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Scumbag stole parts!!

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Thought I'd share this, cuz I always get a kick out of catching a dirtbag! I had a junk Alfa Romeo Spider parts car outside in the parking lot last Fall (actually still out there). It sits next to a junk MGB, and a junk 510. One day I pull in, notice that the trunk lid was open, wander over, and all of the parts that were stuffed in there were gone! I figured that a scumbag stole the stuff to turn in for scrap, so I didn't bother with a police report........never see the stuff again. Thankfully, I had the Euro-spec dual Weber intake manifold (among some other parts) in my shop! Shouldn't have left the other parts in there, but damn, that crappy Italian stuff takes up my Datsun parts room in my shop!!


Anyway, having a beer with some buddies last night, and one says "Hey, will you be at your shop on Saturday, cuz I'll be in the area? Oh yea, what are you doing over there? Picking up some Alfa parts (he is neck deep into Alfa's, poor slob!!) for a buddy of mine over in Detroit (3 hrs away), at that shop right around the corner from you! Huh?? Picking up Alfa parts?? Why would that shop (he's a nice Mexican guy, works on domestics & late model imports) have Alfa parts?? What kind of Alfa parts??" My buddy rattled off the list of parts that were stolen!!!! 2 + 2 = stolen parts!!!!


I called the buyer in Detroit today, and explained that he was very likely buying stolen parts, and asked him for the sellers contact info, which he gladly gave to me. Unfortunately for him, he sent money via Western Union, cuz the guy kept badgering him, and said that he needed money to buy groceries. I would guess that the dirtbag seller found him on the internet, as an Alfa specialist, and called him.


Once I had this info, I called the police, they sent over a really nice, cooperative officer, and he & I went over to the shop around the corner, where the seller had apparently left the parts. Turns out I have sold the shop owner parts before (I'm an auto parts guy here in town). The cop started out by saying that HE was not being charged, briefly explained the situation, but didn't name any names at that point, and asked him if the parts were on the premises. His first answer was very vague, but it was basically "No". The cop grinned, and explained in more detail, and the guy then quickly admitted "Oh wait, yea, I've got some parts for that guy (the seller) over in my other building."


Cut to the chase............along with the rare Weber intake manifold (again, had that in my shop), I had a matching Euro-spec 2 pc dual downpipe cast iron exhaust manifold, and that was there in the pile of parts! Absolutely no doubt that these were my parts. Filled out a statement, loaded the parts up in my truck (I thought the cops had to keep stuff like this as evidence????), and the cops will pick the guy up for larceny. Yup, gotta press charges, cuz if I don't, he'll keep doing it. Will he come after me, if/when he gets out of jail..........who knows, but he is just a well known local drunk & drug addict, and the cop looked at me and said "Don't worry about him, I've arrested him 3 other times, he's just a drunk, looking for ways to make a quick buck, not a tough guy." Good enough for me!! I hope he shows up here one night. Always a great feeling, knowing some dumbass just got caught.................... :P

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Not many Datsuns, cuz what were sold here in the Motor State back in the day (sales numbers nothing like the west coast!) all rotted away, but we have a relatively diverse culture here! :rolleyes:



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Man, they really want to bust this guy! Another cop just stopped by to take pics of all the parts! He also asked me to turn in a detailed inventory list, with values. I love the small world of classic cars & parts, cuz word just seems to get around..............caught from heresay from 3 hrs away!!

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"known to police" makes me laugh. This is some douche nozzel that probably gets it over on the cops sometimes and they are dying for payback. The value is something that probably adds to the penalty handed out. So fuck him. If you ever get to meet him be sure to say "I hope nobody fucks with me or my stuff, because I'm going to think it was you! Better pray I don't get a flat driving home. I know where to find you now."

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^ Thats very true. I freaking hate parts theives, hell theivs of any kind anymore. Starting to happen way to much, its why when im in florida my neighbor is watching the house with the datsuns, and my 200sx is up at my dads.

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Dont wanna thread jack but i wanna share my experience.


I had a parts stolen from me before! A friends dad that was a mechanic that had helped me in the past I asked if he could help me with a parts car I had for my Z. So I went on and took everything I needed I had bought another spare motor that had useable parts, soon I noticed a lot of the parts were gone! The mechanic as I found out had took the parts to the scrap yard I asked him where the parts go he told me he took the parts to the scrap cause they were just sitting there didn't think I needed them. I was so pissed at the same time I had a good Plymouth Conquest low miles I was working to fix up for a DD that I had for almost a year that I paid $250 bucks for. I took what parts I could from the parts motor an extra turbo, a head home. A few weeks went by and the mechanic calls me up and told me what I'm gonna do with the conquest I said well I'm going to use it for a DD and I was gonna find a way to bring it home. I go and call him the same week he called me I tell him I'm on my way to pick up the car well so happens he sold the car to someone that needed it for parts, I said WHAT do you mean you sold my car who gave your permission? Mechanic said he was making space in his shop and so happens my car got sold to some jack ass that went by and saw it so I post a ad on CL hoping the guy who bought the car would contact me to see if I could get my car back. Next thing I know I got the mechanic calling me very upset telling me cops are at his shop trying to arrest him for a scam I told him no I posted an ad on CL hoping the guy who he sold the car to would maybe sell it back to me. Well I had to tell the cops how I intended to get my car back all he said was the best you could do is hand over the title I told well I bought it without a title I had it but I wasn't gonna let it go. After all that nothing happened to the mechanic he went on with his life and i was left with a life lesson not to trust anyone anymore I left 2 engines that were down to bare useless metal and haven't went back since.

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Dont wanna thread jack but i wanna share my experience.


I had a parts stolen from me before! A friends dad that was a mechanic that had helped me in the past I asked if he could help me with a parts car I had for my Z. So I went on and took everything I needed I had bought another spare motor that had useable parts, soon I noticed a lot of the parts were gone! The mechanic as I found out had took the parts to the scrap yard I asked him where the parts go he told me he took the parts to the scrap cause they were just sitting there didn't think I needed them. I was so pissed at the same time I had a good Plymouth Conquest low miles I was working to fix up for a DD that I had for almost a year that I paid $250 bucks for. I took what parts I could from the parts motor an extra turbo, a head home. A few weeks went by and the mechanic calls me up and told me what I'm gonna do with the conquest I said well I'm going to use it for a DD and I was gonna find a way to bring it home. I go and call him the same week he called me I tell him I'm on my way to pick up the car well so happens he sold the car to someone that needed it for parts, I said WHAT do you mean you sold my car who gave your permission? Mechanic said he was making space in his shop and so happens my car got sold to some jack ass that went by and saw it so I post a ad on CL hoping the guy who bought the car would contact me to see if I could get my car back. Next thing I know I got the mechanic calling me very upset telling me cops are at his shop trying to arrest him for a scam I told him no I posted an ad on CL hoping the guy who he sold the car to would maybe sell it back to me. Well I had to tell the cops how I intended to get my car back all he said was the best you could do is hand over the title I told well I bought it without a title I had it but I wasn't gonna let it go. After all that nothing happened to the mechanic he went on with his life and i was left with a life lesson not to trust anyone anymore I left 2 engines that were down to bare useless metal and haven't went back since.


i would have told the cops "yes officer he sold my car without permission"

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i would have told the cops "yes officer he sold my car without permission"


Yeah I should have but since the mechanic was father of a good friend of mine I just said fuck it! If I didn't know him that well or his son I would have done it in a heartbeat.

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i would have told the cops "yes officer he sold my car without permission"


It's always hit or miss with cops. A lot are just lazy fucks who want their next donut like the ones in the stolen/sold car story. Then some are fucking awesome like the one in OP's story.

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