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Happy CHRISTmas

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This is a day of the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ~ and THIS thread reflects that sentiment. There's another thread for those whom don't respect this day for what it is, and I invite you to visit it rather than here~



I will undoubtedly receive neg's on this one~ but, pardon my french, fuck it! I do not wish to condemn others~ just bring into focus what may have been lost in the race of life... Hopefully those that agree with my post will balance the scales of justice here... This is a day of celebration~ of the birth of Christ! Yet there are those that wish to soil this day with smut and pornography. I can look the other way so much~ but do you really have to turn THIS DAY to something less than holy? Have you forgotten what your parents have taught you? Sooo... put your dicks back in your pants, and embrace this day for what it is...


Nope, I didn't stutter on the title~ Christmas well wishers used to say "Happy Christmas" and "Merry new year". While December 25th is the traditional celebrated date of our Savior's birth, noted studies have determined through thorough research that the likely date is on or about June 1st, between 3-6 BC. You see~ there's more to study in life than just datsuns.....


Sooo... I wish to one and ALL, a happy Christmas~ may your new year bring you good tidings, hope, and faith in what you do, whom you love, and the MAN whom watches over you~ whether you believe He's there or not!


God bless~



P.S.~ can you tell me accurately where the Christmas tree tradition comes from...?

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AND (quote) .................. pardon my french, fuck it!

.............put your dicks back in your pants

Do you talk like that in church or just a thread about how holy we should treat this day of Christs birth?? It just seems kinda hypocritical to complain about scantily clad females and refer to it as an affront to all that is holy, and then use one of the most offensive words in the English language in a thread about moral values ...Don`t ya think



Just my .02


Merry Christmas

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Feel free to bash religion into us if you will, and here I go out on a limb as the new guy, but maybe, just in the slightest, you can.....

1.) Open your mind and see that no one on here is out to slander and destroy Christmas, it's called having fun and goofing off..no one is here to be intentionally disrespectful or to ruin a holiday...

2.)Realize that Christmas isn't just a religion-based holiday anymore, for many it's far beyond that, I don't mind saying that in all honesty, if you asked me my definition of Christmas, the religious affiliation would be near the bottom of the list. You have to respect other's views and opinions, not just push your own.

3.) Please do not say "Our" anything, feel free to base your own opinions as "My", saying "our" is ignorant, because not all of us follow the same beliefs, and it is very insulting to lump everyone in with your own personal mindset.


I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, but I figured i'd try to chime in an honest, respectful opinion from my point of view.



Also- as an addition- My dick will never leave my pants during any musical playing of AC/DC, that's absurd, at least play me something sensual first, sheesh.

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This is a day of the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ~ and THIS thread reflects that sentiment. There's another thread for those whom don't respect this day for what it is, and I invite you to visit it rather than here~






P.S.~ can you tell me accurately where the Christmas tree tradition comes from...?

Pagans had the Yule tree that was decorated back in Biblical times. In the book of Jeremiah, Jews were forbidden from having anything to do with them.


But yet in the Middle Ages, when the Christians stole the Pagan holiday as a way to convert people without inciting riots, it was suddenly perfectly acceptable to have Christmas trees.

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This is a day of the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ~ and THIS thread reflects that sentiment. There's another thread for those whom don't respect this day for what it is, and I invite you to visit it rather than here~



I will undoubtedly receive neg's on this one~ but, pardon my french, fuck it! I do not wish to condemn others~ just bring into focus what may have been lost in the race of life... Hopefully those that agree with my post will balance the scales of justice here... This is a day of celebration~ of the birth of Christ! Yet there are those that wish to soil this day with smut and pornography. I can look the other way so much~ but do you really have to turn THIS DAY to something less than holy? Have you forgotten what your parents have taught you? Sooo... put your dicks back in your pants, and embrace this day for what it is...


Nope, I didn't stutter on the title~ Christmas well wishers used to say "Happy Christmas" and "Merry new year". While December 25th is the traditional celebrated date of our Savior's birth, noted studies have determined through thorough research that the likely date is on or about June 1st, between 3-6 BC. You see~ there's more to study in life than just datsuns.....


Sooo... I wish to one and ALL, a happy Christmas~ may your new year bring you good tidings, hope, and faith in what you do, whom you love, and the MAN whom watches over you~ whether you believe He's there or not!


God bless~



P.S.~ can you tell me accurately where the Christmas tree tradition comes from...?




+1 :thumbup:

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It just seems kinda hypocritical to complain about scantily clad females and refer to it as an affront to all that is holy, and then use one of the most offensive words in the English language in a thread about moral values ...Don`t ya think


As an actor delivering his lines, the idea here was to provoke thought~ which is the precursor to both agreement and rebuttal. Seems to have worked....


My humblest apologies if I injured your ears.




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+1 :thumbup:


OP's post would have been so much better without all the butt hurt. Anyways, if he wanted to celebrate Jesus's birthday, that happened back in September. Right now OP is getting all worked up to Saturnalia and the Feast of Bacchus, since that's where Christmas originated from. I like Bacchus; God of Wine. Time to get our drink on!

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I don't know when he was born but it's only logical for Christianity to co-opt the use of the pagan winter solstice celebration for it. I would if starting a new religion....


I kicked the dogs out, pressed a coffee and shared it with Mrs d in bed. Happy birthday Jesus!



This is a harmless post so far.... lets keep it that way.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Hey~ I love AC~DC as much as the next guy, but it's Christmas~ have you lost sight of the meaning...?



So let me tell you how I feel about it.and duh never lost sight of what it means to me Family!

On Thursday,was talking with my Mom in the Kitchen,she looks at me kind of different,I knew something was up,trys to speak(all garbled)I then grab her,lay her on the floor(she was about to fall)She is in full seazure by this time(never had one before this day she is m in her mid 60s.)At this point did really not know what was happening(if was a stroke or???)on the phone to 911,while dealing with Dad and my kids(12,7)the ambulance gets here ,get things somewhat under control,then off to hospital,where she has a bunch of tests(cat scan,etc etc)then she has another seazure,so after all this a couple days later,she is home,thats short of it,have had about 12 hrs sleep since thrusday am.so i was in a laughing mood last night and ac/dc and that song are great memorys of younger years..

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I don't want to live on this forum anymore.




There's a reason religion should be left out of forums. I'm not saying this thread shouldn't be posted, but when it goes to shit and gets locked and people get banned, don't be surprised.



And if everyone wants to be picky, Jesus was born never, because virgins can't have babies.

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I don't want to live on this forum anymore.




There's a reason religion should be left out of forums. I'm not saying this thread shouldn't be posted, but when it goes to shit and gets locked and people get banned, don't be surprised.



And if everyone wants to be picky, Jesus was born never, because virgins can't have babies.



Throwing gas on the fire aren't you? This post isn't forcing you to believe anything but what you want. C'mon it's a holiday, celebrate, share and care with friends and family, anyway you wish or believe.

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Guest kamakazi620

This is a day of the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ~ and THIS thread reflects that sentiment. There's another thread for those whom don't respect this day for what it is, and I invite you to visit it rather than here~



I will undoubtedly receive neg's on this one~ but, pardon my french, fuck it! I do not wish to condemn others~ just bring into focus what may have been lost in the race of life... Hopefully those that agree with my post will balance the scales of justice here... This is a day of celebration~ of the birth of Christ! Yet there are those that wish to soil this day with smut and pornography. I can look the other way so much~ but do you really have to turn THIS DAY to something less than holy? Have you forgotten what your parents have taught you? Sooo... put your dicks back in your pants, and embrace this day for what it is...


Nope, I didn't stutter on the title~ Christmas well wishers used to say "Happy Christmas" and "Merry new year". While December 25th is the traditional celebrated date of our Savior's birth, noted studies have determined through thorough research that the likely date is on or about June 1st, between 3-6 BC. You see~ there's more to study in life than just datsuns.....


Sooo... I wish to one and ALL, a happy Christmas~ may your new year bring you good tidings, hope, and faith in what you do, whom you love, and the MAN whom watches over you~ whether you believe He's there or not!


God bless~



P.S.~ can you tell me accurately where the Christmas tree tradition comes from...?

Sorry Holmes,Jesus Was NOT born on dec 25th.............

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