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I give this guy props on a lot of things...but shooting the laptop was a bit too derp for me.

Just take it away, its not like she paid for it, why waste all that money?


It's like he went from awesome to derp white trash in .02 seconds.



sometimes money isn't that important...

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sometimes money isn't that important...


Agreed, and I guess I should have phrased this better...In a way I see this more as an outlet of rage by him than any kind of productive parenting? I dont know how to express what im saying, the rest of everthing he did was so planned out and smart and then all of a sudden hes just like "This is mah gun imma shoot this thing hur a lot" It just seemed a lot less.. effective...and a lot less mature than how he had staged everything else?

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LOL! In some ways awesome! In some not. My bro had a Olds 442 he was converting to be a track race car when we were in high school. I don't remember why, but my dad got pissed one day(those two didn't get along at all!) and put several 30-06 rounds into the block. So my bro just abandoned the car there...eventually my dad had to cut it up into little pieces to be able to get rid of it since he didn't have a title! I kinda laughed at how it came back around to bite my dad in the butt.


Being a parent that has had to deal with the EXACT same crap...kid posting online about how much they hates us and wants us dead......I've come close to doing something similar! More than once I've wanted to take a baseball bat to their computer.....the one that I paid for....more than once since the shit they surf attracts viruses that completely kill the computer. OMG!!!! I could sooooooo rant right now!!!! I get to spend 50+ hours a week in pursuit of the income that pays for their freeloading ass?! At a job I can't f'ing stand. All because they can't seem to be bothered to get off their ass and get a job so they can support themselves?! There are days I'm ready to just take my paycheck and walk away...from the tools and everything!! Maybe then they'll get a job to help pay the mortgage so they don't end up homeless!


.........then I realize I need to post an update on Ratsun....so maybe I'll walk next time :)



....I sure hope he keeps that gun locked up tight!!!!

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KUDOS. Could have handled it better for sure, but I'm glad to see some real level of parenting and discipline.


Now, if he follows through with his punishment, then it'll be cherry. When my parents punished me as a kid, I NEVER got off easy. It pisses me off seeing how terrible parent are these days. Kids are growing up in the wrong environment these days and very few parents are taking the initiative to make sure they turn out right.



Seems like they're part of a family with a good deal of money. Wouldn't surprise me that she came out like a spoiled brat. Hope she learned her lesson, because one day in life when her parents are no longer around to help her, she's gonna be due for a great awakening.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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I'd love to rant about society and the gov't causing a lot of the problems......but I'll bite my tongue. You watch....she'll go to child services and tell them that she's afraid that the next time it might be her and not the laptop and he'll get ripped away from his life. They'll F him in the ass, but they won't do a single damn thing to help him get her to understand how her perspective is complete bullshit! If he cuts her off and she has to figure out how to feed herself....find shelter...live by her own means....they'll F him. If he gives in, she'll F him. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Yes, there's some middle ground in there somewhere, but it's a really friggin' thin line sometimes!! Some hardcore liberal will start a petition to take her from him.....she'll never have to "earn" anything again and end up a pregnant crack whore......but it will be okay because they never made her feel bad about herself! ....uuummm.....I guess I'd better shut up now!! LOL


Disclaimer....the opinions expressed above are not necessarily those of the poster who is simply existing to pay a butt load of taxes so that 4 out of 5 people in this country can live in the freeloading fashion they've become accustom to. :)




....and yes, there's a big difference between being out of work, down and out.....and being a freeloader! Maybe I'm just jealous I can't be one??

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I give this guy props on a lot of things...but shooting the laptop was a bit too derp for me.

Just take it away, its not like she paid for it, why waste all that money?


It's like he went from awesome to derp white trash in .02 seconds.


He's making a point that it's his, earned with his money, to give or take away and to do what he wishes with it. If she is really attached to it this will cut deeper than any monetary loss to him. The lesson is far more valuable than any laptop. Though, it could all be over a teenager's head. She may figure it out one day.


My oldest boy lived at home into his mid twenties while going to school and had one job, to bring in a couple of arm loads of firewood for the night. Every evening I would have too ask him, he never did it by himself and always grumbled about it. So eventually I said to stop bothering. I had a talk with him and explained that when I was gone and he was older he would remember this conversation and how he was young and strong and could have helped but didn't.

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He's making a point that it's his, earned with his money, to give or take away and to do what he wishes with it. If she is really attached to it this will cut deeper than any monetary loss to him. The lesson is far more valuable than any laptop. Though, it could all be over a teenager's head. She may figure it out one day.


My oldest boy lived at home into his mid twenties while going to school and had one job, to bring in a couple of arm loads of firewood for the night. Every evening I would have too ask him, he never did it by himself and always grumbled about it. So eventually I said to stop bothering. I had a talk with him and explained that when I was gone and he was older he would remember this conversation and how he was young and strong and could have helped but didn't.


My brother and I would would stay with our grandfather while my parents worked. He lives in the sticks, total old school hillbilly. Everyday we had to split and stack 2 cords of wood before we could play, we did this every weekend for 7 years. It wasn't fun, but we never complained about doing it.

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