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Rustina510 wagoon

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Some fucking stupid ass old lady pulled half way out into the street. Changed her fucking mind, and backed up to avoid traffic, but I already pulled up, had people behind me. And she backed right into me.


If it was a guy I would have... :(


I don't think it affected the car structurally but I don't have time right now to check, will have to take the Mazda to work tomorrow and try to get home ASAP to year it down and see what's up.


Worst day so far this year. Headache all day, shitty work day. Now this... Fml


I have all my cash ties up in the kids bday party and present for the wife's bday and the anniversary. Couldn't have happened at a worse time

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You wouldn't pay anything at all. They pay everything and more.


My girlfriend and I went to the Bend TJ Maxx store and went inside. Heard over the intercom paging for a gray Honda Civic license plate blah blah blah..... We come out of the store and found the car next to us had broke down and the lady called a tow truck to come flatbed it to a mechanic. Got the car halfway up the flatbed and the cable broke. Call rolled down the ramp and right into my girlfriends car. End result was a lot of bodywork but a good looking car.. and absolutely no money out of our pockets including the rental car for days.

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