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gotta love the wife

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When I bought my house 7 years ago specifically chose a non-HOA area, because of this kind of crap.


There was a guy here in AZ who's HOA told him to take his American flag down, because flying a flag wasn't allowed. Seriously?! We've had people go into HOA meetings carrying guns and threatening to shoot people because it's so bad. Taht's how upset and frustrated people get over it.


What most people don't realize is that most city ordinances ALREADY have rules pertaining to cars, grass height, weeds, and the like. There's really not a need for the HOA's, unless people just like to be told what to do all the time. I'll never live in a place like that.

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There's really not a need for the HOA's


Sure there is. HOA fees!


In New York, in the "trendy" parts of the city, it's very common to pay over a grand a month JUST for your HOA fees; AND THATS LIVING IN A FUCKING APARTMENT BUILDING!


Honestly OP, you're wife is a perfect example of why neighborhoods are going to shit in this country. Getting nosy and trying to feel like a hero by "laying down the law" on someone, when all she's ended up doing is fucking someone and generating angst and ill-will. Real neighbors bother taking at least a minimal interest in their neighbors and would have at least ASKED what was up with the truck before trying to make her balls swell by getting on the phone.


I really want to believe someone on this forum as neat as you would have an awesome wife, but this is some of that typical "high maintenance princess" bullshit right there. Is she going to write speeding tickets for people who were speeding their cardiac arrested grandpa to the hospital as well? Because, hey, regardless of situation, they were still breaking some arbitrary law.


You must march your wife across the street and have her apologize for getting the police and code enforcement involved in shit they didn't need to be. Then you need to have her march over to your next door neighbor and have her pay them back the $25 fine since she is responsible for starting this conflict to begin with.


HOAs can be great places to live when the neighbors actually bother to communicate with eachother; but most often you just get shit like this, which turns into all out warfare eventually.


If she's too small to apologize and set shit straight, divorce her ass, let her keep the house, and go move somewhere where people are actually decent to each other. You'll be happier in the long run.

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Sure there is. HOA fees!


In New York, in the "trendy" parts of the city, it's very common to pay over a grand a month JUST for your HOA fees; AND THATS LIVING IN A FUCKING APARTMENT BUILDING!


Honestly OP, you're wife is a perfect example of why neighborhoods are going to shit in this country. Getting nosy and trying to feel like a hero by "laying down the law" on someone, when all she's ended up doing is fucking someone and generating angst and ill-will. Real neighbors bother taking at least a minimal interest in their neighbors and would have at least ASKED what was up with the truck before trying to make her balls swell by getting on the phone.


I really want to believe someone on this forum as neat as you would have an awesome wife, but this is some of that typical "high maintenance princess" bullshit right there. Is she going to write speeding tickets for people who were speeding their cardiac arrested grandpa to the hospital as well? Because, hey, regardless of situation, they were still breaking some arbitrary law.


You must march your wife across the street and have her apologize for getting the police and code enforcement involved in shit they didn't need to be. Then you need to have her march over to your next door neighbor and have her pay them back the $25 fine since she is responsible for starting this conflict to begin with.


HOAs can be great places to live when the neighbors actually bother to communicate with eachother; but most often you just get shit like this, which turns into all out warfare eventually.


If she's too small to apologize and set shit straight, divorce her ass, let her keep the house, and go move somewhere where people are actually decent to each other. You'll be happier in the long run.


LOL, seriously? I am going to divorce my wife over that? My wife isnt a princess but she can be a pain in the ass every once in a while just like most women.


I did talk some sense into her and she did go over an apologize after we ate dinner. The people were not fined and they were not warned, the officer just told them to get that taken care of asap. My wife explained to them that she was sorry that she over reacted because she is use to seeing our previous neighborhoods go to shit and was worried that ours would be too if little things like this start to compile. We as well as all of our neighbors pay a lot of money to live in a very nice community and hope that it stays that way.


As for myself I would tend to agree with some posters that HOA's kind of suck but we went with one because we were worried about our neighborhood going to crap like some of the others in the surrounding area (like little elm). Our HOA cannot ban flags, I know TX has laws that permit everyone to allow flags regardless of an HOA rules.

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LOL, seriously? I am going to divorce my wife over that? My wife isnt a princess but she can be a pain in the ass every once in a while just like most women.


I did talk some sense into her and she did go over an apologize after we ate dinner. The people were not fined and they were not warned, the officer just told them to get that taken care of asap. My wife explained to them that she was sorry that she over reacted because she is use to seeing our previous neighborhoods go to shit and was worried that ours would be too if little things like this start to compile. We as well as all of our neighbors pay a lot of money to live in a very nice community and hope that it stays that way.


As for myself I would tend to agree with some posters that HOA's kind of suck but we went with one because we were worried about our neighborhood going to crap like some of the others in the surrounding area (like little elm). Our HOA cannot ban flags, I know TX has laws that permit everyone to allow flags regardless of an HOA rules.


I said if she was too small to apologize and set shit straight, then divorce her ass. It sounds like she's mature enough to set things right. That's step #1. #2 is now send her to the liquor store for a bottle of whiskey and go from neighbor to neighbor doing shots with them.

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  • 1 year later...

  Unfortunately this type of behavior is not limited to your wife or women in general. If one of my neighbors had a flat and I saw them struggling to get it changed I would go out and help them. I grew up in a small farming village and that's what you did when your neighbor needed help. People have isolated themselves from their immediate surroundings. Cell phones, Facebook, Twitter etc. have not helped to make the world any better.  It's only gonna get worse. The younger generations, I've noticed, have even less familiarity with social graces. You don't have to be best friends with the neighbors but you do have to live with them and getting to know them a bit is the best way to empathize with their problems or issues. I don't see this as an HOA problem so much as an issue with people who live in urban areas but don't want to get to know their neighbors. However their friend from college who now lives in Singapore is who they'd rather talk to on Skype. It's a very real concern about eroding the sense of local communities. Just my opinion.

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Man, reminds me of my wife. One day I was out working on my Datsun as she was getting ready to go shopping at the mall. Two HOURS later she pops her head into the garage and was like, "Ugh why you spend so much time on that piece of shit. Do this outfit look good?" I said "Yeah sure". Then she got pissed and put on a new dress and changed all her makeup. An HOUR later after jumping my case for the Datsun again we FINALLY were ready to go to the mall for more shoe shopping. A mile down the road we saw that our car collector neighbor just got another old car for restoration. So now their were five old cars in his front yard. She got all pissed and tried to call the cops for some city violation. So I was like "biiiiiitttch..." Let just say the situation was resolved and I haven't got laid in two months.

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This HOA stuff sounds a lot like a thing we have here called body corporates.


Basically all the body corporates do is create a collective of whining ass bitches who complain about the slightest breach of the "rules".


Only certain paint colors are allowed on the facades of your residence, one car only in your designated driveway/parking spot, no trees/shrubs over xxxx feet high, no box trailers, any modifications you may wish to do to the facade of your residence like aforementioned painting have to be voted on at a "body corporate meeting".


Whole concept sucks balls IMLTHO. Thank god I live in a nice house on a good size (big) residential block in suburbia, where within reason, I can do what the fuck I want on my own property.

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Man, reminds me of my wife. One day I was out working on my Datsun as she was getting ready to go shopping at the mall. Two HOURS later she pops her head into the garage and was like, "Ugh why you spend so much time on that piece of shit. Do this outfit look good?" I said "Yeah sure". Then she got pissed and put on a new dress and changed all her makeup. An HOUR later after jumping my case for the Datsun again we FINALLY were ready to go to the mall for more shoe shopping. A mile down the road we saw that our car collector neighbor just got another old car for restoration. So now their were five old cars in his front yard. She got all pissed and tried to call the cops for some city violation. So I was like "biiiiiitttch..." Let just say the situation was resolved and I haven't got laid in two months.

sorry for your loss.

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This POS thread was resurrected with a WOOOPS??????? Well fuck that. Closed permanently!!!!...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Wooooops!

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