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mrbigtankers 521


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Well when you take the three nuts off the bottom of the puck the shaft is going to stay in the block. There is no way to make it stay on the shaft.


If you remove the entire aluminum body and the shaft stays in the block, Then we have a problem. It's a bitch to get that little rubber deal to line up with the notch in the puck. If you don't get it right then it's not going to spin, No spin no spark.

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Well that sucks. I didn't like the way I had to make it. Did it fuck the puck!!!!


No.. the retaining ring popped off. The picture is the shaft with the snap ring on, seems like it's a bit too big and that's why it slipped of (might just need a smaller ring). I put it back together and it's working, but I'm not sure if it will hold up. The reason I had to take out the whole thing was because I wasn't getting cam/crank signal at all, so when I pulled off the EPM and your piece the shaft stayed in the block. I took the EPM off the block and got the retaining ring back on but it doesn't take too much force to slip it off. I was able to align the puck on the shaft with ease, not sure what your tired old eyes are talking about. B)

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So good news first its alive and running.Bad news is dont have time to drive it down there with out giving some sort of test half ass run,and there is a possible leak in between the head and timing chain cover not sure could not see very well[and if thats the the worst of my worries then i am happy considering the factors.So as of 0045 in the morning the red truck is going in the green ones place.Moises did a bang up job trying to get it done on time but time was not on our side.Next year it will be even badder then it is now.Stay Tuned. :hyper:

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It's felt like the truck has been fighting me all the way, but finally it breaths. There's some things that need to be adjusted and others that need to be fixed. Nothing major, but it's all the details that get you in the end. We decided it wouldn't be a good idea to drive it like. I'll post a vid up in a bit.

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