really thought about it. Or had the blinders on in search of poonanny! So the 'rents said, you're lucky enough to cut your losses, be happy! So I'm going to stop whining and go work in the garage! On this nice sunny day! :)


On top of that, I have my new Porter/Cable 1/2 drill to play with, and a new bike computer I need to hook up!

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Well problem one is going after semi attractive to downright hot girls. The more attractive they are the crazy they are. My wife is very attractive and she is crazy as hell. I tell her this all the time and she partially agrees.


Ugly chicks will do whatever you want and think you are the greatest thing since sliced bread. So the question is would you rather have ugly and great or a hotmess?

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The big problem with American men is that the last couple of generations were raises from birth to be either doormat "nice guys" or asshole "bad boys". Why? Because this fucking country can't ever seem to find a middle ground.


On the other side of the coin, women are also either total doormat sweethearts or arrogant cunts, based in proportion to their looks, and how many nice guys/bad boys gave them attention growing up. The third generation of feminists have been throwing men (and "not-feminist-enough" women) under the bus since about the mid 80's. Women bitch about how media portrays them, and the social expectations "they" have on them; but at least society recognizes and acknowledges this. When was the last time you heard any politician standing up for men's rights, or speaking out against how men are portrayed in popular media? It's because we've always had one single, solitary advantage in our corner. It's an advantage that crazy bitches and radical feminist nitwits have been working tirelessly to take away for decades:


The capacity for a fulfilling "don't give a fuck" single life.


If we, as men, are able to reign in our hormones and our cum cannons during out 20's, and spend that time setting ourselves up with educations and/or jobs that don't leave our bodies completely wrecked, we are in a prime position to spend the rest of our lives single and happy, if we so choose. Women will harp on about how their sex has been "sold as chattle" throughout the ages via marriage. Boo hoo. You know what happens to men in marriage? We trade our excess of labor for their reproductive abilities. We trade away our ability to live inexpensively, doing work we find rewarding, having hobbies we love, in exchange for "family". There's not a single one of us right now who can't think of at least a handful of guys we know who've jumped into relationships too easy with the wrong chick, all for some pussy, and years later have ended up miserable because now they're either busting ass at jobs they hate, or stressing out because they've lost a job and can't find a new one, and now they also have a family to support. All because they hooked up with the wrong person for easy access to some pink.


Being married, or even just "going steady" with someone doesn't mean you have a life partner. It just means you have obligations that if you try to get out of them, may or may not cost you half your wealth. I'm 31, my friends keep asking me when I plan on getting married. When I say "no idea." all my married guy friends accept this answer just fine, but a number of my married women friends tend to scoff like I just said something unimaginable. I've even been told that I must be afraid of commitment. No, I'm afraid of bullshit and drama. When I find a beautiful, educated, nicely-incomed women who is capable of maintaining herself and has her own independent hobbies while taking interest in mine, and we are willing to share them with each other, even if the partner isn't that into it.


A partner doesn't try to change you, you try to improve yourself for them.

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Further more, free dating sites like OkCupid and PlentyOfFish have a singular problem: no investment. They should be treated more like people watching sites or virtual bars. Since the bulk of the members don't have a single cent invested into things like subscription fees, they have no need to not look for impossible perfection. On OkCupid, you'll see a ton of even average looking women (and some men) with Replies Very Selectively next to their names. Part of it is undoubtedly because they're getting a tidal wave of assholes writing things like "want to fuck?", but also that they're probably ignoring replying back to anyone who doesn't meet their immediate photo standards.


At least when someone is paying $something a month for a subscription, they have a financial encouragement to get off their ass and actually talk to someone on there.

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HRH, it sounds to me like you need to go bar hopping. ;)


I met a chick a few years back that i thought was the bomb. She was basically a dude with boobs and a vagina. Good looking, great in bed, and didn't complain about anything......

Until i got pneumonia and wouldn't go to the hospital (they freak me out.... the smell of death... needles) and pestered me endlessly for a day to go.. so i went. after i got out,

she confessed that she had been seeing someone behind my back from the get-go.... And since then, I've been mostly single. i'll try a few people here and there, but getting burnt

effected me in a pretty bad way.... So you never know what will happen. Just remember these three rules that i keep in my head - Don't get whipped by a woman. that's the worst thing you can do.

- Don't hold back emotions!!! Being emotionally disconnected can break a relationship into a billion pieces. - Keep your head held high during the low times. there's a silver lining in every dark cloud. :)

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This is how I'm feeling about it right now:




And jeezus fing christmas, why is 510 sheet metal so fucking thin?!!! Filling holes in the floorpan, been at it for hours, keep opening up new pinholes. Getting it, slowly but surely. I'd almost like to replace my rail on the one edge, but the bodyman suggested against as it's massive surgery. I may see if I can't make a new frame channel to go over the existing, then sandblast it, por15 it, and slap the new rail on. Not sure yet.

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I have gone out with the "girl next door that don't know they are hot" to the "gotta down a case of budwieser so she looks hot, hope she didn't search my wallet for my address" (one night stand for that one, think I need another case to help me forget) and also the "hotter than hell hottie with a body, which used to be the girl next door that didn't know she was hot, but found out how hot she was and became a bitch" all found online.

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I got married as a teenager in the Reagan era and divorced in 2010 and was AMAZED at how much women had changed during my 23 year absence from the dating world. I was getting groped and propositioned by women on first dates. I got to where I expected sex on the first date and was very rarely disappointed. I was getting tons of tail but there were no keepers in the bunch either because of a goofy laugh, horrible family, control freak tendencies, etc so one night, in a moment of despair, I poured my heart out into a profile at a dating place called singleparentmeet.com and found that place to be a little higher quality folks than POF, match or eharmony.


If you create a profile truly from your heart and can find a similair one from a woman not looking for a baby daddy or sugar daddy you have a decent shot at meeting a good person. I found a profile written by a lady who had pretty much given up on dating and was working no angle. I had to pursue her a bit but got a true lady for my trouble. An honest, well-written internet profile gives you an insight into a person that can be far superior to a bar meeting or a blind date. you are going to meet fruit loops in person or on line so you just gotta keep sorting through them.

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There is one thing american men need to work on; being emotionally available while refusing to let themselves be whipped.


Then again, it's always a bit disturbing to me how many women, once you're finally done with their bullshit, and bounce out on them, suddenly become fucking pitiful lap dogs just about begging for you to come back. No.


I have friends and activities and a nice income; I don't need female. Some don't know how to handle that.

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Um I'm drunk I got bored of reading everything after what I read the other day. I'm sure others have said it, but you gotta get outta the middle of nowhere the chances of meeting the right chick increase by so much mathmatically its hard to explain. I can't speak from experience but math says its true lol.

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