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So, as some of you know my new 620 is in asheville and i'm supposed to be going up there this weekend to drive it home...I have to register it tomorrow in order to go up and drive it home, however even though i have told my mom since the beginning of the week(im 18 and everything is cheaper through her still) that i needed proof of insurance she STILL hasnt got it and im supposed to leave TOMORROW NIGHT. PLUS I HAVE TO PUT HER ON MY TITLE TO RECEIVE CHEAP ASS INSURANCE AND SHE'S TOO BUSY WITH HER HALF ASS BABYSITTING JOB BECAUSE SHE REFUSES TO GO GET A REAL JOB SO SHE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO COME WITH ME TO REGISTER IT TOMORROW SO I MAY NOT BE GETTING MY TRUCK ANY TIME SOON.



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There is just so much wrong with this post I don't know where to start! You're 18 man up and get your own insurance and stop flaming your mom show some respect and stand on your own 2 feet


Where to start with the response to this...

I had my own insurance, but id rather pay 30 bucks a month than 175...sorry for saving 145 bucks a month, also to continue on, if you knew my mom you'd understand why i lack any respect for her. As far as standing on my own 2 feet, i have a job, i pay all of my own bills, every vehicle i have owned i bought with my own money, so take two steps back into your own little circle of fuckery, and don't make judgments when you know nothing of the people you are judging.

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Grab a phone, sit next your mommy, call the insurance. They can email you something for proof of insurance right after you call, or when you register it at DMV they can see onthere computer that it has insurance. Doesn't freeway insurance cost $15 a month? $15! so if you have a job and pay your own bills you should easily be able to pay that.

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Grab a phone, sit next your mommy, call the insurance. They can email you something for proof of insurance right after you call, or when you register it at DMV they can see onthere computer that it has insurance. Doesn't freeway insurance cost $15 a month? $15! so if you have a job and pay your own bills you should easily be able to pay that.


Shit i wish insurance was that cheap- my mom is off and too busy to do anything to get the insurance set up, i have had my own insurance twice and just for liability insurance it starts at about 150-170 bucks a month. I plan on staying on her insurance until im 21 when the prices will drop down to around 100 a month, I would love to just have it all in my name and all, but you have to realize that i work for near minimum wage, paying phone rent utilities food gas and insurance, the extra 145 a month keeps me fed and clothed.


I understand that you guys are trying to "help", and that some of my phrasing is a bit harsh, but trust me when i say that my mom is no one to stand by and support.

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Just drive it like that, fuck. When I bought my 510 I bought it on a Friday night(I think), my brother drove it home from Fresno back to sac at midnight(I didnt have confidence driving stick at the time), the next morning I was up and driving that crap everywhere, I didn't give a dam about insurance or registration.

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Just drive it like that, fuck. When I bought my 510 I bought it on a Friday night(I think), my brother drove it home from Fresno back to sac at midnight(I didnt have confidence driving stick at the time), the next morning I was up and driving that crap everywhere, I didn't give a dam about insurance or registration.


NorCal must be nice lol, i couldnt drive more than 5 feet without gettin a ticket down here without a plate registration or insurance.

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Just drive it like that, fuck. When I bought my 510 I bought it on a Friday night(I think), my brother drove it home from Fresno back to sac at midnight(I didnt have confidence driving stick at the time), the next morning I was up and driving that crap everywhere, I didn't give a dam about insurance or registration.


And if you get stopped it gets towed, the fine will keep you busy for months paying it, the impound fees keep mounting and it end up more than you paid for it and it ends up on the auction block, bought for scrap by Reggie.


BTW you are encouraging someone to irresponsibly break the law. Insurance is there to protect the poor bastard you run into.




Where to start with the response to this...

I had my own insurance, but id rather pay 30 bucks a month than 175...sorry for saving 145 bucks a month, also to continue on, if you knew my mom .....



Shit i wish insurance was that cheap- my mom is off and too busy to do anything to get the insurance set up, i have had my own insurance twice and just for liability insurance it starts at about 150-170 bucks a month. I plan on staying on her insurance until im 21 when the prices will drop down to around 100 a month, I would love to just have it all in my name and all, but you have to realize that i work for near minimum wage, paying phone rent utilities food gas and insurance, the extra 145 a month keeps me fed and clothed.


I understand that you guys are trying to "help", and that some of my phrasing is a bit harsh, but trust me when i say that my mom is no one to stand by and support.


Is there not day insurance? Or 48 hour coverage so you can move a vehicle around??? Get it and get it home and worry about full coverage on your own time.


$30 insurance is really spreading the risk onto your mother's coverage. There's nothing free here. She is basically giving you $100+ free ride every month.

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Guest kamakazi620

And if you get stopped it gets towed, the fine will keep you busy for months paying it, the impound fees keep mounting and it end up more than you paid for it and it ends up on the auction block, bought for scrap by Reggie.


BTW you are encouraging someone to irresponsibly break the law. Insurance is there to protect the poor bastard you run into.









Is there not day insurance? Or 48 hour coverage so you can move a vehicle around??? Get it and get it home and worry about full coverage on your own time.


$30 insurance is really spreading the risk onto your mother's coverage. There's nothing free here. She is basically giving you $100+ free ride every month.

^^^ What he said Your insurance covers a "new to you car" for 30 DAYS how i know my first datsun i drove for over a year without insurance cuz i didnt have money to register when i got pulled over handed cop my insurance for the honda,he says this aint a honda i said No shit sherlock i just bought this a day ago....worked for over a year......just sayin'

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So, as some of you know my new 620 is in asheville and i'm supposed to be going up there this weekend to drive it home...I have to register it tomorrow in order to go up and drive it home, however even though i have told my mom since the beginning of the week(im 18 and everything is cheaper through her still) that i needed proof of insurance she STILL hasnt got it and im supposed to leave TOMORROW NIGHT. PLUS I HAVE TO PUT HER ON MY TITLE TO RECEIVE CHEAP ASS INSURANCE AND SHE'S TOO BUSY WITH HER HALF ASS BABYSITTING JOB BECAUSE SHE REFUSES TO GO GET A REAL JOB SO SHE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO COME WITH ME TO REGISTER IT TOMORROW SO I MAY NOT BE GETTING MY TRUCK ANY TIME SOON.





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Where to start with the response to this...

I had my own insurance, but id rather pay 30 bucks a month than 175...sorry for saving 145 bucks a month, also to continue on, if you knew my mom you'd understand why i lack any respect for her. As far as standing on my own 2 feet, i have a job, i pay all of my own bills, every vehicle i have owned i bought with my own money, so take two steps back into your own little circle of fuckery, and don't make judgments when you know nothing of the people you are judging.


Must be a Carolina thing.

My dads been a total bum since we moved here....


Funny how they bitch about what you need to do and when you need to do it but will never lift a finger to help.

Our generation is fucked, and those older than us don't understand.

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Must be a Carolina thing.

My dads been a total bum since we moved here....


Funny how they bitch about what you need to do and when you need to do it but will never lift a finger to help.

Our generation is fucked, and those older than us don't understand.


At least someone gets it, these west coast guys have no idea what kind of shit we have to go through for vehicles down here, the only thing we have in advantage is no smog checks for old cars.

My mom has always been happy with just getting by and not working hard, even before being in NC.

I'm so lucky to have some hard working grandparents who care about me, raised me, and kept me from becoming my mom.

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At least someone gets it, these west coast guys have no idea what kind of shit we have to go through for vehicles down here, the only thing we have in advantage is no smog checks for old cars.

My mom has always been happy with just getting by and not working hard, even before being in NC.

I'm so lucky to have some hard working grandparents who care about me, raised me, and kept me from becoming my mom.


Eh dad was fine with getting by but now he just wants to scrape by.

Depressing, jobless, racist shithole of a state. I'm moving west.

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Everything is strict as hell down here in NC if i dont get it registered and insured, if i get pulled im done, plus you guys have to realize that without registration i cant get a plate, so its not like i can just sneak by.


i thought you were sick as fuck anyways, puking lungs up and shit..... laugh.gif when i saw asheville i thought "oh if its in asheboro i could run out there with my dodge ram and trailer and take it to his place".... oh well... just calm down and try not to vomit up anything important

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